Chapter 55

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Miyuki's pov

I felt a sharp pain in my side, causing me to suck my teeth and clench Todoroki's shirt which was in my hands at the moment. I sucked in a deep breath, feeling two more sharp pains in my side causing me to bury my head in Todoroki's back. "Miyuki, what's the matter?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at me. I knew that something was really wrong, but I couldn't tell who this pain was coming from. It could have easily been coming from Dad or it could have been coming from Itsuki, who is still missing. I had a feeling that wherever he was that he was fighting for his life, meaning he could be fighting off a villain who attacked the camp. "Something's wrong," I clenched my fists, gripping his shirt tightly. "What's with the marks on Miyuki's face and body? Where did they even come from? What's going on?" Deku asked, frantically looking to Todoroki for some sort of explanation. "As I said earlier, I saw my Dad. He was in the cabin in my mind... He explained how he managed to get into my mind and it's a long story that we have no time to explain since there's a villain after you. Short story, my Dad is being held by another villain and he doesn't know where he's being held. The spots you're seeing on my body are from one of the villain's quirks. He basically is able to use some sort of body link to connect my Dad, Itsuki, and me so we feel everything that happens to one another. When Todoroki mentioned that I was out earlier that was because I had felt all of his pain and because of it, I passed out. Deku," He looked over at me, his eyes shining with concern as he tried to process what I was telling him.

"He's alive. My Dad is alive. He's been alive for years... He's just been held by villains against his will." I smiled at him, trying to ignore the significant amount of pain I was feeling. Deku's eyes widened when he finally processed everything I told him, his eyes seem to light up in a way telling me that he was happy about learning of this. "Don't worry, Miyuki." He started, "I'm going to help get him back, I will not let him stay locked up against his will. So please don't worry too much, I'll help you find him." 

"Thank you, Deku." I reached out a hand to him and he stepped closer to Todoroki, letting me be able to reach up and ruffle his hair. Bakugo scoffed, making me glare at him while Todoroki only smiled and nodded in agreement. As we continued walking, we heard a commotion before spotting two familiar faces in the distance. When I looked down to the ground, my eyes widened upon seeing a girl in a school uniform pinning Uraraka down. Todoroki acted quickly, using his ice to scare off the crazy villain who was sucking Uraraka's blood. 

"Uraraka, Tsuyu... Are you guys alright?" 

"Yes," They nodded, "Who was that woman just now?" Todoroki asked, "A villain. A crazy one." She said and that's when I noticed the injuries that she had. "Uraraka, you're injured!" Deku pointed out, but she shrugged it off quickly. Her eyes landed on me, widening in concern as she probably took notice of me. "Oh my gosh, Miyuki. Your injuries... Are you okay?" Tsuyu looked over at me, her eyes shining with worry. "I'll be fine. It's a long story that I'll tell you later." I explained, "Look, this isn't the time to stand around and talk." Shoji said. Deku then explained to Uraraka and Tsuyu that we were heading back to camp to protect Bakugo, but it seemed that I didn't notice something really important. "Where is Bakugo?" Tsuyu looked back, making me look around. Panic started to creep up my spine, into my chest as I realized that he was no longer there.  "No... No... No... Where did he run off to?  He knows that the villains are after him, why did he wander off? Please, let us find him before they do."  I clenched Todoroki's shirt tighter, it seemed that he noticed my anxiety. "The boy you're talking about..." All of us stiffened, turning around to follow the voice that had just spoken. My eyes widened slightly as I realized that he was one of the villains, "I took him with my magic." My heart dropped hearing what he said, as I came to fully realize who he was talking about. 

"The talent isn't someone who should be on the hero side. We'll take him to a stage where he can shine." 

Anger bloomed in my chest, spreading throughout my body, agitating my wounds. Despite the pain I was feeling, I was more angry and concerned with Bakugo's safety. 

"Give him back!"

"Give him back? That's a strange thing to say. Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person, you egoist."

"Give HIM Back, asshole!!" I shouted, "We simply want to show him that the path that he's on now with its fanatical values is not the only path he can take. Kids these days are made to choose their paths based on their values." The villain said, making me grit my teeth. Although I could see where he was coming from, I still didn't think it was his right to take Bakugo for his own pleasure. 

"It's not just Bakugo!! Tokoyami's not here, either!" Shoji pointed out.

"He snatched the two in the back noiselessly? What kind of quirk does he have? To go out of your way to talk to us... You're underestimating us." Todoroki said, "I was underestimating us. I was originally an entertainer, you know. It's a bad habit of mine." He started, "Taking Tokoyami was an improvisation on my part. Moonfish... The man with "Blade Tooth"... He may not look it, but he's a cutthroat on death row whose appeal was dismissed. With a violent nature that trampled that cutthroat down one-sidedly, I decided that he was good, too." He explained, making me even more pissed off. There is no way, I'm going to let this ass-wipe justify taking both Bakugo and Tokoyami so they can become villains. He's so stupid to think Bakugo would even want to become a villain, just because he had a horrible attitude and was always yelling and angry. Bakugo wanted to be the number one hero, Tokoyami wanted to be a hero as well. So the league of villains or whatever they were called was stupid to think that they could change their minds, because their quirks and attitudes were different.

"You bastard!! You can't just take them!! Give them back!" Deku immediately went after him along with Uraraka, but he chose to flee. This started an entire chase between us, trying to get them both back. Although I kept trying to get Todoroki to let me go, so I could help, he refused. During the chase, we realized that he is too fast for us to chase on foot, so Deku devises a plan to launch them through the air combining Uraraka and Tsuyu's Quirks. Shoji guides them through the air using his arms as they quickly approach Mr. Compress, much to his surprise. Everyone lands on the ground, trapping the villain under the tree. 

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