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The morning after that, you were on cloud nine. Pupils dilated from the overwhelming happiness you felt of waking up in the warm embrace of the man you had come to fall for. His strong arms held you tightly against his body, squishing you softly as if you were his own little teddy bear and he was having bad dreams.

Tilting your head up, you saw how peaceful his face was when he slept, a small smile etched into his features. His smile, you assumed, was for the same reason you couldn't wipe your stupid grin off your face.

Shifting to nuzzle against his neck, your entire body was invaded with a wave of relief as his scent left your limbs numb. The sense of peace of being in the arms of someone you cared about, and who cared for you, melting your worries and problems away. You wouldn't trade this for anything.

"(Y/N)?" Rosinante asked with a groan as he felt you moving around, his hands traveling up and down your bare skin.

You hummed, turning your face up so that his nose would rub yours sweetly. With a wide smile, he slowly claimed your lips, pulling your body flush against his as he continued to massage you with his hands.

"How did you sleep Crim?" He asked teasingly, lips hovering over yours as his hands finally settled down on your lower back.

"Amazing." You said, feeling drunk in his presence and hiding your face between him and the pillow, suddenly very self conscious about being naked in bed with the man.

"Me too." He said, pulling you towards him once again to kiss you passionately.

He twirled your body backwards in a way that he could hold himself over you without squishing or putting unnecessary pressure in any part of your body. This new angle made it easier for him to keep kissing you, his lips never able to get enough from you.

It was amazing, his hard twitching muscles rubbing your soft skin while his mouth worked wonders in yours. Your body quickly beginning to warm up under him until his phone interrupted your intense make out session.


Reluctantly, he pulled away from you, eyes closed and brows kneaded together in frustration, just now remembering why his dating life prior to you was practically inexistent. No woman had the patience to deal with him having to leave early at every single chance they had to spend time together.

"Just a second." He said with an exhausted sigh, sheets sliding off his body as he straightened up and answered the phone.

Your eyes took on the show, watching his butt sit down on the edge of the bed and his back muscles twitch as he neared the phone to his ear. This was another thing you couldn't get enough of.

"Hello." He said tiredly, free hand searching yours in the sheets.

With a smile, you saw your opportunity to take revenge from the last time your kissing had been interrupted by his phone. You crawled over to him and let your hands travel down his body, lips kissing and nibbling his earlobe as he continued to talk on the phone only now, his voice seemed labored and his breath was uneven.


With a soft giggle, you pressed your bare breasts against his back and kept on leaving a trail of soft little kissed all over his neck and jawline, enjoying the stifled groans that rumbled inside his throat.

"Y-yes, dad. I'm still here." He said after a long pause, his mind occupied by your touch and his father rambling on about work on the other line of the phone.

Did he just say dad?! He was speaking with his dad and I was fucking groping him?! I'm the worst-

"Yes, I am busy, dad. I thought I told you to to stop sending me work when I'm on my breaks." He continued speaking normally after your caresses had halted.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now