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"She's a keeper~" Sengoku repeated to his son goofily as Rosinante drove him back to his place.

The older man wore one of the happiest and most teasing grins of his as he expressed his opinion of you to his son.

It had been a couple of hours into the night once Sengoku finally realized what time it was. And that he was a tad drunk. Maybe a lot more drunk than he would've liked to admit. Because of this, he had to ask for Rosinante's service as his driver for the night, and, taking some healthy advantage of the situation, he decided to talk to his son about you. He always liked to create occasions in which his son could be completely open to him.

Obviously this wasn't the best situation, with him being drunk out of his ass and all, but he didn't realize it. He simply let the words flow out of his mouth.

Rosinante glanced at his drunk father from the corner of his eyes and then back at the road. There was a very dark and mind consuming thought that had been lingering inside his head ever since your parents made their opinion about your new boyfriend very clear.

Now, he didn't even feel like he deserved you.

Although you had warned him about your destructively criticizing parents, he paid close to null attention to your words, his head being too clouded with the excitement and hope of making a good first impression. This had been his first mistake. After realizing how snobby your sour parents were, he didn't give up and tried to shake the bad feelings off. With this, he began to shove every single snarky comment in the bottom of his head until they all came back with that one final conversation.

They'd rather have you dating Zoro.

And, just like that, his confidence in your relationship was, once again, and very wrongly, shattered into pieces. He was now questioning everything.

"And she was so sweet." Blabbered the older man. "I could just put her in my pocket!" He chuckled, cheeks flush and eyes shining.

"Don't talk about her like that." Grunted Rosinante, eyes fixated on the road.

"Sorry." He laughed. "I'm just so happy you finally found the one you want to-"

"I didn't! Alright? Could you just stop it with this stupid comments?" He snapped, still not looking into his father's eyes.

Silence ruled the formerly noisy car ride, Sengoku too busy trying to figure out what had suddenly gotten into his son. He seemed fine just a couple of minutes ago.

"What do you mean you didn't?" He finally asked. "She loves you, I thought you loved her too."

"Can we not do this?"

"Son, I'm trying to help. I can see something is bothering you and I don't want you to make any wrong choices."

Rosinante sighed heavily, angered eyes finally staring into Sengoku's.

"You're drunk." He huffed. "Just drop it." He growled, parking the car right outside his former home and waiting for his father to just hop off.


"We're here. Do you need me to drive your ass up to your bed as well?" He asked angrily.

Sengoku frowned, staring at his son in disappointment. Just as his fatherly instincts kicked in, the drunkenness faded away, worry consuming his entire body as only one thought and alarm took over his mind. His son wasn't doing well.

"Rosinante." He sighed. "What happened? Did you not want me to meet (Y/N)?" He asked worriedly. "I can keep my distance if that is what you want."

"Yes." He croaked. "Please keep your distance. I just- I need to get some things sorted out." He said gruffly, bloodshot eyes remaining wide and opened as he feared that a single blink would make tears fall down his cheeks.

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