Chapter 34

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Miyuki's POV

"I can't believe it's over already.." I sighed, looking over at Itsuki. "Don't worry, I'll still be around the school. So you'll see me a lot more often. I'm glad you decided to intern with me, to be honest I've always thought of you like a little sister. You actually remind me a lot of my mom." Itsuki gave me this big smile, making me look at him in awe. "How?" I asked, "She was just like you. Lost her temper easily, always hitting my Dad when he said certain things... But most of all, you act just like her. You are just as kind and caring as she was.." His smile faded a bit and I could see the pain in his eyes, I had hoped to change that look.

Flashback over...

I finally made it to school, I had just come from Itsuki's place and managed to get to class. When I walked into the classroom, everyone had been so cheerful and happy to see each other. Everyone was sharing their stories about their internships, I finally spotted Denki and Eijiro who were talking to each other. "Denki!!! Eijiro!!!" The two looked over at me and I smiled brightly, rushing over to them and wrapped them in a giant hug. "I'm so happy to see you!!!! It's been too long!!" I smiled as the two wrapped their arms around me, "How have you been? It's been a while." Eijiro asked, "I've been great. How about you guys?" I asked, as we all unwrapped from the hug. I sat at my desk, while Eijiro and Denki sat around me.

"We've been great too. How was your internship with Itsuki?" Denki asked, "Exhausting. We trained every single day but it enhanced my pain tolerance, my endurance and helped improve the way I use my fire and ice." I explained, "Was it fun?" Eijiro asked, "Not really. Last week, we went to go get me new clothes as well as a new hero suit but we got chased out of the mall." I sighed, "Why? Was it because they recognized you from TV?" Uraraka asked, "At first it was because a lot of the girls recognized Itsuki then they saw me. So we got chased by a large herd of fan girls." I sat back in my chair, "That must have been exhausting." I nodded with a long sigh, but something caught my attention. I had to do a double take, Eijiro and Sero started cracking up as soon as they landed eyes on Bakugo. I cracked a smile seeing how his hair was styled, since it was an unusual style for him. 

"Seriously?!! Seriously, Bakugo?!" Eijiro and Sero were cracking up horribly behind me, while I smiled at Bakugo.

"Stop laughing!!" Bakugo shouted, which only made them smile at him. "My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it!" Bakugo complained, "Hey!! Stop laughing!! I'll kill you!!" I shook my head, as Eijiro and Sero cracked up. "I'd like to see you try, side part boy." Sero stated, this caused Bakugo to get even angrier and his hair suddenly popped back up to it's usual hairstyle. I started laughing, seeing this happen making Bakugo growl in anger. "It's back!!" Sero pointed to Bakugo's hair, "It's back!!" I shook my head, managing to calm myself down and went over to Bakugo. "Aww, don't be like that Bakugo. Besides that hairstyle looked pretty good on you. Don't worry about those two idiots." I patted his shoulder, I noticed a light blush appear on his cheeks causing Sero and Eijiro to tease him. Before Bakugo could get angrier, I walked over to Deku and the others.

They all were talking about how their internships, Uraraka seemed pleased with hers and I smiled seeing how happy she was. "But the ones who changed the most, or at least went through the most, were you four, right?" Denki looked over at Deku, Todoroki, Iida and I.

"Oh yeah! The hero killer." My smile dropped when he mentioned Stain, mainly because that fight wasn't the very best one. "I'm glad you guys made it out alive! Seriously!" Eijiro stated, to be honest the whole fight with Stain made me restless. "I was worried." Momo exclaimed, "I heard Endeavor and Itsuki saved you, right?" Rikido asked, looking over to the four of us. "That's amazing! As expected from the number two pro hero and the number 1 pro hero in America." Toru exclaimed, "Yeah, they saved us." Todoroki said, I looked around spotting Sue talking to Bakugo. So I headed over to the two, it was odd seeing those two have a civil conversation. 

