Chapter 22

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Miyuki's pov

After I was deemed the winner, I collapsed on stage which made Midnight panic. So they got a stretcher and quickly hauled me to Recovery Girl. "Sweetie, you have got to stop pushing yourself so hard. I'm not sure why this wound won't heal, but please be careful with it. You've got to stop going all out like this, it'll strain your body if you're not careful. Now I want you to drink some of this tea, it will help with the sleepiness you usually feel and I want you to rest up. I have to go see Sue now. You did quite a number on her." Recovery girl left the room, soon after I had finished my tea and I looked out of the window. I knew that Deku and Todoroki's match was coming up, but I couldn't leave the room to see them. There was a knock the door and I sat up, looking to the door. "Come in," Itsuki walked in, "Oh hey, Itsuki. What are you doing here?" I gave him a bright smile but it faded, when I saw the look on his face. He pulled up a chair and sat down, giving off a loud sigh. "What's wrong, Itsuki?" I asked him, his actions confused me. "I have something to tell you. You might hate me for it too but just know that this is important." He stared into my eyes, "Yeah, what is it?" I asked, "Well, here goes nothing." He sighed, sitting forward and then he gave me a big smile.

"I'm proud of you champ!!" I anime fell over and sat back up quickly, giving him a stare. "Was that really all you had to say? Why make it seem like a big deal?!!" I yelled angrily at him, making him chuckle. "Sorry, 'bout that. Anyways, I happened to have over heard what Endeavor told you. I think you should take the deal, not to create a stronger child to knock All Might down from number one." I gaped at him, he honestly is crazy.

"You're asking me to what?!!" I yelled loudly, "Well, I think it would be a great idea for you to marry him. I'm not saying right now!! Though!!" Itsuki waved his hands quickly, trying to make a point. "Besides, you and Todoroki would make a very adorable couple. And I bet your children would look so cute. They probably would have white blue and red hair. And he probably is a good kisser. Who knows, maybe he's good at it." I turned bright red, gasping loudly at his comment.

"YOU BIG PERVERT!!!" I closed my eyes, punching him in the face with my left arm. My right arm was bandaged and wrapped up, so I couldn't use it. My left leg was also bandaged and since I was healed by Recovery Girl, she said she had to keep me in here. I wouldn't be able to back out with my classmates, which made me sad. The next match was Deku and Todoroki's, I wanted to be there to watch it. Recovery Girl said that I can't keep straining my leg, so she told me to stay off of it.

"Owwwwwwwwww!!!!!" Itsuki rubbed his cheek and the door opened.

Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki, Eijiro, Denki, Uraraka and Iida stood in the doorway. I didn't really notice that the door had opened, because I was too busy blushing. Itsuki didn't notice it either. "Why would you even say that?!!!" I looked down at him, "Because...... You and Todoroki really do make a cute couple." I only turned redder with his words. "Stop saying that!! Besides how would you know if he's a great kisser or not?" I asked, looking down at the sheets.

"Because, I just know. I've known you for a very long time. Besides, I'm pretty sure you want to find out if Todoroki is a good kisser yourself. Am I right?" He elbowed my side and I punched him again. "Why are you being a pervert, Itsuki?" Bakugo spoke, which made me finally notice that they were standing there. Seeing Todoroki standing there, made me pull the sheets up over me.

"It's okay to be embarrassed." Uraraka spoke with a light smile.

After a while, it was just me and Todoroki. I had already had my moment with Deku. "So you wanted to know how I kiss?" Todoroki asked, becoming curious. "No, I mean Yes! I mean No!!" I blushed bright red and looked up at Todoroki, who was laughing. He was actually laughing, it was strange yet amazing at the same time. "It's okay, really it is." He laughed and I gave him a weird look. Todoroki laughed, it was the first time I had ever seen the boy smile which made me happy that I was the only one to see it.

Three hours later.....

I had gotten news of one of the other matches, but something was wrong. From the way everyone was freaking out when I first got out of my room, I could tell that something was incredibly wrong. "What's going on?" Uraraka looked up at me, "She's missing." Bakugo said, looking at me. "Who's missing?" I asked, "Sue's missing, Miyu." Eijiro said and my eyes widened and not only that, but Shinji had managed to show up. "Why the hell are you here?" Bakugo questioned Shinji, "I think I know where your friend is and we don't have a lot of time left to find her. I can't explain it right now, but I promise I will tell you once we find her." I stood in utter shock, at the fact that he possibly knew where Sue was. But how did he know she was missing? This can't be good.

"Shinji, do you know where she is though?" Deku asked and Shinji didn't answer, which put me on edge. How the hell did Shinji think he knew where Sue was? "Answer him!" His eyes locked with mine, but he still said nothing which only pissed me off. "Listen, if you know about where the hell she is, why won't you answer the question?! How do you know where Sue is?!" I startled everyone with my outburst. "Miyu..." Tsuyu started, but I shook my head and backed away from Shinji. Before I knew what I was doing, I took off. Not listening to my friends calling for me, I didn't look back.

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