A Mess

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"A-again, I'm so sorry about the mess." You said in embarrassment, face red as you began a shameful procedure of collecting your big variety of coloured lacy underwear.

As much as he tried, Rosinante couldn't snap his eyes off the pieces of clothing. He also couldn't help imagining how you'd look like wearing them. Beautiful smooth skin being brightened up beautifully with the red colours. Worst thing of all, he was probably coming out as a perverted sicko right now.

"Fuck." He whispered to himself, finally snapping his eyes away from you and taking a seat where you had indicated him previously. Gladly, you had been too embarrassed in yourself to even notice Rosinante's dirty thoughts being practically plastered on his face.

He didn't move his neck for even a centimeter until he heard you scattering back into your room, meaning that all of the clothes had been picked off the ground and safely stored out of sight. Sighing, he turned around to take a look at the place. It was much better than the first time he had been here, when there had been an escapee, almost unrecognizable. That prisoner had broken windows, he had left bullet holes in your walls and made a big mess. This time, everything was clean. Maybe too clean. You kept a very meticulous order of your furniture, couches and tables placed in a straight clean freak-like manner.

It made him smile. Seeing that you actually were a very clean and organized woman made him realize that you had probably freaked out by seeing the disaster you had left your house in, specially knowing that there was a first time visitor in your home.

"Done." You said with a tired smile, plopping on a seat on the counter. Close to Rosinante yet not right beside him, that way you'd create some space between you and him, making him hopefully crave you even more.

It was working, only that you were craving him just as much.

In reality, your frustrations led to one only end. Sex. You wanted to fuck the man for god's sake. The problem was it probably wouldn't be appropriate, considering that both him and yourself wanted to actually go somewhere. You wanted to create bonds and a relationship and having sex this quick usually didn't lead to a stable relationship.

"Oh right! The coffee." You chuckled, standing right back up to go and boil the pot. Shaking your head, you deleted any dirty thoughts, focusing solely on the coffee and ignoring the hot man by your side.

He followed you with his eyes, taking in your appearance and overall energies. Even after spending a whole night wide awake, you didn't look tired at all. There was still that special glint in your eyes he had come to adore, and you continued to move in a flawless elegance in spite of the alcohol you had consumed.

"Can I use your bathroom?" He asked politely, wanting to get a peak of himself and check out if he at least looked decent for you.

His skin had a habit of getting paler and paler the less rested he was, and it could make him feel like an ugly corpse. He didn't want you seeing that as your first impression.

"Sure, it's that door." You replied with a smile, pointing to the door that led to the bathroom at the side of your living room.

Nodding, he followed your directions and made it to the small room. It took him a while to find the light switch, but, once he did, he felt the same wave of warmth that had invaded his body when first stepping into your apartment.

It seemed as you had either forgotten about cleaning your bathroom or simply hadn't calculated the risk of your guest actually going inside it, but, for either reason, it was as much of a mess as your apartment was not more than a couple of minutes ago. The only difference was that, in here, the amount of underwear doubled. Many colours, many designs, and one very attractive size.

He slapped his cheeks and forced his gaze away from your underwear, turning to the mirror and staring at himself. The man staring back at him was anything but pale, eyes glistening in arousal and cheeks sporting a small blush that brightened up his face.

Sighing, he shook his head. Maybe it had been a mistake coming into your apartment, given that after accidentally seeing what was probably all of your underwear, his focus couldn't be torn away from you. More specifically, your body. Your naked body.

"Fucking hell." He murmured, head hanging low and staring at the running water he had yet to close on the sink.

"Coffee's ready!" You chirped from the kitchen, snapping him out of his self consuming thoughts.

Slapping his cheeks one final time, he turned off the tap and waltzed his way over to you, waiting for a warm cup of coffee to distract him from what was going on inside his mind.

"Thanks." He smiled as you gave him the cup of freshly brewed coffee.

As your hands brushed against each other, his eyes were drawn into your own. He was able to watch very clearly a pink hue appear slowly in your cheeks, your eyes completely lost at the sight of the blonde. Chuckling softly, he placed the cup of coffee back down on the counter and pulled you closer to him by your waist, hands pressing down tightly onto your skin.

You looked away in embarrassment, a soft huff leaving your lips as you, for a moment, forgot how to breathe properly in the mess that was your body under Rosinante's embrace. Your heartbeat was faster than usual, your eyes became glossy as arousal washed over you and electricity sparked through your core.

"Hey." He mumbled softly, eyes searching your gaze.

Looking back up, an inevitable smile crept to your lips. Rosinante looked happy and excited to be with you, warm smile not leaving his lips for even a second. You looked innocent, shy and adorable, all enough qualities to raise havoc inside his chest, his heart going just as crazy as yours.

Pulling your waist in a way that your hips would be tightly and securely pressed against his body, he finally leant in, not before tilting your jaw up to look at him and caressing your cheek.

You were driving him crazy.

With a mushy mind, unable to elaborate a single thought, you closed the space between you and Rosinante, the anticipation having killed all of your inhibitions.

Having already kissed a couple of times already, you had expected to be a little more calm in situations like this, but the way he grabbed you softly, smiled at you, even the way that he stared at you made every single encounter special. It made you an emotional mess, and you were all for it.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now