Chapter 5

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Miyuki's pov

I went with Deku to Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, to meet up with All Might. "Hey, All Might!" I waved and he turned his head "Oh hey, Miyuki. Young Midoriya." He greeted as we met up with him "I wanted to congratulate you two on getting into the U.A. personally. To be honest, the judges were amazed that you decided to drop everything and help save both your brother and Uraraka." He said and we smiled "Thanks, All Might. That means a lot coming from you. But you're gonna have to help Deku." I told him, "Well, young Midoriya will have to keep adjusting to the One for All quirk. Think of it as an egg in a microwave. If you heat it up for too long, it will explode." This only made me sweat-drop at his comparison between the two.

After that day at the park, we hadn't seen All Might in two months. Then April came, and it was time for the school year to begin. I was nervous and excited at the same time about this, since it would be our first day. "You two please be careful. And call me regularly to keep me updated." I gave Inko a big hug, before we left and we finally got to the U.A. it was really nerve-wracking.

"Hey so, I never really introduced myself properly. The name is Tenya Iida." He stuck out his hand as I recognized the navy blue hair and square glasses. "Oh yeah, you were the guy who yelled at me for ranting. The names Izuku Midoriya, this is my sister Miyuki Midoriya or as i call her Miyu." I shook his hand and Ochaco finally arrived, thanking Deku for saving her and me for helping her. We were in the classroom, when I noticed a friend I had made over the summer. "Hey, Denki!" I waved, and he turned his attention to me. 

"Oh hey Miyu!" I made my way over to him.

Over the summer, I mostly ran into Denki and Bakugo when Sue would drag me to the mall. Not really sure why, Bakugo was at the mall though. Denki and I always had the chance to hang out, so we gradually became better friends with him and Bakugo. I was wondering who else would be in our class, "So how was the rest of break for you? I mean, we didn't get to hang out last week." He wrapped his arms around me as I gave him a hug, "It was pretty good, I finally got a break from Sue dragging me around to the mall and got some training done." I smiled, looking up at him. "Whoa, who's the hot babe?" An irk appeared on my forehead, as a young boy with weird looking hair said. "Oh, this is Miyuki Midoriya. That kid, Izuku is her brother. Remember, she risked her life for that girl and her brother during the practical test." Denki explained, "Oh well, it's nice to meet you. The names Mineta." I noticed that he was staring at my boobs, making me even more pissed.

"Hey bud! My eyes are up here!" He started drooling and I punched him in the face, sending him flying across the classroom. He hit the wall next the same kid with multicolored eyes, and he turned his attention to where he came from. "Whoa, that was a pretty powerful punch." A guy with red hair spoke up with smile, "The names Eijiro Kirishima. I recognize you from the practical exam, weren't you the girl who helped save the other girl from getting crushed?" I nodded, "The boy who destroyed the robot is my brother, Izuku Midoriya. My name is Miyuki Midoriya." I could see the boy with multicolored eyes looking at me.

"Hey, you're staring at me again." I waved, "Oh don't mind him. That's Shoto Todoroki. His father is big time pro hero." Eijiro said, "Wait a minute, your parent's were the Pro Hero's called Nitrogirl and Winterbullet, aren't they?" A girl in the class asked, which instantly turned all attention to me. "No way, you really do look like Nitrogirl!" Another classmate said as I heard the door slam open, "Oh great, what the hell is going on here?!" I heard his voice and perked up a little, I was glad that I had Bakugo in the same class.  "Baaa-" I jumped up since I'm a short person, most of my classmates are taller than me. "Kuu!!" I jumped up again, waving my hand to get his attention. "Gooo!" He looked at me, then the large crowd of students surrounding me and pushed his way through them, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him.

"Thanks, Bakugo. I was beginning to get worried, that I wouldn't be able to escape that crowd." I let out a huff of air, "If you're here, then that means Deku is in this class." At the sound of his name, Deku turned his head towards us and he instantly freaked seeing Bakugo. "Oh, what the hell? How did you get into this school?!!! You must have cheated without having a quirk!!" Bakugo started bullying him, but before I could say anything Deku said something.

