Chapter 9

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Miyuki's pov

I sweatdropped at All Might's response to my question when he covered Itsuki's mouth, it made me a bit skeptical as to where Itsuki came from. He reminded me of my dad which was odd, and Deku noticed it as well. "Well, we must be going now. See you later." I sweatdropped and turned to Deku.


The next day, when we got to the school, I noticed something. There were so many reporters outside and as soon as they spotted Deku and I, they rushed towards us, making Deku and I panic. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" He hid behind me, as they swarmed us. "We heard that All Might and Pro Hero Itsuki Sateruya have joined the staff here at U.A High. Is this True?!! Has All Might been your teacher?" I was taken back by the question and before I could answer the question, Mr. Aizawa showed up.

"Sorry, but this is not the time to be asking questions. You all need to leave, bye." He pulled Deku and I away and shut them out of the school. "Come on kids, let's get to class before the bell rings." I nodded and followed after him and pretty soon we reached the classroom.

"Mooooooornning Miyu!" Eijiro held up a hand, as I entered the classroom and I smiled. "Heeeeyyyyyy Eiji!" I responded, which made Bakugo let out a sigh as I took my seat. Mr. Aizawa entered the classroom behind Deku and I, making the class settle down. "Alright, you all need to pick a class rep and vice rep before the end of the class period today. I would like you to choose wisely, since this can gain you guys extra recognition. When you're done come wake me up." Aizawa zipped himself up in his sleeping bag, "Wait, you're going to sleep now!!?" The rest of the class besides Todoroki, Bakugo and I yelled to Aizawa who was already on the floor. I sweatdropped at our teacher's behavior, "He's nothing like the other teachers here." My eyes trailed over to Deku as everyone started talking about why they should be picked, but Iida's voice caught my attention.

"We should put it to a vote." So we decided to but I voted for Deku, when the results came in Iida had nearly a heart attack. "Why did Deku and Momo get more votes then me?!" Bakugo shouted, "Well, I voted for Deku." I stated with an eyebrow raised, "But I voted for you!" Denki and Eijiro pointed to me and I shrugged, not really caring.

So it was decided that Momo and Deku were our Rep and our vice rep, but Deku wasn't all to much of a brave soul when talking in front of people especially a class that held Bakugo in it. He was also pissed that Deku managed to nab the role of rep in the class, "Bakugo, leave him alone." I shouted, making him growl and turn to me with his angry glare. "I'm not that scared of you. Back off of Deku or you die." I gave him a sickly sweet smile, which made him turn back around and shut up.

"Scary," Denki and Eijiro shook in their seats, while Iida and Uraraka shook and Deku sweatdropped. It was now time for lunch but I was sleepy, I had accidentally fallen asleep in class after we did some other things. "Miyu, it's time for lunch." I sat up rubbing my eyes, seeing Bakugo standing near my desk. "Hey, Bakugo. Thanks for waking me up." I grabbed my jacket and headed to the cafeteria, I got into the lunch line and headed towards the table Deku was sitting at.

"Hey, I thought you would sleep through the lunch period. Did Kacchan wake you up?" Deku looked up at me, as I put my plate down on the table. "Yeah, he did." I sat down and opened my milk carton, "Hey, can we sit with you guys?" I looked over my shoulder to see Denki and Eijiro  standing behind me, but I noticed towards the back of the two was Todoroki. Which I found weird, he took a seat between Uraraka and Iida while Denki sat next to me and Eijiro sat across from Deku.

"I'm not sure that I can lead a class. I haven't done anything like that before. Miyu has a lot more experience with being a leader." Deku pointed out which landed everyone's eyes on me, "What?" I mumbled as I bit into my pizza, "Why does he say that you have had experience?" Iida's blue eyes met my mismatched ones and I swallowed my pizza. "I was the captain of my cheerleading squad, back at my old school before I came here." All of them except for Deku were surprised, "Seriously you were a cheerleader captain?!!!" Uraraka shouted in shock, "Yes. It was actually fun, but my coach is a scary woman. I never wanted to be a cheerleader but she forced me. So yes, I was in pigtails at times and of course skirts that didn't go past my knees." I drank my chocolate milk and smirked, when Denki spit his milk out. He's such a perv, which makes it much more fun to tease him.

