The Fifth Encounter

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Two days had gone by and you weren't feeling as better as you thought you would. Everything felt...


Yes. Everything sucked.

On the good side, Law was becoming more and more attached to you now that he sensed your never ending sadness. He curled up to your side, on your lap, in your bed, he kept you company when you were studying, cooking, cleaning, absolutely anything. He was just always right there with you in case you needed your dog companion's emotional support. And you did need him.

There is something about dogs that simply helps reduce ones stress and negativity. Law was amazing at that.

"Ugh." You mumbled, laying on top of your couch as you stared up at the ceiling.

A part of you had faith that, eventually he was going to call. Maybe he would even pop by your flat, grab you harshly by the waist and drag you all the way against his body and the wall only to kiss you passionately and ask for you to be back together.

"UGH." You grumbled, pressing a pillow against your reddened face.

If only.

On cue, Law stomped his way over to you with his metallic food dish, once more demanding to be fed. It had turned into part of your routine now that your mind was aloof. Law understood that you weren't fully in your senses, so, every once in a while, he tried to get your attention to get you to do basic chores. He'd bring you the broom, a blanket, and, most importantly, his food dish.

"Oh, right." You sighed, patting his dark fur and sluggishly moving your butt away from the couch. "Time to fee...d you." You stopped in your tracks as you remembered that, the last time you fed this little dog, you had finished and thrown away the last bag of food.

Oh no.

That meant you'd have to get your ass out of here to go buy some more.

Or I could just feed him left overs...?

No. That was the irresponsible choice. Sooner or later you would have had to leave this place anyways. You had to move on. Or at least try.

This was your first time getting out of your apartment after the incident, the situation hurting you too much to even get up to attend your classes. You had been studying and catching up with the notes that your classmates had sent you, and it was working for you just fine.

Law noticed you getting up and picking up your purse. Knowing this meant you were going out, he took advantage of the situation to his favor, quickly scrambling to go get his leash and dropping it right in front of your feet as he panted excitedly. It was only fair for him to be taken out on a walk after this two days of absolute neglect.

"I don't deserve you." You sighed, voice wobbly as you were once more in the brink of tears.

He barked, stomping his feet and sitting back down. He was tired of your crying, it was saddening and simply too much negativity.

"Right." You smiled nostalgically, clipping his leash on his collar and taking a deep breath.

This was absolutely fine. You'd go out, walk to the store, pay, and quickly come back. Nobody was going to see you, and nobody was going to bump into you. It would be as if you had never left your place.

It's not like you were anxious about talking to people or anything, you simply didn't feel like it. Your life right now felt as if everything sucked, and your current appearance wasn't an image you wanted the people you knew to remember you by.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now