Chapter 26

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Miyuki's pov

"Hey, Todoroki.." Bakugo had won his match against Tokoyami just like I predicted, but now it was the final fight between Bakugo and Todoroki. "Yeah, what is it Miyu?" I hugged him from behind, "Wh-" I cut him off, as I felt his tense up a bit but then he relaxed knowing it was just me.

"Thanks for helping me out. Do your best out there against Bakugo. He really wants a fight to remember. So please don't give up so easily." I let go of him and stepped back away from his warmth and coldness, "I'll be rooting for you Todoroki. Good luck with Bakugo. Promise me, you'll do your best." He gave me a wide eyed look, "I will." I walked away with a smile on my face, as I heard those words.

I walked towards the seating area and took my seat next to Deku. "I'm rooting for Bakugo on this one!" Eijiro stated, "Then I'm all for Todoroki." Momo spoke up, "Me too." Denki said and looked at me. "What about you, Miyu? Are you cheering for Bakugo?" Eijiro tapped my shoulder, making me look back at them. "Nah, I'm rooting for somebody else." I looked down at the arena, seeing that Todoroki was ready to take on my hotheaded best friend. In my mind, I knew that Todoroki was not going to give in easily but I also know my best friend. He won't go easy on him either.

The match begins with Todoroki using the same ice attack he used to defeat Hana but there was a difference with the attack, it seemed more controlled. Bakugo endured the ice blast, by tunneling through it with his explosions. Bakugo makes a beeline for Todoroki and Bakugo says something to Todoroki, but I couldn't here it. Todoroki moves to counter the attack but Bakugo evades him by using a mid air explosion, but then I realized something as he grabbed onto Todoroki's left side before throwing him down. "He wants Todoroki to use his left side. Is it because he thinks it's not fair that Todoroki used his fire against Deku during their match?" I shifted in my seat, having Uraraka sitting to my left and Deku to my right. Todoroki creates and surfs on an ice wave, to keep himself from going out of bounds.

Bakugo goes in for another attack, by blasting him but this time Todoroki dodges it and grabs Bakugo's forearm. "The problem is... Is that Todoroki hates his fire side because of his father. But why won't he use it against Bakugo, if he used it against Deku?" I held my chin, as I continued watching the match. So instead of using his fire on his left side which happened to be the same arm he grabbed Bakugo with, Todoroki simply threw Bakugo back. I could see that this action pissed Bakugo off, "Why didn't he use his flames?" Eijiro asked and I looked at him. I didn't answer him and kept my eyes locked on the match.

"Bakugo is continuing to show his aptitude for battle but it seems that Todoroki has lost his spark after his match with Deku." Mr. Aizawa announced.

"He lost his spark? What does he mean by that?" I kept my eyes on Todoroki and I could hear Bakugo yelling at Todoroki. I don't get it. Why won't Todoroki use his left side? Is it because of his dad or has he lost his resolve? "Come on Todoroki! You can do it!! Just try your best!" Deku shouted from beside me and I could see that he was being motivated. So I decided to stand up, I wanted to be just as supportive maybe even more than Deku.

"Todoroki, you promised me you would do your best!! Are you really gonna let me down?!! Are you going to break your promise to me?!! You can do this Todoroki!!! You aren't like your father!! This quirk you have is yours, not his! You are your own person!" I shouted, making him look to me with wide eyes and so did Bakugo.

"Hey!!! You shouldn't be cheering for him!!" I glared at Bakugo, who looked away with a scowl and Todoroki became impassioned again. He used his flames and I could see the excitement on Bakugo's face, as he readies his special move. I smiled knowing that Todoroki was really using his fire and not holding back but just as the two powers were about to collide, I saw Todoroki's flames go out and my heart dropped. I can't believe it. I plopped back down in my seat, as Bakugo's explosion hit Todoroki.

"He stopped using his flames?!!" Denki shouted.

Finally the smoke cleared, we all were silent. I saw Bakugo standing alone in the ring, and I instantly knew Todoroki had been blown out of the ring. I looked around seeing an unconscious Todoroki and my eyes widened, as they filled with tears. "Miyu, are you okay?" Deku put his hand on my shoulder as I stared down there. Bakugo angrily marched over to Todoroki, picking him up by the front of his shirt. He starts to yell at an unconscious Todoroki and I sighed, shaking my head as I wiped my eyes. Since Bakugo couldn't calm down, Midnight had to use her quirk to knock him out and declared him the winner and U.A's first year winner of the sports festival.

