The Club

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You hugged your friends, smiling widely and in excitement from the surprise. While your friends gave you your gift, the club had finally opened it's doors, the line to enter moving forward as people were already going inside the building.

"That's not the only gift by the way!" Said Luffy, grabbing you by the shoulders and taking you to the passenger seat. "We had to hide this one from the guards~" He chuckled.

Luffy loved having to sneak around, to him, it was nothing but a game, so he always had fun when having to hide from cops or security, most of the times when you had alcohol on you illegally.

"Why?" You giggled, peeking through the window to find a generous assortment of liquors and expensive bottles.


You wondered how the hell they had managed to hide this huge ass basket from the guards since the club had guards at the entrance of the property to double check for any forbidden items. The club sold drinks inside so if the guards found any bottles of liquor they would throw them away.

"The little ones are for you to sneak into the club in your boobies." Luffy said stupidly, grinning evilly as he picked up the shot-sized bottles and tried to stuff them in between your breasts.

"No, Luffy. They don't like it when you say boobs. You have to say breasts." Said the equally stupid green haired friend as he picked up some more bottles and approached you with a wolfish grin. A smile he only got when he was about to drink some alcohol.

You blushed, scooting away from the two and defensively covering your breasts with your hands.

"It was my idea." Said Zoro, hugging Luffy's shoulder as he beamed proudly at his "intelligence".

Nami finally came to your rescue, rolling her eyes and dragging you behind her form.

"I told you guys we weren't going to do that." She said between gritted teeth, glaring at the two men with a fiery gaze.


"Then you do it." Said Zoro seriously, taking a couple of tiny bottles and passing them to Nami. The man needed his drinks.

"We bought the VIP pass, you can get some for free inside." She sighed, putting the little bottles back into the basket and closing the door. "Let's go." She smiled, motioning over to the doors and getting everyone to follow her.

She really was like an older sister to the group.

Zoro walked by your side, waiting for Nami to get distracted and slipped a bottle inside of your bra.

"Zoro!" You scolded, blushing and glaring at him with squinted eyes. You didn't understand why it was so hard for him to understand that they freaking had free drinks inside the VIP bar. Maybe, just like Luffy, he simply liked the rush of having to sneak around.

"Don't tell Nami." He winked. "Oh, and don't fucking drink it. They don't sell that brand inside."

Or maybe that.

"Wasn't going to." You replied, poking your tongue out at him teasingly.

He rolled his eyes and kept walking, patting you back.

"You look stunning today." He smiled. "Like hot hot. Who's heart are you going to break?"

You laughed with him and shook your head.

"Thanks mossy. I'll have to check out today's menu first~" You joked with a sly grin, passing the guard your ID and showing him the neon bracelet that proved you had bought an entrance. The guy nodded and let you go in one by one, indicating you to some stairs that led up to the more comfortable and classy side of the club.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now