The Threat

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Rosinante pulled you onto his lap as he deepened the kiss, hands feeling down your curves and lighting your body on fire. The kiss wasn't desperate nor hungry like the usual ones you'd get at clubs. Instead, it was sweet and delicate, almost experimental as he tested the boundaries he could or couldn't cross with you, but, to you, there were no boundaries to be tested. You had been craving this kiss as much as him and had no plans on stopping.

Your hands clung onto the back of his neck, fingers finally able to play with his blonde locks. They felt just as silky and soft as you had imagined.

He pulled away with a small satisfied smile, letting you hide your head in the crook of his neck as you tried to regain your breath. The kiss had left you slightly surprised, given that you hadn't expected him to be flattered by your slip up at all, so you didn't say anything, your brain still trying to process what had happened.

Chuckling, he lifted your chin so that you'd look at him. He found amusing how quick your humor had changed from giving his scary older brother some attitude to being embarrassed from a single kiss.

"What's wrong?" He teased. "Did the kiss scare you away?" He cooed, nuzzling his nose with yours.

Your stomach fluttered at his sweetness, smile finally appearing on your lips. This man really was something else.


He kissed your temple and laughed at your embarrassment, feeling completely relaxed in your presence. He didn't feel the need to act all tough and manly to make you fall for him like he had done with past dates, so he was simply being himself. You were comfortable to spend time with. Even after kissing you he wasn't feeling insecure, he just wanted things to flow naturally.

"Now can I get your number?" He smirked, lips teasing yours as he grazed them over you.

"After abandoning me on the dance floor you think you deserve it?" You pouted, hands sliding back down to his chest. He was sculpted like a greek god, neither too much mass neither too weak. The perfect amount of muscle.

His face fell slightly.


"I'm sorry about that. My brother was right, though. I suck at dancing." He said embarrassedly.

"Now that can't be true! I'll have to be the one to judge that." You spoke into his ear seductively. "You just haven't danced with the right person yet." You said, pulling away and smiling at him cheekily. "Come on!" You tried to stand up, but he held you tightly on top of his lap, not letting you go anywhere. "No?" You pouted.

"I may have a better idea." He said, his lips pecking yours for a second. "The club will close its doors in less than an hour."

You hummed in agreement and waited for him to continue with his proposal as you began to spread small kisses around his face. Cheeks, chin, nose, and finally lips. He grunted against your lips, body stiffening under yours as his mind got some not-so-first date appropriate kind of thoughts.

"What do you think about ditching this place and going for a nighttime walk?"

Sounds romantic~

"A nighttime walk?" You repeated. As much sweeter and calmer as it would be in comparison to the club, walking outside in the middle of the night was still quite dangerous.

"Don't worry! I'm a police officer." He smiled, seeing the worry in your eyes. "I'll protect you with my life if necessary." He joked, puffing out his chest in a caricature-like manner, standing proudly and attempting to show you just how strong he was.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now