Chapter 45

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Miyuki's pov

I was standing in a large field, not sure as where I was but it looked familiar. All I could remember was fighting Night Wave, then getting thrown into a store and afterwards passing out after Todoroki pulled out the glass in my side. I quickly look down at my side, seeing that I wasn't bleeding or even had a cut which was odd to me. Why is there no wound in the spot that I had been hit? Where did it go? "Where in the world am I?" I looked around the field, spotting a cabin a few feet away. It was the same cabin I had seen, when I first met my mom. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, wondering why the cabin was still around even though Mom wasn't. I walked towards it, keeping my guard up as I had no clue what was waiting for me when I got there. As I got closer to the cabin, I smelled amazing scent which was coming from the cabin window. I hesitated in opening the door, putting my hand on the door knob. I took a deep breathe and turned the knob, but before I did anything, the door swung open and I was met with the face of my mother.


"Miyuki!! Oh, my baby!!" Mom threw her arms around me, taking me by surprise.

"Mom, what's going on? Why are you here? I thought you left." The two of us were sitting in the cabin, enjoying a piece of cake. "Well.. I came back.. I had a choice of either moving on or sticking around here and when I had learned of your fight with Night Wave, I decided to stick around. I couldn't get over how well you handled yourself, but I realized that you needed someone to guide you in fighting him. Itsuki never had to fight him before today, so I decided that I needed to be here to help you." Mom explained, as I noticed that her hair was now down to her back. "I can't leave Itsuki and you to deal with this man by yourself." She said, "Do you know what happened to Dad?" I asked, "Yes. Even though I am dead, I am always watching. I do know this, your father is alive. If he was dead, he would be here. But he's not. He may be missing but he is still alive and he's staying strong. I just don't know where he is." Mom assured, setting down her plate on the inn table. "Dad's alive? Is he really still alive?" I asked, looking at Mom in shock. "Yes, he is. I know that you have had several encounters with him, haven't you?" I nodded at her question, "I've only met him for brief moments much like this when I was injured. He's only shown up in my mind, like you." I scooted closer to Mom, "How was he able to to do that, Mom? His quirk doesn't allow him to do stuff like that." I looked Mom in the eyes, seeing that she was just as worried for him as I was. "I don't know sweetheart. I really don't, but I will do everything in my power in what I can do from here to find out about Dad. I promise you that." She grabbed my hands, squeezing them lightly.

"So you're staying in this cabin here in my mind?" I asked, "Yes, so whenever you want to talk to me, just call out to me. I will hear you."


"Miyu, come on.. You have to wake up." Sue cried, tears staining her cheeks as she slightly shook an unconscious Miyuki. "She's out cold, we need to get her to the hospital." Uraraka said, checking Miyuki's pulse. "Miyuki, you really were scared, weren't you?" Bakugo sighed, shaking his head as he beat himself up for not taking what she had texted him and others into account. Behind them, Aizawa and All Might stood off to the side keeping an eye on the fight. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" Itsuki let out a large powerful wave of fire, which hit Night Wave. He shouted in pain, flying backwards into a nearby store front. He stumbles to his feet, quickly rushing out of the store and charged at Itsuki. Itsuki jumped out of the way, springing himself over Night Wave, who quickly stopped his tracks as he realized that he was cornered. Staring down All Might and Aizawa, he realized that he was not going to get away easily. "You can't go anywhere, you asshole. What the hell did you think you would accomplish by terrorizing my sister?" Itsuki sneered, turning his body halfway to face Night Wave, who had turned his attention to him. Instead of giving him an answer, Night Wave quickly charged forward hoping to reach the distracted group of teens, who were currently taking care of Miyuki. Aizawa immediately picked up on Night Wave's objectives and acted quickly, he wrapped his bandages around Night Wave's waist. This stops him dead in his tracks, making him turn towards Aizawa. With him not being able to use his quirks, he got creative and tugged on the bandages which pulled Aizawa forward a bit. Itsuki acted on instinct seeing Aizawa struggling to keep his footing, so he rushed forward and tackled him which got Aizawa to unravel Night Wave. He quickly got to his feet, shoving Itsuki back and went towards the group of teens who had their backs turned. Luckily, Shinji became alert to the sudden presence of Night Wave coming towards them. In little to no time, Shinji stood up and immediately used his quirk to stop him. Shinji simply held out his left hand, "Dream Barricade." He whispered, which Uraraka and Iida caught onto. Just as Night Wave got too close for comfort, he hit a hard surface and was shocked with electricity. Night Wave let out a shout of pain as he hit the floor, landing on his back. Everyone's heads turned towards Night Wave, as a large bubble clear blue force field surrounded the entire group of teens. Aizawa and All Might looked on in shock, while Itsuki seemed unfazed by the ability. "Whoa." Eijiro whispered, looking on in shock. Everyone took notice of the force field placed around them, to which they were a bit shocked and startled by it. Night Wave shook off the surprise he held, he stood to his feet and hurtled himself at the force field. Once again, he was shocked and thrown backwards which pissed him off. To keep him from doing anything else, Aizawa quickly stepped in as All Might stood off to the side, blocking the only other path Night Wave had out of the mall.

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