Chapter 23

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3rd person's pov

They looked down at the ground, "What's going on?" Uraraka looked up at Miyuki, "She's missing." Bakugo said, looking at her. "Who's missing?" She asked, "Sue's missing, Miyu." Eijiro said and Miyuki's eyes widened. Her voice caught her in throat, hearing the news. "What do you mean she's missing?" She gave Bakugo a look, "She supposedly left her room and disappeared during one of the matches." Iida explained and just as Miyuki started thinking, when Shinji showed up. "Why the hell are you here?" Bakugo questioned Shinji, "I think I know where your friend is and we don't have a lot of time left to find her. I can't explain it right now, but I promise I will tell you once we find her." Everyone stood in shock for a moment. "Shinji, do you know where she is though?" Deku asked and Shinji didn't answer, which put Miyuki on edge. How the hell did Shinji think he knew where Sue was?

"Answer him!" His eyes locked with Miyuki's, but he still said nothing which only pissed her off. "Listen, if you know about where the hell she is, why won't you answer the question?! How do you know where Sue is?!" Miyuki startled everyone with her outburst, they had never seen her so impatient before. "Miyu..." Tsuyu started, but she shook my head and backed away from Shinji. Before Miyuki knew what she was doing, she took off not listening to her friends calling for her. She didn't look back, as she ran past Momona and his other classmates with her friends following her.

"Where is she going in such a rush?" Momona asked, "Who knows...." Another classmate stated as Miyuki and her friends followed Shinji and ran past them. Class 1-b students couldn't believe what they were seeing. Miyuki and her friends ran out of the school and down town, where they heard shouts from people who recognized them.


"Where the hell is she?" Sue was severely beaten, bruised and bleeding and was slammed against the wall of the nearby building creating a large crater under her. "I'm not telling you that, Baka. You don't even know who you're dealing with. Besides, once the pro heroes learn about you and your goals, you'll never be able to get through to her." Sue chuckled before groaning as the guy growled in anger. He punched her in the gut, making her wheeze but she smirked instead of cringing in pain. "See with a temper like that, you won't be able to-" The guy stabbed Sue in the stomach, causing her to spit up blood. "Don't think that just because you've hurt me, doesn't mean that the pro heroes won't come after you. They will, and don't think I didn't warn you about it. Especially All Might and Mr. Aizawa." Sue coughed up blood and chuckled, as the guy growled. "Little girl unless you want to die, I suggest you tell me where Miyuki is. Before I kill you." Sue just chuckled as he then wrapped his hand around her neck. "I'm gonna ask again. Where the hell is-" He was suddenly rammed into his side, and sent flying as Sue slid down the wall. "Sue!" Uraraka rushed forward, keeping Sue from falling unconscious. "You bastard!" Everyone had split attention between Sue and Miyuki, they were concerned about Sue's wound. Bakugo and Eijiro held her up, but were wary of her wound. "Sue, what happened?" Sue coughed up some blood before answering, "That guy... He was looking for Miyu. He wants something from her but I'm not sure what he wants." Sue coughed up more blood and fell forward, making Deku panic but what happened next really scared everyone. Miyuki was thrown backwards full force into the wall, but she quickly recovers and starts a counter attack.

"Miyu... Be careful.." Sue collapsed causing everyone to start to worry, "Her wound. It's bad and we need-" The villain plunged his hand directly through Miyuki's stomach and Shinji saw it. "Miyuki!!!" Everyone's eyes saw this much to their horror and Deku panicked. "Miyu!!" Deku rushed forward as the guy took his hand out of her stomach, dropping her on the ground. "Well, I didn't get what I want but I'm a bit closer to my goal." He made a vortex in the wall but before he left, he turned to the crew. "I hope you all figure out how to keep her alive or at least away from me." Just as he was about to step through the portal, he stopped. "Bye, Miyuki. I'll see you around another time." The guy smirked as his eyes roamed to Miyuki for a slight second and then he stepped fully into the portal. Everyone sat in shock at what had just happened and Bakugo was seething to the core,

"That bastard!!" Bakugo snapped, making the others jump since he startled them.

"Miyuki!! Miyu!!" Deku rushed over to his sister and knelt down next to her, "Miyu. Hang in there okay." Deku teared up, "Is Sue okay?" Miyuki shifted her eyes to her brother, "Yeah, we just need to get her to Recovery Girl. She's lost a lot of blood. We gotta get you to her too." Deku's eyes roamed to her stomach and Todoroki walked over the two siblings, concern shone in his eyes but Miyuki couldn't tell just yet. "Momo. Can you make a bandage? We're gonna need it for Sue and Miyu." Momo nodded her head and quickly got to making them.

"Midoriya. I need you to tear off her jacket sleeve and put pressure on the wound. It will slow down the bleeding." Shinji and Todoroki finished the same sentence, which weirded everyone out just a bit. Iida stood in shock just watching everything unravel, he couldn't believe what was happening. Just as they were wrapping Sue's wound, the three best of the Pro heroes had shown up and that was All Might, Itsuki and Eraserhead. "What happened here?" Eraserhead asked, making the kids turn their heads to the three heroes. "Sue and Miyuki were attacked. We'll explain when we get back to the school but they both need medical treatment now. We can't wait any longer." Deku stood up, taking charge of the situation for the crew.

"Alright. But you have to explain why all of you are out here as well." Itsuki looked forward, seeing Miyuki on the ground and rushed over. He rushed over and picked her up, "Miyuki. You and Sue are gonna be okay now." Miyuki gave him a small smile, as her eyes slowly started to close as Eijiro picked up and unconscious Sue. "Did you at least learn the name of the villain who attacked these two?" All Might questioned, but Deku shook his head.

"No, we didn't. But Sue mentioned that he kept rambling on about how Miyuki's biological parents ruined his life somehow. He even wanted something from her, but none of us know what exactly his intentions are. What are gonna do about this, All Might?" Deku looked to All Might as they were rushing back to the school. "We'll figure it out, young Midoriya. And whoever it was who attacked Sue to get Miyuki to come, then we'll teach him a lesson about messing with our students."

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