Chapter 1

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Miyuki's pov

When I had finally learned the truth of the demise of both my parents, I was heart broken. Inko told me that my father had went on a mission when I was only three, but he never came back. Nobody had heard from him, there were a lot of Pro Heroes that ended up in America trying to find him. I was very lucky that Inko and her husband took me in and raised me, like I was there own. So they basically adopted me. I grew up with Izuku, who is my adopted brother. When we were little, Izuku was obsessed with watching that clip one of All Might, saving a lot of people from a destroyed building. For me, I was obsessed with watching the work of both my parents and All Might. They were pretty awesome, my parents were known for their awesome powers and teamwork. That all changed when a villain massacred almost the entire town but was taken down by my mother, she had lost her own life and then my father did. In our neighborhood was a kid named Katsuki Bakugo, all the kids in the neighborhood followed him because of his bravery. He was nice to me and Izuku before he got his quirk, which changed when we learned that Deku wasn't going to have a quirk. I had gotten my quirk when I was four and didn't like the fire at all, especially after Bakugo got his quirk. He treated me a lot nicer than he treated Izuku, which made me angry. I hated bullies. So one day, I had enough of him picking on Izuku and stood up for him. Even to this day, I'm not scared of Bakugo at all but Izuku is. 

Currently I was at cheer leading practice, although I never wanted to be there, I had too. My coach is a very scary woman, she practically forced me to join. My athleticism was what caught her eye, she was actually my P. E. coach. "That was perfect formation, Miyuki. Nice job, but keep practicing on those landings." I nodded, taking a swig from my water bottle. "Alright girls, remember we don't have practice for the rest of the week since I'll be going away on an important trip. Practice is over." I put my water bottle in the side pocket of my book bag and started walking. "Hey! Wait for me!" I turned my head back, seeing a friend of mines run towards me. "Oh hey, Sue." She gave me a bright smile. "How's it going? Practice was rough, wasn't it?" She caught up with me, "Yeah, but it's nice to finally have a break." I pushed back my hair, "I find it so cool that you have two quirks. I mean I only have one and that's just to copy other people's quirk." I looked at her like she was crazy, "I would love to have just one quirk." I looked forward, seeing Deku standing there waving to me. "Deku!!!!!!" Sue yelled and rushed forward, but I caught her by the book bag and pushed her back. "Stay away from him. You know once you get to him, you won't let go. See ya tomorrow." I walked forward, finally catching up to him. "So how was practice?" He asked, "It was alright. How was class?" I asked him, "Not so great. Kacchan found out that I wanted to go to U.A. and he wanted to know if you were going as well." He looked down at his notebook. "What happened to it?" I gasped, "Kacchan used his quirk and threw it out the window into the pond." This made only me growl, "That damn idiot," Deku started shaking. "Uh.... Miyu, you look kinda scary." I snapped out of it and saw him shaking. "Sorry Deku," I sighed and we started walking. We came across a tunnel on the way home, "Man, that's messed up. But you know what? I have mines with me today." Since Deku didn't have a quirk, he wrote down other pro hero's quirks and studied from them. He constantly fanboys like this morning, when we ran into that big crowd and saw multiple pro hero's taking down a huge villain. For me, I get excused from that class several days a week because of my cheer leading practice. "Luckily, I wrote down everything. We can get you a new one." I gave him a smile and he patted my head. 

"No, that's alright," I gave him a look of confusion, but quickly wiped it away. "Okay," He took his hand off my hair and that's when I heard something. I turned around, seeing a green sludge heading towards Deku. It nearly grabbed his foot but I froze it, it was worse because I wasn't near any water. My ice was powerful on its own, but sometimes I needed my water to back it up. "Damn it, Deku get behind me." I shouted, keeping my attention on the green sludge. 

"Oh! So cold but my, my what great power you have. Come here and let me have it." I froze another sludge tentacle, but he broke the ice.

"Miyu!!!" I turned my head, seeing that the green sludge had gotten to him. "Let go of him, you bastard!!" I shrouded my hand in ice and punched the sludge but he dodged it. "Behind you!!!!" I turned my head slightly, but was too slow and was taken by the foot. I shrouded my fist in fire and went to punch it again, but was thrashed against the wall. I yelled out in pain and tried to escape, but it tightened its grip around me and I couldn't breathe. "Somebody help!!!" Deku thrashed around. "Just let me get your powers and it will be alright." I struggled more, trying to get out of the sludge. "Hmm," I tried reaching for Deku but it was no use, causing tears to spring from my eyes. "Please somebody help us," I thought all hope was lost until he showed up. "I was stupid not to realize you would be in the sewers. I was busy looking for you out in the open but I should have realized that I would have found you here." I heard a familiar voice and I opened one eye, seeing the one hero that I always wanted to meet. All might was here. "Texas Smash!!!" He punched the sludge, which made it let us go and drop us. I was awake but I could see that Deku was going to pass out, my hero book lay scattered among my other items. I could see Deku's hero analysis notebook laying on the ground, so I crawled over to him. "Deku," My voice came out softly, when I realized he was out cold. I watched as All Might drove away the villain dude. I got up to my feet, "Thanks so much All Might," I smiled at him and noticed that Deku was finally awake. 

"Deku!!! I was so worried!!!" I gave him a big hug, rubbing our cheeks together. "I'm sorry for worrying you." Deku said but he was stunned seeing All Might, his favorite pro hero, standing in front of us. "All Might, can you sign my notebook?" Deku opened his notebook. "I already did. And yours as well. What's your name, Kid?" He asked, as I opened my notebook seeing his signature. "So cool!!!" He yelled, making me laugh at his reaction. "My name is Miyuki, but he calls me Miyu. And his name is Izuku Midoriya although I call him Deku." I walked off and picked up both of our book-bags, putting my notebook back in my bag. I turned to see All might getting ready to leave seeing as we were safe and had the sludge villain in his custody. But when he jumps Deku grabs onto him, and I jumped up grabbing onto Deku."What the hell is wrong with you?!!" I yelled at him, "I--i just-" All Might looks back at us two, "Get off my leg, kids!!" He yelled. 

"If we let go, we could both die!" Deku shouted, with tears in his eyes.

So All Might looked for somewhere to land, but I noticed that the sludge villain wasn't in his pocket. He must have dropped him, wait, that means he'll try to absorb somebody else. I look up at All Might seeing blood come out of his mouth and I panicked but I couldn't say anything to Deku about it, I could see that All Might was worried as well. He lands on a rooftop of a building. I looked to Deku, who was looking down.

"All Might, can I ask you a question?" He asked and All Might looked back at us two, "Yeah. What is it, kid?" He asked. "Could a person who doesn't have a quirk become a hero like you?" My eyes softened on him, as I looked at All Might.

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