Chapter 14

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Miyuki's pov

I was still crying when All Might and Itsuki found me, "Miyuki, what's going on?" Itsuki bent down in front of me, as I rubbed my eyes. "It doesn't concern you. Where's Deku?" I sniffled, "I'll take you to class. Come on." Itsuki offered his hand and walked me down the hallway. "Hey, Itsuki..... If I tell you something important, do you promise not to tell anyone?" I sniffled again, slightly looking over to him. "Yeah, what is it?" He looked down at me, "You know Todoroki, right?" He nodded, "Well, I like him. A lot. But I don't think he likes me back. And Bakugo asked me about it." We arrived at the door, "Hey, I'm sure he does. You are an awesome girl with a great personality. So don't worry, if he doesn't then that's his loss." I sniffled, and gave him a smile. "Thanks, Itsuki. That means a lot. You would make an awesome big brother, you know." I said which made him put a hand on my head and laugh. But his laugh was so familiar, like I've heard it before.


Bakugo, Deku, Sue and I were outside playing around. I was about three years old and had just gotten my quirk. Sue was playing with Deku while, I was playing with Bakugo. But while playing with him, I scraped my knee against the concrete and I started crying when it bled. Bakugo helped me up and took me inside, where mom and guy with blonde hair was sitting. "Oh honey. You're being so brave." I had stopped crying, when she started treating my wound. "You are growing up to be a big girl, aren't you? You gonna be a big girl?" The blonde guy asked, "Yeah, I am. I'm gonna protect Mommy and Deku from bad guys." Three year old me smiled, "What happens if a bad guy comes through the door?" He asked, "Itsuki," Momma hit his arm warningly, "If that happens, I'll use my ice to freeze them and then throw them out of the house." I smiled which made him laugh, and I started yelling at him for it making him laugh harder.

Flashback over....

My eyes widened and I took a step back. "What's wrong, Miyu?" He asked and I rushed into the classroom. I closed the door quickly and slid down the door, letting out a sigh. "Miyuki, where have you been? We went looking for you. Miyuki, what's wrong?" I shook my head, snapping out of my trance seeing Denki standing there. "Yeah, come on Deku. We gotta go. I have to talk to you." As we were getting ready to leave, our entire class gets roadblocked by another class.

"They're on their way to scout out the competition." Bakugo looked at me and we made eye contact. "Move out of the way!" He goes on to yell at the others, making me sweat-drop at this. A student from the other class confronts him, and declares war on the course.

"If students from other courses do well in the exam, they can be moved into the hero course." He explained, "I declare war on your class, because I plan on taking your place in the hero course." Bakugo didn't like this, but he ignored it. "I wanted to see the class that defeated the real villains. But I find you all to be brats." A student from class 1-B said and I got angry. Great, Bakugo has probably ruined our reputation and caused the other classes to hate us. "It doesn't matter, all that matters is that I beat them in the festival." He said and I sweatdropped again. That idiot. Later that evening, Deku and I walked home. "Deku, can I ask you something?" I stopped walking, and he noticed.

"What?" He turned his attention to me, "What is Itsuki to me?" I asked and he didn't answer. "Oh he's just an old family friend." Deku continued walking and I shrugged, but I felt as if he wasn't telling the truth. I never had that feeling come from him but I didn't think he was hiding something that big from me, or is he?


Over the next two weeks, I trained but I trained with Itsuki. He helped me strengthen my fire side, and my water side. I usually ended up soaking him with water and he would get angry when I laughed at him.

Two weeks later, it came the first day of the sports festival. In our waiting room, we had to wear our P.E. uniforms since it wouldn't be fair to the others since they don't have their hero costumes. "Guys, we're about to enter the arena soon." Iida warned us, coming into the room. "Although, I am stronger than you Midoriya, you have a number one hero in your corner." I listened closely to Todoroki, speaking to Deku. "No matter what, I will defeat you in the festival." He calmly stated and Eijiro tried to calm him down but he refused and went to leave, this only pissed me off. That was such a stupid thing to do, it looks like he was way to motivated to fight against Deku.

"Although, you have more potential then anyone in the hero course, I will be aiming for top just like all the other students in the school." Deku said and we walk out to the stage area. Pro hero Midnight asked to have the student representative, which turned out to be Bakugo to recite the ikead pledge. During those two weeks, Bakugo came to apologize for how he reacted and we were back to being friends. We hadn't talked after the whole incident in the hallway but when he came to apologize, he really meant that he was sorry. So Bakugo goes up on stage and I get excited, hoping he would recite the pledge but instead he decided to say something else.

"I will win the festival. That is all I have to say." I froze in my spot and sweatdropped, before drooping over at his stupidity and then I slapped my forehead. The other classes booed him, while my entire class yelled at him for saying that. After he exits, Midnight walks back up on stage.

"The preliminaries of the festival will be an obstacle course race, 4 kilometers around the stadium." And with that the race immediately begins and since everyone was trying to get out at the same time the door way became packed. I guess Todoroki had the same idea, as I did because we both froze the doorway to get through.

I used my fire to propel me forward landing behind Todoroki, who happened to have noticed me. Mineta tries to attack Todoroki, but he is hit by a villain bot. They were like the ones from the entrance exam. I pushed myself forward, as a villain bot grabbed for me but I dodged it. I shrouded my hands in fire and grabbed the robot's arm, using my strength and flipped it over my shoulder into another bot.

"Whoooooooooaaaaaa!" Present Mic yelled and I cringed. Why did he have to be so loud? The bots exploded at my excessive amount of heat and I smirked and continued to move forward, as I kept focus on what was going on around me.

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