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"Z-Zoro!" You squealed in embarrassment. "We were-"

"Don't care." He rolled his eyes. "Nami and Robin sent me to look for you." He replied grumpily, not waiting for your answer as he turned his back to you and walked away.

Then, you realized how gross you were being to your boyfriend. You had pushed him against the wall like some drunk and abusive person that treated their partner like a sex object.

And in the middle of a gathering!

"Oh my god!" You gasped, stepping a little bit away from your boyfriend as to not have him trapped between you and the wall anymore. "I'm so sorry I don't know what got into me." You moaned embarrassedly, pressing your cold hands against your boiling hot cheeks.

Rosinante didn't reply at first, taking the situation in.

Ok. He was 90% sure now. You were very likely pregnant.

The morning sickness, the hormonal sensitivity and now the sudden hormonal hornyness. All first trimester symptoms. How was he going to approach this with you? Did you even want to have kids with him? And how was it possible that you hadn't yet noticed?! Sure you had talked about eventually wanting to get married, but having a child was a whole other thing, and it was probably way too soon.

Still, he couldn't ignore the way his heartbeat accelerated at the thoughts of your pregnant body. He imagined you pregnant-waddling over to him, cuddling him and asking him for massages.

And a child. Your and his child. It was a beautiful picture.

"Uh- don't worry." He said quickly, straightening out his tuxedo and shaking his head softly.

Now wasn't the time to talk about this. Now was the time for you to be happy and celebrate your freedom of no longer having to study so much.

"Are you alright?" He asked hesitantly, grabbing your left cheek with his hand and tilting your face up for you to stare at him properly.

You nodded, gulping down a lump that was in your throat.

I need this naked and under me. Why do we have to attend this stupid boring ass party anyways?! We could be in bed in where he could ra-

"Let's get you back to your friends then." He chuckled, letting go of your flustered cheek and taking your hand in his to guide you back to where everyone was.

"There you love birds are!" Said Nami happily, Robin walking by her side with a warm smile.

You smiled back at them, replying something Rosinante couldn't really understand as all of his mind was focused in was a glass of champagne held in Nami's hand. Together with another glass of champagne on her other hand. And two more on Robin's hands.

They wanted you to drink.

His eyes widened in fright, his mind working a thousand thoughts per second as he tried to figure out a way to make you not drink. This was a tough spot. You loved drinking when there was nothing to celebrate, meaning that now, a time in which there was something to celebrate, you basically needed to drink.

"We brought you a couple of glasses~!" Smirked Nami as if she were misbehaving. "Your first drink as a professional woman!"

You gladly accepted the glass and laughed with your friends, clinking it with the other two and bringing it over to your mouth.

"WAIT!" Said Rosinante nervously as he firmly held your arm down in a position that made it impossible for you to drink the contents of the glass.

"What?" You asked confusedly, looking down at where Rosinante was holding your arm and then back into his eyes.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now