Chapter 60

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Miyuki's pov

"Midoriya. I apologize for getting violent with you. I'm sorry." Iida apologized to Deku, I still didn't feel like forgiving him. I hate when people put their hands on Deku, especially when it's those who are our friends. He had enough of Bakugo and his lackeys torment over the years, knowing Deku, he probably already forgave him. "Seriously, Iida. Your reason for joining the group is not very persuasive." Momo shook her head, "It's fine! I'm okay!" Deku said, rubbing the back of his head. I knew it, he already forgave Iida. It's in his nature to forgive others easily, me on the other hand, I'm nothing like that. "I am accompanying you because I am not convinced you will behave yourselves. If I get even a whiff of combat, then I will make you return immediately." I scoffed at his words, "In other words, you will be under my surveillance." The seven of us looked at him like he was on something, "That's right, I will be a watchman!" He exclaimed, "Iida.. You're an idiot." I muttered, crossing my arms as I rolled my eyes. "Miyuki." Eijiro scolded, "What?" I snapped, he immediately held his hands up in surrender. "Don't be so harsh, Miyuki. He apologized." Momo said, "I don't give a fuck if he apologized." I snapped, everyone looked at me in shock. I was extremely on edge with Bakugo being kidnapped in front of us and finding out from a villain that my father was alive made things even more stressful for me. I think everything was starting to take a toll on my mental health, "He can apologize all he wants, I don't care. He put his hands on Izuku when he didn't need to and that's enough for me to be angry with him about." Deku looked at me with concern, he knew that I never used his birth name and rather called him by his nickname. "I'm tired of everyone thinking that they can just threaten or put hands on him because he's nice and doesn't retaliate when it happens. I'm tired of everyone thinking they can just walk all over him! The next person who puts their hands on Izuku will regret that they ever even touched him and that they met me." Todoroki took my hand in his and pulled me away from the others, wanting to calm me down.

"Miyuki, you have got to get a hold of your emotions." Todoroki started, placing his hands on my shoulders. "I know that right now you aren't in the best state of mind because Bakugo has been kidnapped but you have to calm down. We are going to do everything we can to save him and we'll get him back safe and sound. But please, please, calm down." Todoroki pleaded, I took a moment and let out a sigh. He was right, I needed to stop letting my emotions get the better of my judgment. I can't keep snapping at Iida, I can't let my anger keep getting in the way of everything. "Okay.. I'll try to stop being so angry. I'm sorry." I looked up into his eyes, "It's okay, Miyuki. You're stressed. I'm not going to hold that against you, come here." He pulled me into a hug, I gave into his warm embrace and buried my face into his neck, just taking in his calming scent. We stayed like this for a few minutes before we separated and went back to the group, "Iida.. I'm sorry about slapping you. And I'm sorry about cursing at you. I shouldn't have put my hands on you." I apologized, "It's okay, I completely understand why you did it. At this point, I've considered you being violent towards someone who puts their hands on Deku as a reflex. And I triggered that reflex when I punched him. And don't worry about the cursing, I know that this has been a stressful ordeal for you." Iida smiled at me.

"Friends?" I asked, holding out a hand for him to shake.

"Friends." He shook my hand. Deku smiled lightly and nudged Todoroki, who only gave him a nonchalant look. Eijiro smiled, throwing an arm around me and pulled me close but he slightly tensed up when he saw Todoroki glaring at him. "Rescuing Bakugo is a job for the pros. Looking at this objectively, there is no need for you all to do anything. Miyuki, I know that you're going to be ready to fight if you need to and I know very well that I won't be able to stop you from doing that. However, it is a compromise plan because I know very well how you feel. Do not forget that." Momo stated, "Yeah." Todoroki nodded, "I know." Eijiro answered.

"The coordinates on the receiver indicate Camino Ward, Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture. Since we're leaving from Nagano, it will take about two hours. We should arrive around ten o'clock." Momo explained, "Um, did you tell everyone that we would leave tonight?" Deku asked, "Yeah, we did." Sue said, "They tried even harder to stop us when we told them, though." Todoroki explained, it still bothered me how much they were trying to talk us out of this rescue mission. "After that, Uraraka said something pretty harsh, too." Eijiro mentioned and I thought back to what she said, I think Bakugo will feel humiliated that he had to be saved by everyone..." Uraraka's words rang through my head, she had a point but that doesn't matter. Bakugo still needed to be rescued and right now the pro heroes are just sitting around a table, trying to come up with a plan that may take hours to figure out. We shouldn't waste any time doing that, especially since the League has their plans on what they want to do to Bakugo. "Just to make sure, you know that what we're doing is selfish and that no one wants us to do it, right? You can still turn back if you want to." Todoroki brought up the idea and although, I hated it, I knew that this was something that needed to be made clear. "If I were hesitating, then I wouldn't've said I'd do it in the first place!" Eijiro stated, "Yeah, I agree with that." I nodded, "Me too." Shinji agreed.

"That would be stupid to just go back on our word, it would make us seem like we're too afraid to do anything that a Pro Hero would do. Even Pro Heroes get scared at times when doing things like this but they will always go through with it. Especially when they have given people their word." Sue crossed her arms, "That's exactly the point that I was making earlier. All of us are training to be Pro Heroes, if we shy away from a mission like this now, how will we expect to go through with it when we become Pro Heroes? People will be counting on us to save them when they need it and that's what Pro Heroes do, they do whatever they can to protect and save those who need it." I spoke up, Todoroki and the others seemed to take my words to heart. "Besides, Bakugo is not someone who'd let the villains do whatever they want with him. He's going to fight back with everything he's got." I added, "True." Eijiro agreed, nodding his head.

"What about you, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, "I cannot turn back.." Deku said, I could the determination in his eyes. He wanted to do this as much as I wanted to, he wasn't going to back down either. "I see... All right." Todoroki nodded, he looked at me and gave me a comforting smile and grabbed my hand. "Shinji?" Eijiro asked, "I'm not turning back either. Bakugo needs all the help he can get." Shinji answered, sucking on another lollipop. I sweat dropped as he pulled out another one and gave it to Todoroki, I still don't know where he's getting those lollipops from. "Bakugo, just hang on a little longer. I promise we're coming to get you and I will fight the league if I have to in order to get you home safe. So just hang in there, please." With those words in mind, the seven of us continued on to get Bakugo back.

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