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A whole month had passed after your second first date with Rosinante and things couldn't have been better. You were head over heels in love with your cop boyfriend, the man being the sweetest he had ever been to you, and you were sure he loved you just as much. The trust between the two of you that had being demolished after the heartbreaking break up was brought back up again with the effort and love of the two of you. Together.

Adding up to your actual happiness, today you were finally getting your professional title. You had finished university and, therefore, finally obtained your degree as a professional. This meant you'd get to get a job and finally begin the down payments for your and Rosinante's apartment. It was quite a big step, and you were incredibly happy about today. The ceremony was to be held in your faculty's auditorium and you were almost ready to go.

"How much longer?" Whined Rosinante from the couch, annoyed that you had made him wait so long for you to be ready.

In my defense, we're still on time!

"Just a couple of minutes!" You chirped from your bathroom, smiling at the way Rosinante was acting.

Although he was annoyed that he had to wait longer than he expected, he wasn't necessarily upset with you. He knew you took long to get ready and saw it coming, but he still enjoyed the fact that he got to playfully pester you as you got ready.

"I told you not to get ready so early!" You said, closing your lipstick with a popping noise as you were almost done with your face and makeup.

"I didn't think you'd take this long." He grumbled.

Although his words said otherwise, you could feel the smile on his lips as he spoke, the same way one can tell when someone's smiling over the phone. It was somehow reassuring, allowing you to see that you weren't really making your boyfriend feel uncomfortable, but he was actually just pestering you for taking too long. He just wanted to have your attention.

"Alright alright." You dismissed playfully, stepping out of the bathroom and looking at him expectantly.

The dumbass hadn't even noticed you were done, but it actually came to your favor. It so happened to turn out that he wasn't actually "bored and stuck on the couch", as he had previously mentioned, but he was actually having some fun as he played fetch with your adorable dog. And your purse. He was throwing your goddamned purse through your apartment and making your large clumsy dog get it.

This couldn't end well.

Just as you were about to yell at him to stop using your purse as a chewing toy, the exact same reason why you knew this wasn't a good idea, became a reality. A loud crash was heard through your walls, Rosinante's gasp following in suit as your baby doggy slammed through your centre table and dropped a flower vase down to the floor. Obviously, the delicate item shattered and your guilty dog quickly stepped away, not wanting to be declared guilty nor to be hurt by the bits of glass.

"Oh no." Whispered Rosinante, his neck snapping in the direction of the toilet only to find you there, standing in an incredibly hot dress, yet staring at him with a fiery and angry frown.

"Oh... no." He repeated, this time slower as he took in your gorgeous appearance. "Oh yes." He smirked, incident long forgotten as he slyly stood up from the couch and waltzed his way over to you. "You look pretty." He said sheepishly as his hands snaked up and down your curves.

"You're not flirting your way out of this." You huffed in an attempt to look cool and composed, but your flustered state brought visual consequences you couldn't hide. He was definitely going to flirt his way out of this.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now