The Big Case

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Rosinante had been thinking about this case he was working on, the one that involved his brother, and he wanted to talk to you about it. You had proven to him as trustworthy and loyal, and he wanted to share that little part of his life, even if it meant breaking a police rule. You deserved to know what it was that was keeping him so busy. Besides, you loved whenever he got some real juicy stories from his work, and this was going to be one of them.

"Hey." Says Rosinante.

"Yeah?" You replied quietly.

"I've been thinking... uh, do you remember that case I'm working on?"

"The one that keeps stealing you away from me?" You pouted playfully, a small chuckle rumbling inside his chest in response.

"I want to tell you about it."

You remained quiet, trying to not hyperventilate with excitement over the fact that he'll finally tell you what it's about. Ever since you started dating and he told you how he was working on a big shot case, you wondered what it could be about. A serial killer, drug lords, an incredibly smart thief that always got away. It was thrilling!

"A-are you serious?" You asked, eyes and smile beaming up at your lover.

The sight warmed his heart. Yes, he's breaking the rules, but he trusted you with his heart, in spite of what he could've made you think just a couple of hours ago with the Zoro incident. You deserved to know.

"Yeah." He laughs.

"B-but you'll be breaking-" You begin nervously, but Rosinante interrupts you.

"I know! But it's not as serious as it sounds, I promise. My father used to tell me confidential stuff all of the time. And I know you won't tell anyone, right?"

"YES! Of course. I won't!." You reply happily, gesturing as if you had sealed your lips shut with an imaginary zipper.

"Alright." He begins. "Do you remember my brother?"

Your thrill and excitement froze, mind now confused as to why he would mention his blood family.

Don't tell me...

"Y-yes." You stutter, your big dove eyes staring into his with worry.

If this involved his brother then this case was much more emotionally draining than you had imagined. Maybe you should've been more sensitive around the topic of his weird ass brother.

"It's about him." He says, breathing in deeply and squeezing your hand in search of comfort. "When studying the circle of drug trafficking of the country the police landed on him. After months of clues and research we discovered he didn't only sell and produce drugs, but weapons and humans also."

You stared at him in horror, eyes wide and mouth agape. This didn't make sense, how could two brothers turn out to be the exact opposite? Well, Rosinante had mentioned to you that they were separated after their parents' death, but, after seeing that they did hang out every once in a while you assumed they never lost contact.

If he's a fucking drug lord then how do they even hang out so calmly?! AND HE SELLS PEOPLE? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?

"B-but..." You say confusedly, not even knowing with which question to start.

He shakes his head, signaling you that he's still not finished with his explanation.

"At least he's suspected to be. Well, we are sure, but we can't officially know for sure and it's too dangerous to attempt to do any physical and direct confrontation." He sighs.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now