Chapter 29

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Miyuki's pov

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" I dodged his fireball attack managed to jump out of of the way as his fist hit the ground, I flipped over and slid back keeping my ground. "Your reflexes seem to have picked up. But are you fast enough to dodge every attack?" He disappeared making me quickly stand my ground and look around, for some reason I could sense where he was coming from. I roundhouse kicked the air from the right which is where he appeared and my foot connected with his side, which threw him back but he quickly recovered. He flipped over and landed on his feet, making sure to kick up dirt as he went.

"Seems like I've got you figured out, Itsuki." I smirked as he wiped away some blood from his mouth. He smirked and brought his fist to his side, "Seems like you've picked up on a lot of things. Including how to pack your kicks." He stood in a offensive stance while I took on a defensive stance, I already knew what was coming. He slammed his fists into the ground kicking up more dust and swiftly moved around as I coughed, I felt movement from my left and flipped over only to be kicked from the right. I hit the nearby tree hard but I quickly recovered and jumped out of the way just as he pounced at me, his fist hit the tree snapping it in half and I ran knowing he would follow me.  We were still at the beach, I'm surprised nobody came to stop us from destroying it.

"Whoa!" I heard onlookers shouting and froze the ground, as Itsuki made his way towards me. He managed to keep his balance but it slowed him down, "Ahhhhhh!" I drew water from the ocean and threw it at him, but he countered it with his fire. "Give it your all!! No holding back this time, Yuki!!" I drew a huge ball of water from the ocean and hurled it at him.

Hours later...

"So why are we meeting up him again?" I questioned Itsuki, as we were heading into town. "Well, Endeavor asked if during your training for us to stop by. He wanted to see how much power, you could put into your ice attacks." I sighed and crossed my arms, "I really don't like Endeavor." I told him, making him look back at me. Itsuki thought it was best that we head to the city at night, and then meet up with Endeavor and Todoroki. I honestly didn't want to be anywhere near that man, he pisses me off. I wonder... What did his parents do to him to make him so grumpy and mean? What made him so obsessed, with becoming the number one superhero? Can't he just let All Might be?

I crossed my arms as I walked behind Itsuki, while Itsuki was buying us train tickets to get there. To be honest... I wanted to avoid Todoroki considering I kissed him that day and ever since then, it's been really awkward between us and I really don't like tension.

"Why? Is it because he tried to set you up with Todoroki?" A light blush formed across my cheeks, "No! It's not. He's a jerk and I really can't stand him. Besides he only wants me in the family, so I can give Todoroki a strong baby. I'm not gonna marry into his family for that. Besides, I like Todoroki for who he really is. Not because of his powers." I muttered the last part and Itsuki whipped around, facing me. I got the feeling in the pit of my stomach that Itsuki was about to do something stupid, like piss me off. I never usually use violence against somebody unless they absolutely piss me off, even when I was best younger bullies who picked on Deku said I was a female version of Bakugo. My eyebrows twitched in annoyance but I decided to calm myself before I ended up hurting him, I looked away from him seeing that we were almost near the train station.  I then heard a weird chuckle so I looked back at Itsuki, which was honestly not a good idea.

He had a smirk in his face and started teasing me making me growl, I got irritated as he kept going and kicked him in the stomach. "Shut up!!" He hit the ground, just as we had boarded the train. The other people on the train were surprised seeing that the number one hero in america was kicked onto the floor by a little girl, I stuck my hands in my pocket and sighed as the people stared at Itsuki and I.

"What do you just kick me for?!" He seemed much more grumpier, "Because you kept teasing me about Todoroki!! You may be my best friend and mentor, but you are not allowed to tease me about him!" I shouted and walked toward the open seats in the train car, we were standing in. "Wait Miyu, slow down." I kept walking, ignoring him and took a seat at the back. Itsuki sat next to me but I ignored him, "Okay... Okay... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for teasing you about Todoroki." I looked at him for a moment, before punching him really hard causing him to fall off of the seat. "Jerk."

Three hours later....

After many, many stops we managed to make it to Hosu City and I sighed as Itsuki stepped out onto the platform. For some reason, I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach that there was trouble nearby. "Come on, let's go meet up with him."

I inwardly groaned and followed after Itsuki, when then led me to a weird spot but we managed to meet up with Todoroki and Endeavor. I blushed and looked away from Todoroki while Itsuki and Endeavor talked, "So uh... What are you doing here?" I was a bit surprised to hear Todoroki talk to me. "Uh... Well.. Itsuki said that we were meeting up with you guys. We were training back the beach. He taught me how to combine my ice and water to make it into one quirk." I explained to him, "Really? That's interesting. How did he know how to do that?" I shrugged at Todoroki's question, as we stood off to the side.

"I'm not sure. He just knew. But he also said that he worked with my parents." I watched as Itsuki and Endeavor had a conversation, whereas Endeavor was getting a big annoyed with him. How did Itsuki know how to do that? He said that he knew my parents but he must have been to young, how did he know them?

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