"No, Kacchan. I got in without any of that and I will not let you bring me down. I'm going to head to the top," I was amazed that Deku had stood up for himself. After his little rant, Bakugo was seething where as I was really proud. I pounced on Deku, who kept us steady and this surprised a lot of people. "You stood up for yourself!!! I'm so proud of you!!!" I heard him laugh a little, as I rubbed my cheek on his. "Listen up class, I'm your homeroom teacher. My name is Mr. Aizawa." He was rolled up in a blanket on the floor, "You're our teacher!!!!!!" I yelled along with Uraraka and Iida. "Kids, grab your P.E. clothes and follow me." Panels folded out from the walls and in each one was a custom made P.E. uniform, so we changed and led to the P.E. fields by Mr. Aizawa. "You guys are going to participate in a Quirk Apprehension Test that will test your quirks since you couldn't use them in middle school." So Aizawa gave Bakugo the ball and told us a well known fact, although I knew this already.

"In middle school, Katsuki only threw about sixty-four meters." He turned around to Bakugo and Bakugo revved up the ball. He used his quirk and threw the ball, but he also screamed. "SHINE!" He seemed like he wanted to kill the damn ball. I sweat-dropped as other students seemed a bit freaked he would tell a ball to die, I mean, it also adds to the fact that his quirk pushed the ball further. "After using his quirk, Katsuki threw over seven hundred meters." I got excited and had a lot of confidence, "The student who ranks the last in total points will be deemed helpless and immediately expelled." This caused panic in everyone, but I only became more confident. I was standing behind Todoroki and right in front of Denki.

"That rule is completely unfair!!!" Uraraka declared, "The world is unfair and it is a heroes job to combat that unfairness." Mr. Aizawa said and I chuckled at his attitude. He acts like he has no soul, and I find it to be a bit amusing.

So we started our trials, and I ended up with the second highest score. "Whoa!" All the students exclaimed when I used my quirks, even Todoroki was surprised. All of us were able to keep up our scores, but Deku was falling behind and struggling with each course. One for All could only be used at one hundred percent or not at all. Finally we reached the pitching test, I was about two students away from the front

"Deku, might have to use One for All. This is really bad, he's been struggling through all the tests." I thought to myself and then found myself having to go up. I took the ball gripping it hard and took a deep breathe, remembering to block out every little distraction around me. When I trained with All Might before the practical exams, he had me gain upper body strength and arm strength as well. I could control how much power I put into my throws and punches, thanks to him. I also had a better focus when I fought, and when I was just regularly training with my quirks. I wound the ball up using my fire, ice and water combination. I threw the ball pretty hard and pretty fast, "Whoa! That ball moved faster than the speed of light." I heard a classmate yell out as my hand was left smoking a bit. I turned around, seeing everyone shocked. "Nice Job, Miyu." Aizawa said and I nodded and walked off. But when it came to Deku, he needed to use the quirk but it had a big setback. Deku tried to use his quirk to throw the ball, but he fails and I sighed.

My eyes shift to Aizawa, who uses his quirk which can erase other people's quirks as he erased Deku's. He then pulled Deku close to him using his tape, "Your quirk will make you a liability. You have no place at this school." To be honest with you, when I heard him tell Deku that I was pissed. I was extremely angry and even seething, I hated when people even pro heroes tried to crush Deku's dream. "Hey, what's wrong?" Bakugo tapped my arm but I didn't pay attention to him, until Aizawa let him go. Deku was given one more throw, leaving him with the choice to either use One for All and fail the other tests, or not use it and fail this one. I silently prayed that Deku could do it.

Taking Aizawa's advice into account, Deku throws his pitch and at the last second he concentrates One For All through his fingertips. The explosive throw gives Deku a high score and impresses not only our classmates, but Mr. Aizawa and All Might as well.

"Deku!!!!! You did it!!!!" I jumped onto his back, happy that he managed to control it. "Yeah, I---I did." He stammered as I giggled from his back "I'm so proud of you, bro!!" He genuinely seemed happy, about being able to control it.

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