Back in Touch

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"Hello?" You asked, voice slightly at a higher pitch than normal in the midst of your excitement.

"(Y/N)?" Replied Rosinante from the other side of the line, smile evident with the tone of his voice.

"Yes! Rosinante?"

"Yes." His smile widened, giving himself a couple of seconds to adapt to the feeling of having butterflies inside his stomach. "How are you?" He asked sweetly, forgetting the mess that was the precinct he was in as his focus went to you.

Your voice was a little groggy, confirming the suspicions he had got after you hadn't accepted his previous calls of you being asleep. You had probably just woken up.

Simply hearing your voice teleported him away of his surroundings, melting away his worries, stress and anger. He had called you to invite you out for dinner, but suddenly he couldn't even remember that simple task, only wanting to know about you and your well-being instead.

"I'm good. I actually slept through the whole morning until a couple of seconds ago." You chuckled, feeling guilty about the missed morning.

"How are you? How did it go with those boozed up kids?" You asked jokingly, trying to set the casual tone for the conversation.

He laughed on the phone, rolling his eyes teasingly in spite of you not being able to see him.

"It went great. Brought up some memories of the last time I caught a young woman doing the same thing." He teased, referring to the time he detained you.

You pouted childishly at him as you, just like Rosinante, didn't really think about him not being able to see your expressions.

"I was going to call you earlier by the way, but my boss kept sending me places for small cases. I'm sorry." He continued.

"Oh no! Don't apologize, please! What you do is amazing. I'm surprised you had the energy to do so much work. Have you been freed yet?"

"Just now. I was actually calling you to invite you to have dinner." He said after a small pause in which he silently gathered the courage to ask you.

Yes, after the time you had spent together last night, the nerves weren't exactly justified, but he couldn't help it. He was nervous to fuck up what little had already been began to be built in your relationship, fearing that asking you out on a date tonight was too soon. To you, though, it was perfect.

Your chest and tummy fluttered at the idea, and, smiling from ear to ear, you victoriously pumped your fist up in the air.

"I'd love to!" You said, trying to lower the pitch of your voice so that you wouldn't give away how overly excited you were about this.

"Great!" He said, sighing in relief. "I'll go pick you up in three hours, is that ok?"

You pouted, wanting to see him sooner. It was unfair for him though. As you slept soundly in bed the man had to go around town putting people in jail and overall patrolling the streets.

"It's perfect." You replied, fingers gripping the phone tightly.

You didn't want to hang up just yet.

" ...eep well?" He asked, half of his words getting blurred out by your thoughts.

"Huh?" You asked dumbly.

Chuckling softly, he imagined you were still a little sleepy and your mind simply wasn't functioning like usual.

"How was your morning? Did you sleep well?" He repeated.

"Oh, yeah! I may have even passed out." You joked. "And~" You dragged the word. "It felt really nice to wake up to your calls." You swooned.

Rosinante's eyes squinted, almost squished closed by how big his dumb smile had become. He couldn't wait for that date and he now regretted choosing to give you three hours more to rest.

Yes, his body was a little sleep deprived, but he had trained himself to push his body to inhuman limits of energy, being able to wake his mind and body up easily after simply recharging energies by eating food. Today, he had survived off some protein bars he kept on his station at the precinct. Besides, thinking about you and your future date energized him right up.

"Oh? I'll make sure to call you more often then~" He replied, smile unwavering on his lips.

"I'd be-"

Your voice was replaced by an obnoxious beeping sound, indicating the call was over.

Confused, Rosinante stared at his phone with a pout, the device blacked out as all of it's battery had been consumed.

"Damnit." He growled, not wanting you to think he had hanged up on you.

Now he had to get quickly to his place, charge up the thing so that he could justify what may have come out as rudeness.

Maybe he was being exaggerated and you'd be much more understanding, but that didn't matter. To be fair, whatever got him out of the precinct sooner he'd consider a valid excuse. He had been going back and forth from the cells to the streets, grabbing drunks, drugged people, shop lifters, etc. It was exhausting, and he felt even worse when he remembered that today was meant to be his free day, apparently a utopian desire.

Without anything left to do at work, he finished up some case files and rushed out of the place, almost making it to the exit if it wasn't for his boss and father.

"What's got you grinning so stupidly at the phone?" Asked the older man with a warm smile.

Rosinante glared at Sengoku, scowl on his face while he wondered why in the world the universe was making it so hard for him to simply get home.

"The question should be who." Added an older woman who had happened to listen in the conversation of her beloved coworkers.

"Tsuru? Are you suggesting my boy has a girlfriend he hasn't told me about?" Said Sengoku with a cheeky smile, excited with the thought about a woman having captured his son's heart.

"Oh, he's had a couple." Replied the woman with an airy chuckle as she winked at her friend's adored son.

"I don't appreciate you talking about my love life at work, Commander." Rosinante finally talked, replying through gritted teeth and glaring at his father.

Hearing his superiors, more specifically seeing Rosinante and the Commander interact, Vergo attempted to subtly peek out from his desk to eavesdrop. Nothing went through Rosinante, though, specially at work. His eyes and readings of the environment were sharp as a hawk's and he caught onto his provisional partner's sudden interest, not liking it one bit.

"Come on son, you can talk to me about this things." Sengoku laughed nonchalantly, getting the attention of a couple other officers that were nearby.

"How about we begin talking about you giving me five hours of work during my free day." He growled.

Ok, maybe he couldn't control his lack of sleep as much as he had thought, but he did partially blame his father for pestering him, so now he'd have to face his wrath.

"That wasn't me." Frowned Sengoku.

Or maybe not.

"What?" He asked confusedly.

It was true that the precinct was in a short supply of officers this morning, but he was being given more cases than anyone. He had noticed this after seeing plenty of his colleagues sitting by their desks and fooling around the precinct while he had to run around town and waste his energies in useless cases.

"I didn't call you in. I gave some cases out for Vergo to distribute." He said simply, nodding in the way of the snoopy man who now sat straight and pretended to work on some files.

"Are you kidding me." He growled lowly, voice a little over a whisper so only his father could hear him.

"Why? Where you really working here for five hours?" Laughed Sengoku, as if he had just heard the most hilarious joke.

Crazy old man.

Rosinante peeked one final time at the secretive man's desk, wondering what it was that had gone through the man's head that lead Vergo to assign almost all of the active problems to him. It wasn't how things went at this precinct. Vergo knew very well that he had a shift-less day, on the contrary to his other colleagues who had a much calmer day.

There was something weird about that man, and he wasn't going to keep ignoring it.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now