Christmas Special #2

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Miyuki's pov

I smiled, taking in what I had just finished. "Wow, it looks amazing in here." Inko smiled, "Thanks, Mom." An arm wrapped around my neck and I looked to my left, spotting Deku. "You did a really good job decorating the apartment." Deku said, looking up in awe. I smiled brightly, watching Inko and Deku admire the decorations. This Christmas was going to be very special for the three of us, considering it was the anniversary of my parents' marriage. I never liked celebrating their anniversary because I never knew my parents, it always made me emotional around this time. Inko told me many stories of them and one of those stories happened to take place just around the time I was born, she told me just how crazy they really were about me. This year, Deku and I decided to throw a Christmas cookie decorating party. We invited many of our friends, so we were currently setting up for the party which was in about two hours. "So who is coming to the party again?" Mom asked, "Bakugo, Denki, Eijiro, Todoroki, Sue, Iida, Uraraka, All Might, Mr. Aizawa, Itsuki and I believe Momo is coming as well." I listed, placing something on the counter.

"What about that young man, Shinji?" Mom asked, "Well, we asked.. But I don't think he's coming. Besides Deku doesn't really trust him." I looked over at Deku, "Neither does Bakugo." I sighed, shaking my head. I heard the doorbell ring, which made Mom scurry off to open the door. "Oh, Itsuki.. You shouldn't have." I looked over at Deku, who shrugged and continued what he was doing. Mom came in with a gift wrapped box, along with a bag and behind her was Itsuki who was holding some more bags. 

"What's in the bag?" I asked, walking over towards the two who had just put the bags on the table. "Well, I brought some eggnog and more cookie dough just in case you guys ran out. I also brought over the presents I got for you and Deku." Itsuki smiled, "Thanks, Itsuki. You didn't have to bring all this stuff over." I smiled, pulling out the stuff from the bag and handed them to Deku.

About an hour later, we got our first visitor which happened to be Sue. Several minutes after she arrived, everybody else was now starting to arrive. Among the first several were Denki, Eijiro and Bakugo. A few minutes later, Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki and some others arrived along with All Might and Mr. Aizawa. Things were going smooth, which made me happy. "So, you're going to the U.S. this year?" I asked Sue, "Yeah, we're leaving after Christmas Day. But we'll be back before break is over." Sue explained, "So what exactly are we supposed to be doing at this party?" Denki asked, "Well, we have a bunch of different types of cookie dough. You guys will pick the type of cookie dough you guys want, them Mom and I will bake the cookies. After they have been baked and set to cool, we're all going to decorate our own cookies." I explained, "Alright then. Let's get started with baking cookies!" Denki shouted excitedly, making Eijiro shout in agreement.

"Get back here!!! I'm gonna kill you!!" I turned my head to my left, watching as Denki ran from Sue who was covered in flour. Although it was supposed to only be Mom and I in the kitchen getting the dough ready to bake, Denki and Sue insisted with helping. Bakugo was also helping in the kitchen and he stuck with me, until I left the kitchen. I left the kitchen for a few minutes to change my shirt, which had flour and cookie batter all over it. I quickly changed shirts and headed back into the living room, where I saw Eijiro messing with Uraraka. Momo, Deku and Iida were all having a conversation amongst themselves as they sat around the couch.

I heard a large boom come from the kitchen, causing all conversation to stop. Mom and I looked at each other as there was complete silence, before it was broken by shouting. Denki, Sue and Bakugo walked out of the kitchen, the three was covered in cookie batter and flour. "What the hell happened in there?" I asked, looking over at Sue who looked like she had been crying. "Denki decided to try and bake the cookies, using his quirk and overdid it." Bakugo explained as I stared at Denki, not saying a word and smiled. Bakugo was noticeably angry, but it was funny to see him covered in flour. He usually hated to embarrass himself in front of others, I found this to be cute about him. My best friend really is something else at times, the look in his face said it all.

"Then Bakugo got all mad because Denki was starting to really get on his nerves. So he blew up the bowl with the cookie batter in it, which is how we ended up like this." Sue sighed, she looked so exhausted. Behind me, Eijiro and Uraraka started cracking up as they looked at the three of them. I tried to hide my smile, so I looked away from Sue but looking at Denki made it worse. It was hilarious seeing all three of them covered in cookie batter, but it was even funnier with Bakugo standing there. He had this look on his face, which told you he was both angry and embarrassed.

"A--Are you laughing at us?" Sue asked, she had her arms crossed over her chest as she quirked an eyebrow at me. Bakugo started to look annoyed with me, as I struggled to keep a straight face. "No, no.." I shook my head, "Yes, you are!" She shouted, becoming annoyed with me.

"I knew something like this would happen." Mr. Aizawa sighed, "Oh, come on. It's not that bad." Itsuki chuckled, "I think it's funny." I bursted into tears, looking at Bakugo. "Hey, it's not funny!!! Stop laughing, Miyu!" I held my stomach, continuing to laugh at them which only annoyed Bakugo. "I said stop laughing!" Bakugo charged at me, making me take off in the opposite direction. All Might let out a loud laugh, while Mr. Aizawa just let out a sigh. Iida sat down on the couch with Momo, as Eijiro and Uraraka continued to laugh at Sue and Denki's condition.

"I'm sorry! But it's hilarious! I'm sorry, Bakugo." I ran from him, trying to keep him away from me. I quickly hid behind Mr. Aizawa, but he moved causing Bakugo to reach at me. "Stop laughing, Miyu. Or else." I laughed louder, rushing away from him as everyone got out of the way. I instantly hid behind Todoroki, who wasn't expecting it but he managed to keep Bakugo from getting to me. On Todoroki's face, I could see a slight smile appear, as he shielded me from Bakugo's wrath.

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