Christmas Special: One Crazy Christmas!!!

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Miyuki's pov

"As you all know today is the last day of school before you go on break. But that doesn't mean that you're training should be put on hold. However, today, we'll be taking it easy. You guys can watch this Christmas movie that Sue brought for the class and you can make Christmas cards and whatnot." Everyone in the class cheered, as Aizawa sighed. "I'm going to sleep so don't disturb me, unless it's an emergency." I chuckled, as he had already wrapped himself in his sleeping bag. Sue walked up to the front of the class, setting up the movie while Deku and the others pushed their desks over to where I was sitting. Shinji turned the lights off, coming to sit down beside Bakugo who wasn't too pleased with him. "So what's the plan for this year?" Denki asked, looking over at me and Deku. "Itsuki said something about doing another sleepover at his place. He had a lot of fun last year with the house being crowded with all of us. What do you say?" I asked, as everyone took a moment to think. "I'm in." Shinji raised his hand, both Deku and I were shocked beyond belief hearing him agree to come spend Christmas with us and Itsuki. "I'm in!" Denki smiled, "Yeah, if he's in.. Then so am I." Eijiro smiled, "You guys are always together. That doesn't surprise me that you both would go." Deku smiled, "We're in." Uraraka and Iida raised their hands, "What about you?" Deku looked over to Todoroki, who looked over at me. "I'd love to." He said, making me smile. I was excited especially because the gift I got him was something incredibly special to both of us, I hope he likes it. My eyes shifted over to Bakugo, who was staring harshly at Shinji for some reason. His eyes then moved over to me, the two of us just staring at one another. He knew what I was going to ask him, but since he didn't say anything I decided to get him to cave in. I made my famous puppy eyes, pouting my lips as I looked at him. "Alright. Alright, you don't have to look at me like that. I'll come." He said, looking away from me with a blush. "Ooh, look at Bakugo. He's blushing like a mad man." Denki teased, "Shut it." Bakugo snapped, "Oh ho, it looks like Bakugo easily gives into Miyu's pleas when she makes the puppy dog eyes at him." Eijiro chimed in, Denki and him started snickering resulting in Bakugo becoming pissed off. He smacked the both of them harshly on the back of the head, causing them to fall out of their chairs while I tried to stifle a laugh. I smiled, looking over to Momo. "I'm sorry, I can't come this year. My mom has something special planned for Christmas." Momo apologized, "It's fine, Momo. You don't need to apologize." I shook my head at her.

"Well, it looks like tonight will be a full house." Deku said with a smile, his eyes shifted to me and we both high fived. "Now, we're gonna need to pick up a lot of snacks and food for his place." I said, "Why I don't help you guys with that? Since it'll be a full house with all of us and Itsuki, you'll need help carrying the food and stuff." Shinji offered, turning our attention onto him. "You would really do that?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, he gave me a small smile. "Yeah," He scratched the back of his head, blushing just a little. "That would be great!! Thank you!!" I beamed at him, "Yeah, no problem." He shifted his gaze elsewhere as he shifted in his seat, "Aww! That's sweet. Shinji is flustered because Miyu smiled at him." Denki teased, which then made Eijiro tease him more. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, as I turned my attention to the movie.

~Later that day~

Deku and I had headed over to Itsuki's, walking behind us was Shinji. The three of us were all carrying a bunch of snack, drinks and food for the sleepover. I led the group, heading towards his apartment. Thank god, Itsuki lives on the first floor instead of the third. He had moved apartments to the first floor, since I hated having to climb the stairs to the third floor to get to his place. When we finally arrived, I was surprised to see that the place was already heavily decorated with Christmas lights and stuff. Itsuki had opened the door, leading us into the kitchen where we put everything away. It didn't take long for everyone to start arriving, with more food, gifts and games. Everyone had spread out across the apart, Denki, Eijiro, Sue and Uraraka were all decorating the tree while Bakugo was sitting on the couch with the others watching a movie. I was hiding out in the kitchen, making sure all the food was ready for when they wanted to eat. Mom even came over and dropped some food off, because she knew Itsuki didn't cook very often.

"I saw that you picked up a lot of cookie dough mix and cake mix. What's up with that?" Itsuki asked, leaning against the door of his pantry.

"Well.. I wanted to make couple of cakes for Mom. Especially since we're all sleeping over here tonight. And I brought a lot of cookie dough, to split between the group and for some of the teachers."

"Well, that's nice of you." Itsuki smiled, "Figures you would do something like that." He laughed, "What's that supposed to mean?" I quirked an eyebrow, looking over at him. "Nothing, it's just that you have a really good personality. I figured you would do something like that." He laughed, as I relaxed my shoulders. "Oh, you should have just led with that." I smirked, "What? And you have become all egotistical once you heard it. Nah, I don't think so." He chuckled, shaking his head. I threw a piece of popcorn at him, making him laugh as he caught it in his mouth. "You mind if I help?" He asked, "You wanna help me bake cake?" I asked, a little shocked. I have never really seen him bake a cake, not even a batch of cookies. "Yes. You may think that I don't know how to bake, but I do. Mom taught me how when I was young and because I have exceptional memory, I remembered all of it." He smiled, removing himself from the pantry door.

"Then, come over here!" A large smile grew on my face, as Itsuki chuckled at my enthusiasm. The two of us began making the cake, laughing and joking the whole time. I think going to Itsuki's place was a good decision after all.

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