Chapter 48

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Miyuki's pov

I smiled, turning onto my side as I was enjoying a really nice dream. Of course, it felt good to have a nice dream when everything has been so crazy since camp just started. In my dream, I was having a nice dinner with my mother, Inko, Itsuki, Deku, and Todoroki. We were all laughing and smiling, having a great time together. "Wake up." My shoulder was shaken lightly, I groaned and swatted the hand away as I rolled over. "Oi! Wake up." The person roughly shook me, making me growl. I raised my hand, slapping the person who was shaking me. I felt my hand connect with the person's face, which was followed by a loud wince. Suddenly the covers were ripped off of me and I was thrown over someone's shoulder. "Hey!!! Put me down!!" I shouted, wriggling in the person's arms. "No can do. Today we have special training to do." I groaned, once I realized who it was. "I will not hesitate to kick you where it hurts the most, if you do not put me down!" I threatened, but he only shook his head and chuckled at my threat. "No can do." He finally stopped walking, placed me down on my feet where I noticed I was in front of the bathroom. "Now, go in there and freshen up. Take this and put it on. I want you to come with me for the morning." He shoved a handful of clothes in my head, shoving me into the bathroom. I looked back at him to ask him a question, but he shook his head and smiled at me. The door quickly closed behind me, making me sigh as I looked down at the clothes in my hand. It consisted of a blue and white shirt, blue sweatpants and white tennis shoes, I also had a pair of blue and white wristbands that matched the outfit. I noticed that there was a pair of underwear rolled up in a black bra, which made me blush as I recognized it was mine. I shook my head, wondering what he had planned before heading towards the showers. "Stupid Itsuki.. What the hell is he up to?" I thought, as I turned on the water and stripped. After showering, I headed out of the bathroom where I found him leaning against the wall. He was reading a journal which I didn't recognize, "Hey." I spoke up, he looked up at me and smiled. "Good, you're done. Let's go." He pushed up from against the wall and started walking away, which left me confused. "Hey! Where are we going?!" I called, but he didn't answer me. I let out a groan, running to catch up with him as he neared the end of the dorm's hallway.


We stood in a large field, quite a few ways from the camp site and dorm area. I crossed my arms, looking to Itsuki in confusion. I really don't understand why he dragged me all the way out here, was he planning to train me again? "Why are you looking at me like that, sis? Do you not trust me?" He asked, "I do.. But I have no clue why you decided to take me away from training with my class." I huffed, "Oh come on. Just trust me." He said, smiling at me. "Fine." I huffed again, as he stretched out his legs. "So what exactly are we doing?" I questioned, as I looked at him.

"Well, since we both need more training.. I got to thinking. How about I teach you some of the techniques Mom and Dad taught me when it came to using my quirks?" My eyes widened as he mentioned Mom and Dad, Itsuki never talks to much about them. I guess it's because the subject itself is really hard to talk about, we both lost our parents so early.

"What?!! Really?!! You'll teach me techniques they used?!!"

"Yes, yes. I will. Calm down." He laughed, a smile gracing his lips.

"I can't!! Show me! Show me! Show me!!" He let out a loud laugh at my enthusiasm, watching on as I grew excited. "Wait.. But how will this help you train?" I asked, a  look of confusion overtaking the excitement I had on my face. "This will help me remember the most important parts of using my quirk. Plus, I thought it would be great to teach you. You are my little sister after all, and you will benefit from learning those techniques." He chuckled, I raised an eyebrow at him, not believing a word he just said.

"What's the real reason you're doing this, Itsuki?"

"What? I can't help out my little sister and teach her the things our parents taught me?" He let out a nervous chuckle, I gave him a look not saying a word.

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