Chapter 64

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Miyuki's pov

All of us stood in complete awe and fear, the fact that All Might's greatest enemy of all time was now here made everything so much more complicated. At the bar where the villains were, I had a feeling that All Might and the other pro heroes had managed to find where they were holding Bakugo. Knowing how destructive All Might is, he probably broke through the wall of the building to take the Villains off guard. Things were likely becoming more and more tense, after all, the League of Villains was now having to face all of the Pro Heroes that had come to save Bakugo. Outside, everyone was now on their toes and even the villains were petrified of All For One. I didn't think we would ever see him, he had disappeared for a long time after his fight with All Might. I had a very bad feeling that things were headed in a bad direction since he has now resurfaced, this was going to make life even more complicated and hard than it needed to be. Before any of the heroes can make a move, All For One uses his powers and teleports the villains to him. Everyone stood in shock, not expecting All For One to be able to do that. None of us were even aware that he could do something like that, I looked at Deku and the two of us made eye contact. This was starting to go downhill fast, how were we supposed to get Bakugo with All For One being right there? We were no match for that man. "We're in deep shit. Things are going to get even more crazy." I thought, "I see... This strength is from a huge amount of practice and practical experience. I don't need yours... It's a Quirk that doesn't go with Tomura's disposition." All For One spoke, even his talking gave me the chills. The fact that this one man can strike so much fear into one individual, let alone an entire group of Pro Heroes is both impressive and scary. He seemed to enjoy that aspect, that so many people and even Pro Heroes are too scared to go up against him. All Might was the only Pro Hero to ever challenge him, which is what made everyone admire him and his strength. 

"He erased them all in an instant," Eijiro said, when I looked over to see Sue and Shinji's reaction both varied differently. While Sue seemed a lot more panicked and terrified, Shinji seemed to be calm. In fact, he was the only calm person in the group, even Iida was tense about what we were now facing.

"Damn it... The hell?" My ears perked up and I swiveled around, my eyes widening as I saw Bakugo standing with the villains and One for All. "Bakugo," I whispered, I feared what could happen to Bakugo if All For One didn't like his attitude. 

"Oh no..." Sue whimpered quietly.

My heart pounded in my chest, fear starting to course through my veins.

"Sorry, Bakugo." All For One apologized. 


I cringed inwardly when I saw Toga, I remembered what Uraraka and Tsuyu went through when the league invaded the camp. She had been the one who wanted to taste their blood, as if she was some kind  "You failed again, huh, Tomura?" All for One asked, Tomura seemed just as surprised as the rest of us to see One For All standing there in front of them. "But don't be discouraged. Just try again. I have brought your associates back as well. Even this child." He motioned towards Bakugo, I clenched my fist wanting nothing more than to run out and grab Bakugo but there was no way I was going to be able to hold my own against All for One. It seemed that I was not the only one who wanted to run out and grab Bakugo, I could tell from Deku's body language and facial expression that he was feeling the same way. "Because you judged that he was an important piece. Do it over as many times as you need to. That is why I am here. It's all for you." He said, from the way he spoke, it seemed to me that All For One was the person calling the shots. "All For One is speaking as if he's the boss." Sue said, "He is the one calling the shots. All of the other villains are not even questioning the things he's said and done. All For One is most likely the one who persuaded Tomura to put together this league of villains." I stated, crossing my arms. 

"This isn't good for any of us. Who knows what else he has planned for them to do."

I was suddenly hit with this overwhelming feeling of dread that All For One might have known that we were here, I mean the man has all types of quirks at this point. It would be easy for him to find us here and if that happened, then all of us were royally screwed big time. None of us had the power or strength to face off against him. 

"You're here, after all, aren't you...?" For a moment, I froze in my spot which made Deku look at me with concern. When I made the knowing facial expression, he knew too well what it meant. His eyes widened as he looked at All For One, secretly hoping that he didn't know we were here. 

"I'll have you return everything, All for One." I visibly relaxed when I realized that All Might had stepped outside to confront him. There was no way that he knew we were here but he just saved all of our asses from being found by All For One. 

"Will you kill me again, All Might?"

"All Might's here!" Sue whisper shouted in shock.

"Things are going to get wild," Shinji leaned against the wall, "You're pretty late. It's a little more than five kilometers from the bar to here. It was easily thirty seconds after I sent the Nomu before you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might." Deku and I looked at one another worriedly, All Might was going to have a tough time going up against All For One this time, he wasn't at 100% anymore after getting his injury the last time they fought. "Deku.." I started, "I know, Miyu.. I know." He grabbed my hand, as the two of them were facing off but something was really wrong. All Might was starting to have trouble keeping up with One For All and it was showing. 

"I won't make the same mistake as I did six years ago, All For One! I will take Young Bakugo back! And this time, I will throw you in prison for sure! And all of the League of Villains you control with you!"

"There's so much to do. It'll be tough... ...for both of us."

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