Chapter 13

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Miyuki's pov

Usually when I use all three combinations of my water, ice and fire I tend to sleep a lot. I was on Deku's back as he walked us to school, "Miyu... You feeling okay?" He turned his head slightly, to look back at me. "I'm just sleepy." I told him, "Well, you did use your water, ice and fire all throughout yesterday. You fought pretty hard. So it's natural to feel tired like this. You used to get this way when we were younger. Bakugo ended carrying you whenever it happened, because I couldn't pick you up. We're almost there now," Deku continued walking and talking with me and eventually he did make me laugh.

"You did that?!" I asked, laughing harder holding onto Deku. "Yeah, I did. You know Denki, Todoroki and Eijiro came to visit you yesterday while you were sleeping. But while they were there, Denki and Eijiro got into an argument over who you would be going to after you got better. And Todoroki nearly froze them," He started laughing, as he walked into the school. "What's so funny?" I looked at him, "They screamed like little girls when Todoroki shot off his ice at them, and then Recovery Girl kicked them out." I started laughing at this when he opened to door, and tears poured from my eyes. "They screamed like little girls?" I laughed, "Yeah, they did. Even Itsuki was laughing at them." He laughed and carried me into the classroom. "What did you do?" I asked, "I laughed... At both of them.. Todoroki didn't really laugh, and when Recovery Girl kicked them out Itsuki got kicked out as well." He walked me to my desk, setting me down on my chair as I yawned. "Why are you so tired?" Eijiro asked, as I laid my head down on the desk and yawned again but didn't answer him. "It's because of her using all three parts of her quirk. When we usually does that, she sleeps for a while to help her recover a lot faster." Bakugo happened to be sitting at his desk with his feet up.

"How do you know that, Bakugo?" Denki asked as my eyes shifted over to Deku, but I noticed something.

Todoroki was staring at me again but his eyes didn't look as cold as usual, he looked a bit concerned which honestly confused me but it made me a bit happy on the inside. "I grew up with her, you red haired idiot. I was there when she first got her quirk much like Deku was." He said with his eyes closed, "Hey guys." Iida greeted, "Everyone sit in your seats, please." He said, "Uhh.... Iida, we are sitting in our seats. You're the only one who isn't sitting in your seat." Mina pointed out, and he froze realizing she was right.

"Ha!" I let out a dry, weak laugh to mock Iida. "Real funny, Miyu. Real funny." Iida said with sarcasm, and sat down at his desk. "Do you think that we'll have a sub for the time being until Mr. Aizawa gets better?" Sue asked, "Yeah, no." I said with sarcasm, "Why is she being so rude and sarcastic?" Iida asked a little irritated, making me stick my tongue out at him. "It's a part of her side affects." Deku explained, "Tch, you gotta problem with it?" I said dryly to Iida, "Yes, I---I" Sue put a hand up telling him to shut up and the door opens. In walks in Mr. Aizawa, who is still bandaged up. "Why are you here??!!!" Half the class shouted, "Aren't you supposed to be recovering from your wounds?!!" Deku yelled at him, "My wounds are irrelevant. What's more important is the big event coming up called the U.A. sports festival." Aizawa said in a bored tone and some worry that this is happening to soon after the recent attack.

"This event is far too important to cancel. It is one of the most viewed events in the world and a major opportunity for U.A. students to get scouted by Professional Hero Agencies." He said and I yawned again. "What's wrong with her?" Aizawa said referring to me, as I put my head in my arms and closed my eyes. "Usually when she uses all three sides of her quirk together like she did yesterday, she is tired and moody afterwards. So she sleeps a lot which helps recover the energy she lost in her battles." Deku explained, "Has this been a problem for a while?" He asked, "A little. But it's only happened, when she has used all three sides of her quirk for a long time. I used to have to carry her when she was training with it, when we were kids." Bakugo said, sitting forward. "Is that so?" He asked and I yawned again.

The bell rang, indicating it was lunch time and I had a big problem. My entire body felt sore, meaning I was supposed to be in bed. I groaned loudly, "Feeling the soreness?" Bakugo walked over to my desk, "Yes, Baku. Why else would I be feeling so miserable?" I gave him a look, "Alright, come on." He picked me up out of my seat and I instantly felt comfortable.

All these years, Deku has been the one to carry me around and it felt nice to back in Bakugo's arms. "Hey, don't fall asleep on me now. We gotta eat lunch." Bakugo looked down and I looked up at his face, "Hey, Baku. Can I ask you a question?" I looked back down, "Yeah, what is it?" I felt as he took each step, "I was wondering what you thought of Sue. She seems to have changed and it kinda worries me." I had my arms wrapped around his neck and my head rested on his chest as my feet hung over his arms. "I've noticed it too. I don't know why though. Frankly, I don't care as much. If something was going on with her she would tell you, not me. She can barely stand me as is. The only people I happen to care about is you and me." He said, which brought a small smile to my face.

"Is that you've stuck by my side no matter what I did to hurt you, for hurting Deku?" I asked him, closing my eyes. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll always stick by your side. Although you're related to that bastard Deku." I growled at him, "Alright, I won't call him that." He sighed, "Now it's my turn to ask you a question." He said "Yeah, and what is that?" I looked up at him, as his red eyes met my mismatched ones. "I can see how you look at him." He clenched his fists, "How I look at who?" I gave him a look of confusion, as he gently set me on my feet.

"You know who I'm talking about!" He yelled out of anger, "Who are you talking about Bakugo?!" I yelled, getting angry with him. "Todoroki!!!! Do you like him?! And don't lie to me, I can see how you look at him." I've never seen him so angry, but why did he ask me that. "Answer me Miyu!!" He yelled, making me flinch back. "Why do you want to know, Bakugo?" I stood my ground, "Just answer my damn question, Miyu. Stop stalling. Do you like Todoroki or not?!" He stepped forward and I took a step back, but he kept coming until my back hit the wall. No other student was around in the hallway, where we had been walking. "Miyu, answer the damn question." He said angrier, it surprised just how angry he really was.

"Yes, I do like Todoroki. But I don't think he likes me back." Bakugo growled and punched the wall next to my head, making me flinch again and then he trudged off. When he walked off, I slid down the wall and sat there staring at the ground. Then the tears came out and I broke down, in the hallway. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, as I felt so hurt that Bakugo went off like that when he has never done it before.

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