Chapter 20

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Miyuki's pov

"I know this is gonna be brutal mainly for the fact the Bakugo will not go easy on her. Especially since she is Deku's friend. But I know Uraraka will try her best and not give up so easily. I honestly can't root for either one, that would make it seem like I was favoring either one of them. But I did wish them the best of luck." I stared down at the stage, seeing Bakugo and Uraraka standing there.

The battle between the two soon begin. Uraraka predicts Bakugo's first attack but is unable to avoid it, getting blasted with his signature right hook. He reminds her that she should've dropped out of the match and attacks, but he ends up exploding her P.E. uniform that she sent through the smoke as a distraction. Uraraka gets the drop on him, but Bakugo's lightning fast reflexes allow him to counterattack and blast her away. She continues her onslaught, attacking bakugo over and over without rest. He continues to use his explosions to keep her away, kicking up dust. "That's amazing. She is attacking him relentlessly without resting. She's planning something if she's relentlessly attacking him head on like this." I held my chin, as I heard as some people in the audience started booing Bakugo because he was being to rough. I knew that he wouldn't go easy on her, and that's just what he's doing.

"Bakugo's fierceness is an acknowledgment of his opponent's strength, and he's simply doing everything he can to keep Uraraka at bay so he can come out on top." Aizawa explained. The smoke clears from the scuffle and Uraraka remains undeterred, still standing from Bakugo's barrage of explosions. "Amazing," My eyes widened, as I looked up in the air. Uraraka says something to him, making Bakugo looks up to see a vast amount of debris floating above the stadium. "Uraraka kept low to the ground as she moved so that Bakugo's explosions tore up the floor of the ring, creating weapons for her. Then she kept him focused on her by attacking relentlessly, rendering Bakugo oblivious to the impending meteor shower." Monoma explained and I realized he was right.

As she releases her Quirk, causing all the debris to fall down towards Bakugo, Uraraka rushes at him to try and capitalize on an opening. But instead Bakugo unleashes a large, powerful explosion that repels all the debris, horrifying his opponent as she gets blown away as well. Uraraka tries to stand up and fight but ends up collapsing, having reached her limit after taking the brunt of many explosions. Despite loosing consciousness, Uraraka crawls towards Bakugo. She ultimately falls unconscious and Bakugo is declared the winner of the match. "They both did amazing. I knew Uraraka was planning something, as soon as she kept attacking him." I saw that Bakugo was glaring down at Deku, so earlier before her match began I visited Uraraka. She was crying because she thought she let her parents down but Deku and I told her otherwise, which made her happy. Next was Sue's match with the boy named Shinji Kamanazaki, he had stopped me in the hallway when I coming to see Recovery Girl.


"So you're telling me that you want to be friends with me?" I put a hand in my pocket, as the boy stood in front of me. "But Why? You're not in my class and I don't know you at all." I questioned him but he didn't seem to let up. "It's because I'm interested in you. You seem like someone, I would hang out with. Anyways, the name is Shinji Kamanazaki. I'm the boy battling your best friend." He held out a hand and I hesitantly took it, "I'm not gonna hurt you, so you don't have to worry. I just wanted to meet you. I saw your fight and I became interested in making friends with you. I don't have a lot of friends." I decided to shake his hand and as soon as our hands touched, I felt a weird spark, like I had some sort of realization.


Our meeting was so strange, I felt like he knew something about the things that have been going on. I didn't fully understand it, which made me skeptical about him. I stared down at the arena, waiting for someone to make the first move. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but something didn't feel right. Shinji said something and it seemed to piss off Sue, but his attitude suggested that he didn't really care and it was pissing Sue off. But the match didn't drag on as long as Tetsutetsu's and Eijiro's match. Sue won the match by default, because at some point Shinji walked off the platform and called it quits. This action shocked everyone else, while I sat there thinking about what he had just done. "Wait!!!! Shinji get back on the platform!!" Monoma shouted, seeming irritated and so did the rest of his class. "I'm not fighting her. She's too annoying, now leave me be." Shinji said in a monotone voice, he then walked up the stairs towards his class while I sat in shock. "He's bold for giving up the match to Sue like." Todoroki spoke up, "I want to know why he did it though. Sue doesn't look to happy that he gave up the match so easily," Iida stated, I sighed knowing she was going to lose her temper.

"Hey!!!! Get back here!!! This was not a match!!" I sweatdropped as Sue lost her temper on stage, and everyone else in the class sighed. Bakugo chuckled leaning back in his seat, amused that she didn't even get to fight. "Serves her right. I find her annoying as well, so I understand why he doesn't want to fight her but he could have at least put on a better show." I smacked him over the back of the head, which irritated him and I know he was because he glared at me.

Eijiro won his second match against Tetsutetsu, so they paired up the next matches. The first match was between Sue and I, everyone seemed to kow something like this would happen. "Good luck out there. Last time you two went head to head, you won." Iida said, "Thanks guys. That means a lot." I said my goodbyes and headed to the stage, but was stopped by Endeavor. Again.

"What do you want now?" I clenched my fist, glaring up at him. "You are the only person that is fit to make a child with my son, powerful enough to knock All Might down. I can give you lots of money if you want, but you will have to marry my son." I growled at him, and froze half the ground. "I said no! I am not marrying your son for that reason. If I get the chance to marry him, I won't marry him for that reason. I would marry him, because I truly love him. Now leave me alone with that damn deal! I ain't taking it!" I walked off, trying to calm myself down as I got to the stage. "Well, it looks like it's me and you again." Sue smirked, it felt just like last time. "Yeah, it seems that way. I'm not holding back." I told her, with a slight smirk. "Begin!" Midnight signaled, so Sue's first move was to charge at me. I flipped over her sliding back and she slammed her hand to ground, which made it start to rumble. I kept watch of what she was doing and a large piece of the arena, came heading towards me but I dodged it. "What the hell are you planning to do? Rip every tile off the floor and chuck it at me?!" I huffed, as she smirked. Looking behind me, I spotted another large chunk of arena headed towards me and I ducked. "Damn, she has something up her sleeve." I decided to come up with a plan of my own, keeping my distance from her. Sue charged at me again using Bakugo's quirk, but I dodged the hand she used and grabbed it. Freezing half of her wrist, she threw the other one at me and I used my fire to keep it from hitting me. I punched her in the face, with my fire covered fist and she slid back.

"Alright, I see how it is." She wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth, shrouding her hands in fire. With that, she charged at me and punched the ground in front of me making flip over her but I didn't see her swing around. She landed a gut punch, knocking the wind out of me and slammed me onto the ground hard. "Whoa, did you see that?!!" I could hear the others shouting from our seats, as I groaned in pain.

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