Chapter 4

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Miyuki's pov

Just before the entrance exams started, we all stood in awe over the size of the field. "Whoa, this is amazing." A participant said, as she was standing to my right. "Hey, isn't that the girl that saved you?" I bumped Deku on the arm and pointed to her, "Yeah, that is. Let's go say hello." Unfortunately we were stopped by another person, who must also have been participating in the exam. "You shouldn't distract her from this. Everyone has already counted you out for passing this." I turned my head to see a guy in a weird outfit. He had an undercut hairstyle, with indigo blue eyes and square glasses.

"Who exactly are you to talk to him like that?" I stepped forward, "My name is Tenya Iida." I scoffed. "Whatever, there was no reason to talk to him like that. You don't even know him." I dragged Deku away and let go of him, he seemed to not be paying attention. I heard the ring of a bell, meaning that the exam must have started and I went to let Deku know but was separated from him. So in order to keep myself from getting hurt, I used my water to lift me up higher than the other participants. I remembered that we needed to destroy these robots to get points and had just realized, I was ahead of most people. A gigantic robot appeared in my line of vision and brought its fist down but I dodged it, grabbing its arm.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Using all of my strength I lifted the robot up, flipping it over my shoulder and used my fire side to burn it to a crisp. I could tell that the other students, were surprised at my ability to lift an entire robot up. I made sure to destroy it and started running. I got ahead and saw a young boy with multicolored hair and eyes, like me. But his hair was red and white, he had one blue eye and one gray. It was good that there was someone like me, I pushed myself to go faster using my ice. I made skates and skated past a bunch of people including Bakugo, who yelled at me.

"Hey!!!! You aren't scoring more points than me! Get back here so I can stop you, Miyu!" He used his quirk to catch up, "Not a chance, Bakugo!" I made a giant ice wall in which he probably destroyed by now with his quirk, and continued forward destroying another robot villain. I glanced to my side and then upwards as a robot was taken down, I saw the ice and I knew it was that boy with the two quirks like me.

I took down a robot to my left with my fire, I could tell he had his eyes on me and he seemed surprised. That is until our attention was turned elsewhere. A giant robot of zero points came out sending a panic through everyone, except me. But I began to worry, when I couldn't spot Deku and the giant robot turned. It smashed its fist into several of the buildings nearby, I dodged most of the debris but then I saw a girl crushed under the debris.

I made my way towards her but was slammed into a building, which knocked the wind out of me in the process. "Hey are you alright?!!" A guy with blonde hair asked and dodged another piece of debris. He reached over to me, as I was trying to stand up and helped me up. I heard yelling, "Who's that?" He looked up making me look up, what I saw surprised me. It was Deku, and he was using All Might's quirk. I looked down seeing the girl from earlier almost get crushed but Deku punched the robot, destroying it completely but he was still falling and fast.

"Deku!!!!!" I pushed myself away from the blonde boy and slammed my palms onto the ground, freezing it. I made a giant ice slide in which kinda slowed him down, but the girl ultimately saved him from crashing. She levitated a piece of debris he was on and she was on, making sure he was okay. "Deku!!!" I rushed forward, "Hey, are you two alright?" I looked to the girl, "Yeah, but I don't think he is." She pointed to Deku, "What's your name? I never got a chance to thank you for saving Deku from falling flat on his face before the exams?" I asked, "My names Ochaco Uraraka, what's yours?" I helped her off the piece of debris.

"My name is Miyuki Midoriya and that's my brother Izuku Midoriya, or as everyone else calls him Deku." Someone from the medical team came towards us and took Uraraka to see somebody. I took this time to get to Deku, "Oh my god, Deku!!!" I flung my arms around his neck, "What happened? What did you do?" I pulled back to look at his face, "I used his quirk, but I broke my arm and left leg." I hadn't noticed that everyone was talking about how Deku saved Uraraka, and my heroics to save him after he destroyed the giant robot.

They were also taking notice in how I had two quirks, and how I charged ahead without any fear to go save them. But when I turned my head, I felt something slump against my shoulder and saw that Deku had fallen unconscious which worried me. "Here, we'll take him." The medical members placed him on a stretcher, "Where are you taking him?" I may have seemed a little overprotective, but he is my only sibling. "We're taking them both to the school nurse." They walked off and students started to gather around me "So I was wondering who you are?" The blonde boy asked, "My name is Miyuki Midoriya." I shook his hand, "Denki Kaminari." I nodded, "Who was that boy?" Tenya asked, "My brother." They gave me a confused look, "What? How is he your brother if you have two quirks?" Denki asked, "I don't want to talk about that right now. Bye!" I walked off, but I still noticed that boy with the multicolored eyes looking at me.

"Hey would you stop staring at me? It's a little intimidating." I put a hand in my pocket, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." He walked off, and I walked to the nurses office. "Thanks, Recovery Girl." I smiled after hearing that Deku would be just fine, his arm and leg were broken. "It was no problem." She smiled, as I carried him on my back.

A few weeks later....

"Hey!!!" I pulled my earbuds out, and turned my head to see Bakugo yelling at some kids. They ran off crying while I walked over to him, he didn't know I was behind him. So I smacked him over the back of the head, which made him explode with anger and turn to me. "What the hell was that for, Miyu?!!!" I earned the nickname Miyu as a young child, after Deku had turned four. He started calling me that and the nickname stuck, when Bakugo called me that after he got his quirk. But he was always a lot nicer to me, although I did things that made him lose his temper.

"Because you were picking on little kids, when you are bigger in age and size, Bakugo." I gave him a stern look, making him shift his gaze to the floor. "How do you always do that?" He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Do what, Bakugo?" I gave him a curious look. "Nothing. It's nothing." He started walking away but I followed after him, in hopes of getting an answer. "Tell me, Bakugo!" I caught up to him, "I just don't understand, how you can make me calm down. You always manage to do that, even if you don't even realize it." I blushed slightly at this, "I'll see ya later, Bakugo." I jogged home and when I got there, Mom tackled me in a hug.

"What's going on?!" I laughed a bit, as she started squealing with joy. "You got into U.A." I smiled and put my bag down, as she let me go and she handed me a letter. "I'm gonna go check on Deku!" I ran off into his room. We had our own rooms so I usually knocked, but this time I wanted to see if he got accepted. Mom had given me my letter, but I hadn't opened it yet.

"Deku, how did you do?" I asked but he didn't answer, so I walked up to his chair and heard All Might talking. "You passed the written test, but did not make any points on the practical test." He then showed a video of Uraraka giving him some of her points. He then explained how the judges weren't just looking for participants to defeat the robots. The judges rewarded rescue points, for heroic deeds during the test. Deku scored 60 rescue points, giving him more then enough to pass the exam. I ruffled his hair and gave him a hug, "You passed Deku!!!!" He turned to me with tears in his eyes. "How did you do?" I opened the letter and All Might popped up, "Miyuki Midoriya, you have passed both the practical and written exam. The judges also liked your quick thinking, even after you were injured. You caught the judges eyes. They really admired your way of trying to help Ochaco and your brother. So they awarded you with 98 hero points and 95 points on the practical exam. You have been granted access into the U.A." I teared up a little and Deku gave me a hug. "Looks like we're both going to the U.A." He said with a big smile. My dream of becoming a pro hero like Mom and Dad, isn't too far away now and I will make them proud.

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