Frozen Lake

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Without a doubt in mind you took Rosinante's hand and walked closely beside him, smiling goofily to yourself in the excitement of the moment. You hadn't even given yourself a second to think about just how much of a crazy adventure you were getting yourself into. Instead, you trusted your instinct, therefore trusting the police officer with your life. Quite literally. If it turned out he was driving you around only to kill you in this secluded area you had literally no way of defending yourself.

You sighed and shook your head, not wanting to put those crazy thoughts out in the universe.

"Something wrong?" Asked Rosinante.

Your eyes widened in embarrassment as you imagined yourself actually explaining him your crazy thoughts.

"N-no." You stuttered.

"Just a minute and we'll be there." He smiled.

You walked for a couple of seconds in a comfortable silent as you continued to take in your surroundings. Whatever drop of alcohol was left in your bloodstream from before had lost all effect on your mental state. The coldness and the excitement of the situation had sobered you right up.

"How do you know this place anyways? It's almost like a hidden gem!" You giggled, pulling on his arm playfully so that he'd look at you.

He laughed and took the chance to move his arm and wrap it around your shoulders, now walking more relaxed and comfortably with you. You snuggled ever-so-slightly towards him, enjoying the new warmth that was helping your body fight the environment's coldness.

"A good officer knows his way around the city." He winked, making you giggle together with him and a soft blush rise up to your cheeks.

You were loving how relaxed the two of you already were with each other's presence. It wasn't something that normally just happened with potential partners. This same thoughts were running through Rosinante's mind. He felt like he was on cloud nine.

"Oh~? Is that so?" You teased.

"What? You're laughing?" He pouted, disappointed that his attempt at looking all cool and manly brought you to laughs.

"No!" You said, trying to hide your smile with a frown, but failing anyways.

"Tease." He finally said, halting his steps as you had finally reached the end of the trail onto the lake.

Not noticing that he had stopped walking, and having been too busy admiring the beauty and uniqueness of the man, your body bumped against his and almost tripped. He was fast and trained to have speedy reflexes, so he was quick to hold you onto him before you could fall face first onto the floor. This was just like the first time you had met.

"Ah! Sorry." You smiled innocently, holding onto his chest as his hands gripped your hips tightly.

"No worries." He mumbled out of breath. Whenever he got a first row view of you he felt his heart going havoc. He grew much more nervous than normal and got an almost irresistible urge to kiss your lips, so he simply went in.

But your mind was distracted by another thing at this point. As much as you would've loved to be kissed once again by the man, when you gripped onto him you couldn't help but notice once again that he was wearing quite a big amount of bandages, this ones covering almost half of his chest.

"What happened to your chest?" You asked curiously, looking up at him and still not realizing the fact that he had been about to kiss you.

He sighed and closed his eyes, pressing his forehead softly against yours.

"It's from last week. It isn't a big deal."

"But it's huge." You said softly.

You had a mother bear instinct with injuries. A quality that led you to worry a bit too much about wounded people.

"How did you get this?" You asked as you let your hands travel over his covered skin soothingly.

A small and muffled groan escaped from his throat. Your touch worked like a turn-on switch. The noise itself turned you completely into putty, and the man was standing right in front of you, biting his lips in an attempt to stifle any other pleasured sound that could come from your actions.

"It's, ah- I got it from one of those escapees." He said, breathing heavily and eyes staring at you hungrily.

Oops. Triggered both of us, huh?

"How?" You asked.

He smiled and shook his head in an attempt to get rid of his dirty thoughts. Before anything would happen he wanted to forge a relationship with you, so he needed to take things slowly.

Still, your beauty and deliciously exposed body were making it hard for him to stay calm. You were touchy and flirty and it was driving his self control insane, but he needed to be strong. Stay focused.

"Remember when I had to leave your apartment?" He said, leading you to sit down on an old looking wooden bench. It had delicate patterns decorating its sides and back and it was made out of a mixture of wood and iron. A beautiful combination that melted together with the romance of the environment. This place simply looked as if it had been torn out of a page from a fairytale.

"Yeah." You replied, big eyes staring at him curiously.

"I went to help capture the last escapee. He somehow got himself a gun and ended up hurting me together with a colleague from another precinct." He said simply, not really thinking much of it. Gunshot wounds were normal in the police force.

You stared at him wide eyed. The man had been freaking shot in the chest and here he was, partying in a club not even a week later.


"Why?" He asked. "Do you not like scarred men or-?"

"Oh no!" You interrupted. "No- I'm sorry. Uh- I just find it weird that you're so nonchalant about your- never mind." You sighed, hearing yourself sounding a tad too dumb and not wanting Rosinante to hear you talk like that. "Anyways, if you ask me." You smirked, now talking into his ear. "It's kind of sexy and badass."

If he thought he liked you before, now he was completely sure. There was something about you he couldn't quite point down, but, whatever thing it was that drew him closer to you,  it was strong and he loved it. He felt as if he was a bee and you were his favorite little flower.

He finally gave in to his desire and, grabbing your face delicately, he planted his lips on yours, tongues quickly melting together in a desperate dance for each other. It just made sense.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now