"Hey, Sue." Sue suddenly launched herself on me as soon as she laid eyes on me, I stumbled backwards but luckily caught my balance. "Sue, what are you doing? What's up?" I asked, looking to Bakugo questioningly but he just shrugged. "I'm so glad you and Deku are okay. I heard about the fight with Stain from Bakugo and I could barely pay attention to my internship with Aizawa. I was so nervous, when I heard what happened. I'm so glad Endeavor and Itsuki showed up when they did to save you guys." Sue held me tightly, I let out a small breathe and hugged her back. "It's okay... We're okay, now. So there's no need to worry." I pulled away from her, just as Iida spoke up to get everybody to sit down.

I took my seat, looking down at my desk. "Hey, are you alright?" I looked over to Todoroki, who looked concerned. "Yeah, Sue was just worried about us." I explained, he nodded turning his attention to the front of the classroom where Iida was busy being loud. I didn't pay much attention until the classroom door opened and in stepped All Might, I was glad to see he was doing alright.

"Okay, I am here." All Might stated, while Iida took his seat.

"Anyway, we'll start now. Right. It's hero basic training! Long time no see, boys and girls! How have you been?" I paid close attention to All Might, "For this time's hero basic training. Since you've all just gotten back from your internships, we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!" He explained, causing a bit of excitement within the class.

"If we are doing rescue training, then shouldn't we do it at USJ?" Iida asked, "That place is for training for disasters. Do you remember what I said? That's right, I said 'race'! This is Field Gamma! A dense area filled with factories laid out like an intricate labyrinth. You'll break up into four 5-person groups and go through the training one group at a time. When I send out a distress signal from somewhere inside, you'll all start at once from the outskirts of the city! It's a race to see who will rescue me first! Of course, you'll have to keep damage to buildings to a minimum." All Might looked over at Bakugo, "Hey!!! Don't point at me!" Bakugo shouted, making me shake my head.

The first group to go was Iida, Deku, Mina, Hanta and Mashirao. As we were standing by, watching the race everyone tried to count Deku out because of his lack of mobility and it's drawbacks which made me annoyed. Some of the others thought he had an advantage, which is what I was thinking. "You guys can't count him out when you haven't even seen what's he's improved on! Jeez, you guys are horrible." My outburst scared some of them, but I didn't care at the moment. As soon as the race begins, Sero gains the upper hand and passes Deku taking the lead. Using only 5% full cowl, Deku quickly manages to maneuver around a lot of the buildings quickly which took everyone in surprise including All Might. The only person that seemed bothered by this as Bakugo but I didn't care, I paid close attention to Deku's movements and realized something as I stood beside Todoroki and Denki. Bakugo happened to be standing behind me, while Eijiro was to the right of Denki. "What's with those moves?" Eijiro asked, as I watched Deku's footing closely. "No way.... His movements are just like... Bakugo's... That's amazing.. Where did he learn to move like that? Gran Torino must have helped him learn how to hold back and move like that." My eyes widened as I watched the race, Deku loses his footing and fall short making me worry. "Maybe his wounds haven't healed all the way... Hopefully using it at 5% isn't pushing those wounds."

Hanta ended up winning the race, while Deku came in last. All Might commends us for how we improved and reminds us to study for our exams. So all of us headed over to the locker rooms to change, as we were changing I noticed something odd.

"What's up, Miyu?" Momo looked over at me, "It's nothing really.. I just having a feeling we're being watched." A shiver went down my spine, which didn't go unnoticed by the other girls. Suddenly, I heard a shout of pain come from Jiro's area as I slipped my shirt on. "Thanks, Jiro. That was a good call." Sue patted Jiro on the shoulder, I looked over at the hole and growled. "That jerk.." I froze the small hole, hoping that it would keep Mineta from being a pervert.


"Miyu, wait up!!" I turned my head towards Denki and Eijiro, they were running to catch up with me. "What's up?" I asked, stopping to turn towards them. "We were wondering if you wanted to go this place with us.. It's a really cool amusement park. Do you want to go?" Eijiro asked, "Sure, when?" I asked, "Right now." Denki stated, "Wait? What?" I was picked up by the arms, Eijiro stood to left while Denki was to my right. "Let's go!!" I let out a little yelp as the two ran away with me, still in their grasp.

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