A Wrong Choice

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Earlier today, you could've sworn you were about to get the most pampered night you had ever had since a long time ago. The minute the night came, though, you realized how wrong those words you had said to Rosinante were.

This wasn't relaxing. You weren't enjoying your alone time. It so happened that your pregnant self had became too dependent and clingy to your future husband, a quality that now rendered you helpless when it came to enjoying your loneliness.

So alone.

You had been stupid. You spent a whole week nagging your boyfriend for him to accept going out with his friends (the man not wanting to have a drink when you physically weren't able to due to him knocking you up) hoping that it would do him some good and that it would give you a spa night. It did not.

Instead, you were miserably curled up to your cold blankets as you blankly stared at the TV, paying no mind to what was playing as your body and soul craved for only one thing: your boyfriend. Not even two hours had passed since he had left your home with his work friends and you were already practically sobbing for him to come back to bed with you. Who could blame you? You two had spent so much time together that both an addiction and dependence had been formed.

Every night he was there for you. There to cuddle with you, clean with you, eat with you, anything you wanted to do he'd help. It worked the other way around as well. He had become even more delicate and gentle with you now that you were months into your pregnancy, the blonde not being able to get his hands off your growing tummy.

"I miss him." You groaned pitifully, your dog scooting closer to you with the hope of at least warming your fragile and freezing body with his own warmth.

He missed him too.

He had insisted on not going. Rosinante didn't even feel like going out, yet you pushed him away. You pushed him to leave your home and get some fresh air, in a fresh environment with some fresh faces. It was good that he was at least slightly breaking the routine you lived in, you knew that much, but you still missed him. So much. It was ridiculous.

Rosinante had insisted on not going for two main reasons. He didn't feel good going out in the first place. He liked the idea of being with you the most hours his job allowed him to, and he, as well, had grown very fond of your touch. He needed your comfort and presence as a way to make himself feel calm. He knew that if he left home at night he would feel like he'd need to check on you every three minutes. The other reason was that he felt bad drinking while you, a woman who liked drinking so much, couldn't. It wasn't fair that you had so many dietary and lifestyle restrictions whilst he didn't have any. He hated nature for that, and he tried to accompany you through every single requirement of your pregnant body, but you pushed him to go. You insisted so much that he finally caved.

Maybe you needed a night alone, he thought. Maybe having your own space for a whole night and getting in touch with yourself was going to make you feel good and refreshed from all the pain and exhaustion of the pregnancy. He thought.

You tossed around on top of your mattress, body twirling until it reached Rosinante's side of the bed as you let your head fall on top of his fluffy pillow. It smelled like him. It smelled so fucking good.

You opened your eyes again, body deflating as you sunk into the mattress. This was almost heaven. It would be better if only your prince charming would get back from his drinking night with his buddies.

No! Stop being selfish! He's out having fun. He probably needed to feel good and refreshed from the stress and exhaustion of taking care of a pregnant woman.

You thought.

A little bit over ten minutes afterwards, the universe got its balance back. Well, not really the universe as much as yourself, but it made sense in your head. You received a call from Hina, Rosinante's closest work friend.

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