Chapter 3

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Miyuki's pov

I patted Deku on the back and we both looked at All Might, who still had that weird look on his face. "Young man, I find that you are worthy of inheriting my strength. How about I pass down my quirk to you?" Deku and I gave him a confused look. "What do you mean inherit your quirk?" Deku and I asked in unison. "Well, here's the thing about my quirk. It can be passed down to another person and I have chosen you, young Midoriya to be my successor." He explained, "My Quirk's name is One for All." He said, looking to Deku. "But why would you want to pass down your quirk to me?" Deku asked, looking back up at All Might.

"Honestly, I really don't mind giving my quirk to you. Mainly because you shone brighter, than the other so called heroes during that attack. Your sister surprised me greatly as well, seeing as she took charge before the heroes did anything." He said to us, and after explaining some more things Deku accepted his offer. So All Might started training him, right now I was sitting on top of a pile of stuff with All Might. "So why exactly do have a quirk, but he doesn't?" All Might asked, looking down at Deku. "Well, I'm not really his sister. My parents were well known superheroes. You knew them." He looked at me, "Wait a minute... Are you, the younger child of Winter Bullet and NitroGirl?" He asked and I scrunched my eyebrows together, "Yeah, I am. But I am an only child." I looked up at him. "Well, anyways. My father left me with Deku's parents and they adopted me after my father went missing. So I've been growing up with Deku, I had always thought he was my brother but when I got my quirk and Deku didn't his mother explained what happened." All Might looked back at Deku, who was still pulling us. I got down from the large pile, "Alright, I want you to clean the entire Takoba Seaside Bay for the next ten months. I will also help you train, Miyuki." I looked at him like he was crazy. "And why exactly?" I prop a hand on my hip, "It's because I want him to get stronger, by the time U.A entrance exams start. That way his body is ready for my quirk." I looked at Deku, who had complete determination on his face. He then gives us both a strict training schedule.

"So you said that your ice power was much stronger around water?" All Might asked, "Yeah, for some reason it's just a lot more powerful with water being near." I said, looking down at my right hand. "Okay, so here's what were gonna do. I want you to become stronger, without depending on your right side." He said, making me gape at him. "Fine," I sighed and thus training began for both me and Deku.

But during our training, both All Might and I notice that Deku has overworked his body and gone past the schedule we agreed on, which made me worry. To be honest, I was also overworking myself making my left side stronger and having my ice become stronger without being near water. "Listen, you two..... You have been overworking your bodies, which will gives us the opposite effect were looking for." All Might scolds both of us.

"I want to become as great as a hero both my parents were. I want to be as strong as they were, if not stronger." I showed him the passion I held. "For me, I've been working so hard because I want to excel at the U.A entrance exams and become a great hero like you, All Might." Deku said with just as much passion, if not more. We spent those ten months training harder, All Might helped me gain strength since he said I couldn't always rely on my quirk. He taught me different fighting techniques and moves and before we knew it, those ten months came to a close. Deku and I had both been prepping for the U.A. entrance exam, Deku had finished cleaning up the bay-side as well. Deku's body is a lot more muscular and refined now, "I think you are now worthy of taking on my quirk, one for all." I smiled at Deku, but that dropped off my face when All Might pulls out a strand of his hair and holds it out for Deku.

"Why are you giving him a strand of your hair?" I asked, giving the same confused look as Deku. "Well, he has to swallow some of my DNA in order to inherit my quirk." All Might said, "He- I have to what?!!!" We both yelled at All Might. "Are you crazy?" I yelled at him, "No, it's the only way for him to inherit the quirk. Especially with the little time we have left before the U.A entrance exams start." All Might explained, so Deku had no choice but to take it.

"Come on, we don't want to be late!!" I pulled on Deku's arm and rushed to school. "Bye All Might!!!" I shouted, rushing towards the school luckily we got there on time. I was so surprised seeing the huge building, "Whoa,"  Just as we were getting inside, Deku trips and is saved by a girl with short brown hair. "Thanks," Deku said nervously, "You're welcome. Good luck to the both of you." She gave us a smile, "Thanks," I smiled back at her as she walked off, while Deku stood there in complete shock. We walked in and found ourselves in an area full of students, as a guy with blonde hair took the mic. 

"I'm Present Mic, and I'm hear to explain to all of you how the entrance exams work. Which begins with a practical test, and then leads to a written test afterwards. The goal in the practical test, is to dispatch as many villains as you can to earn a high score." He explains and we both get to the area we are supposed to go. I look to Deku and he nods, as we get ready for our test. 

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