Still Morning

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After that kiss, Rosinante left you alone in your apartment. A damn call interrupted your incredibly hot kiss. Apparently, some stupid ass kids couldn't fucking hold it in their pants and just had to go around drinking alcohol in the streets while being underage.

Fucking punks.

Ironically, the very same reason of why you had met this man in the first place was the reason he was forced out of your grasp during your beautifully heated moment.

Stupid kids that want to be older than they are.

Although you had been the same as this poor students when you were their age, you couldn't help but have the need to slap some sense into their heads.

At least I didn't go around being an obvious idiot in the streets.

Maybe the lack of sleep had made you grumpier than usual. Normally, you laughed at young people drinking and getting caught. You even laughed at yourself when you had been very ridiculously caught and detained by Rosinante, but, this time, this kids' detention meant the interruption of what could have been turned into sex.

This fucking kids!

Placing the still full coffee cups inside the sink, you pouted to yourself and decided to give up. There was literally nothing to do at this point but to wait for him to either call or text you. The poor man hadn't even gotten the chance to sleep and he was already out and ready for work.

With a heavy sigh, you clutched onto your phone and walked to your bedroom, throwing the pile of clothes you had previously cleaned up, AKA thrown out of Rosinante's sight, to the floor and plopped down to your bed.

Finally feeling the tension that had been accumulated through the day drain away from your muscles, you allowed your mind to fall asleep, phone held closely near your ear and under your pillow so that whenever it vibrated with a mew message or call, you'd be awoken immediately. Before leaving, he told you he'd call you as soon as he was done with his work so that you could get ready on time for today's date.

Being that he was working extraordinarily, you couldn't really know when he'd be done. That's why you were basically using your notifications as an alarm.

Rosinante had gotten upset the second he received the call that made him leave your place, an angry scowl taking over his former smile and shining eyes. He was mad. The way spoiled kids get angry at their mothers when, after throwing a tantrum over a toy they really wanted, they still end up empty handed.

He huffed angrily as he yanked the seventeen year old boy out of the car, pushing him speedily into the precinct so that he could be set free from his duty and go back home to get ready for his second date with you. This time, you were both going to be sober and there wouldn't be any awkwardness between you two given that you had shared lots of time together last night.

With only thinking about the many possible outcomes of today's date his stomach fluttered in excitement. It wasn't until he locked the boy inside the shared small cell, the same one he had to put you in the night he met you, that he realized he had gotten so caught up in the anxiousness and happiness of getting another chance to see you that he never really planned something out for the two of you to do.

Maybe a simple date to a coffee shop would do. A nice and quiet environment in which he could engage in an endless conversation in a private table.

Maybe a dinner date would be better. That way he'd get time to rest properly and freshen up before the date.

Either way, he had to get out of work. He needed to find time to call you and tell you about whatever plans he'd brew up so that you wouldn't be left waiting for him.

"Be careful, dude!" The youngster groaned at Rosinante after being treated so brusquely, earning himself a death glare from the angered man.

Never again did the boy dare to raise his voice at the cop. 

"Donquixote, they need you down on 36th!" Warned Vergo from his desk.

Looking up at the ceiling, Rosinante cursed the world. Today was supposed to be his free day, and he couldn't even understand why the town was so crazy today. He had been called in the first place because of the lack of officers on duty this shift, and if they kept assigning him senseless cases he would be leaving the precinct after sunset.

"Vergo, could you please take it for me?" He begged, brows furrowing together as he tried to think of other ways to get out of there. It was almost impossible for Vergo to actually take over. The man was too serious and hard headed to go against what the boss said.

Vergo stared at Rosinante through his polarized glasses, his head later tilting back down to his paperwork. That was a no.

Groaning loudly, Rosinante proceeded to do as he was asked, shaking the anger off him with one final huff. There was nothing he could do, work was work, and, even though his adoptive father was an important figure in the force, he wouldn't want to abuse his position to get out of his duties.

Although, this was his free day.

Fuck it. He thought. In the sake of my date I might just have to make the sacrifice and ask Sengoku.

He smirked at the new idea, not even a second later realizing he was being an asshole. He had to suck it up. It was his job and he had made an oath to community. If they needed him down at 36th it was because someone was most likely in danger. Besides, he could always try and text you on his way to where he was needed.

Five hours passed since Rosinante had gone off to work and you just now woke back up. Having gotten your beauty sleep, you felt much more brighter and freshened up than before. The problem was that, a minute after waking up, you realized you had a couple missed calls from the blonde officer, your heart falling off your chest as you realized you had slept in.

"SHIT." You screeched, fingers clumsily attempting to hold your phone and look for any messages.

3 missed calls.1 voice mail.

"No! No no no..." You groaned, pressing the device against your ear to listen to the message.

Your face dropped as you realized he hadn't even left it there intentionally, a blurred noise being heard from the other side together with muffled voices.


Rosinante spoke through the other side, most likely thinking that instead of recording a message you had answered him.

Wait. Does this mean I have to call him?

"Oh my god." You gasped dramatically, heart thumping against your chest.

Right now, you were too much of a nervous wreck to be able to call him first. Luckily for you, he didn't give you much time to think about it, an incoming call interrupting your little nerves attack.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now