With the festival over, they started the awards ceremony. The first, second and third place contestants take the podium, but Bakugo is restrained because he's been going wild ever since he woke up, still furious that Todoroki basically threw the match. I couldn't believe how much he was wriggling around in his chains, it made me laugh. "Miyu, it's not funny!" Eijiro stated, but I shook my head in disagreement. "Yeah, it is. Bakugo is being his typical angry self." I chuckled and shook my head. Tokoyami shared third place with Iida, I heard that something happened to his older brother so he had to leave. Just as I was about to speak to Denki, a loud laugh was heard from the rooftop and I look up seeing a figure standing there. Wait a minute.... That laugh.. I know it from anywhere. All Might. That crazy weird pro hero was standing on the rooftop, laughing. His introduction was soon ruined by Midnight, but she apologized to him and I cracked a smile.

All Might first gives a medal to Tokoyami, advising him to train harder so he didn't have to rely on his dark shadow so much. I smiled for Tokoyami and saw as All Might went over to Todoroki. He gave him the silver medal and asked why he didn't use his fire and Todoroki replied by saying that although Deku opened his eyes, he still doubted himself and believes his path to becoming a hero is still clouded. After talking with Todoroki, he moves onto Bakugo to give him his gold metal. But Bakugo refused to accept it from him and All Might had to find a way to give it to him so he forced it into his mouth. I couldn't help but crack a smile and finally the event closed, Mr. Aizawa excused us from school for two days to recuperate and rest up.

Before heading home, I realized that I needed to see two people. I walked to Recovery Girl's office and on my way there, I ran into Sue. She was still bandaged up, but she seemed to be a lot better than before. "Miyuki, when did you wake up?" Sue looked at me but I didn't answer, "I heard you ran out to get Deku after his match with Todoroki and I heard Todoroki threw his match." Sue stated, but I didn't bother to answer her. I didn't know what to say to her in that moment, I was scared that she blamed me for what happened. "Miyuki, you can't blame yourself for what happened to me. I know you're having a hard time with this, but please don't blame yourself. Because I don't blame you." I looked up at her, as she gave me a bright smile and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and buried my face in the crook of her neck. After our hug, she went home and I left to find one more person.

"Hey," I found him sitting in one of the rooms, "Miyu, what are you doing here?" He shifted his eyes over to me and I gave him a small smile, as I sat down next to him. "I came to say congrats on winning second place." I said. "But I broke the promise, I made to you." I shook my head, to stop him from talking anymore. "Todoroki, it's fine. I'm not mad at you. I never would be, you did really well. Although, you lost. I really don't care if you won or not. All I cared about was you, giving it your all." He looked at me with this look that said 'Thank you for being this way with me'. "You truly are an amazing person, Miyuki Midoriya." I gave him a large smile and then I did something unexpected next.

I leaned over and kissed Todoroki on the cheek, once I realized what I had just done, I blushed beet red and quickly ran out of the room. "Bye Todoroki!!" I shouted, rushing down the hall and made it to Deku. He was standing with Itsuki and I decided to scare him, so I jumped onto Deku's back making him move forward but he held us steady. "Come on Deku, we gotta get home to mom!! She's waiting for us!! And I can't wait to see her." I squealed with joy making Deku and Itsuki laugh. We said our goodbyes and left for home. When we finally did get home, I tackled Mom in a large hug.

The next day....

We were sitting at the table eating breakfast, "You know, I fainted seven times during the cavalry battle." I chuckled at Mom, she's such a worrier. "Mom, come on. It wasn't that bad." I shoved a forkful of eggs in my mouth. "I know. But I was worried. I fainted eight times during both of your battles. Miyuki, you worried me the most. But when you rushed out there to get Izuku, I couldn't help but cry. By the way Izuku, when did you get a quirk? I thought the doctor said it wasn't possible." Mom asked and looked down at her plate to eat more food. Deku and I shared a look, "Well, I guess I'm a late bloomer. That's why I got the quirk." He stated and she smiled.

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