"Anyways, Deku.. I'm pretty sure you can be a good leader. To be honest, I voted for you because of your intuition during the entrance exam." Iida explained, making me put my milk down. "I have a question... Why do you speak so formal? Do you come from a well mannered family?" Uraraka turned her eyes to him, "Yes. Actually I am a member of the Iida Hero Family. I only talk that way because I feel that people would judge me the wrong way. My older brother is the Pro Hero Ingenium." He stated and Denki spit his milk out again.

"What?!" Eijiro shouted, making me laugh as Todoroki just kept his eyes on us. But before Iida could say anything the school alarm goes off, sending everyone into a panic. "That means someone has gotten into the building." A third year, I'm guessing pointed out. So all the students started to evacuate but with so many all trying to get out at once, it caused a big traffic jam. Deku and I had been separated by the mass of students, and I couldn't reach Denki or Eijiro. As I was pushed around, I decided to use my water to move above the crowd and saw Iida fly over head. "Iida!!" He turned his head stopping himself, "What's going on?" I raised the water up to his height, making sure nobody else was getting wet. "The reporters made it inside. I have to inform everyone." I nodded and headed to find Deku, but I was bumped off my water ride. I yelped and before I hit the ground, I was saved by Bakugo. He managed to catch me in the nick of time which made me grateful, I didn't want to be trampled by everyone else.

"Tha-" I was cut off by Iida, "Everyone calm down!! It's only the press! They accidentally broke into the school!" This made everyone stop running and kept everyone calm and I looked to Bakugo, who was still holding onto me.

"So I decided to resign as Class Rep. I think Iida deserves it, because he was able to take action and calm everyone down before it got worse. So I nominate Iida as my replacement." I smiled at Deku and the majority of the class seemed to agree, so Iida became our new class rep with Momo being our vice rep. Later on, Mr. Aizawa showed up from his long nap.


"You all will be participating in rescue exercise for apart of your Basic Hero training. I want you all to suit up and head down to board the bus, waiting to take you to an off- campus location for the exercise." I smiled and suited up for the exercise. On the bus, I sat down next to Todoroki who didn't even notice that it was Bakugo who didn't want me sitting next to him.

The others were discussing each other's quirks, "I noticed that Deku's quirk is similar to All Might's All For One." Tsuyu stated and my eyes slightly widened, so Deku and I made indiscreet eye contact. "Nah, I don't see it. Besides, All Might doesn't hurt himself when he uses his quirk. But to be honest, I wish I had a flashier quirk that could get me famous." Eijiro countered Tsuyu's claims, "Well the quirk doesn't make you a better hero in my opinion. It's whether you do the right thing at the right time." I leaned forward one the bar in front of me and Eijiro gave me a smile, "You're quirk is powerful enough to make you a good pro hero in the future." Deku stated, shifting Eijiro's eye back to him.

"Yeah, but Bakugo, Miyu and Todoroki have quirks that are perfect for becoming professional problems hero's." I shook my head at the statement, "I may have three good quirks and a good attitude that I can become a pro hero, but there's a downside to my quirk. When I use all three, I use up most of my energy which in turn leaves me with nothing meaning I can't move around as much. It makes me tired." I reminded them, turning Todoroki's eyes to me. "Besides, I'm not that good with using my water." I sat back into the seat, "Yes, that's true. But Bakugo is way to angry, to be able to become popular with the crowd." Sue interjected and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Bakugo get irritated.

"This is strange... The tables have turned on Bakugo. He used to bully and tease Deku, but now the role is reversed and Bakugo is the one being picked on by the class." I knew Deku and I were thinking the same thing. I fell asleep afterwards, but didn't realize that I had fallen asleep on Todoroki's shoulder by accident.

When he woke me up, we had arrived at the training center. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." I shook my head as our mismatched eyes met, "Don't worry about it." I smiled and got up from the seat, walking off the bus with Bakugo following after me. When we got inside, the place reminded me of an amusement park.

"Hello young heroes and welcome to the U.S.J. My name is Pro hero Thirteen. Your quirks save people and you should use it to save people rather than to fight." I got this strange feeling and shifted my eyes to the center of the area to see a huge black portal open, but that's not what scared me most. It was the large group of Villains that had stepped through the portal, making Thirteen turn around.

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