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Laying in silence, you went back to your initial positions, nuzzling close to him and letting his scent lull you back to relaxation. You felt at peace with him breathing by your side.

"(Y/N)?" He breathes out, his hand lifting your chin up so that you'd look at him.

"Mhm?" You reply silently, urging him to continue.

He immediately regrets what he was about to say and gets nervous trying to find words to replace his previous thoughts so that he doesn't seem like a weirdo. His mind goes blank. You are staring at him curiously, your beautiful wide eyes squeezing his heart and making him want to hold onto you and never let go. Was it too soon? What if it wasn't?


You frown, slightly amused by his nervous gaze and fiddling.

"What is it?" You ask sweetly, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it reassuringly.

You were at a point in your relationship where he could be as open with you as he wanted and you wouldn't judge him.

"I was thinking we could go on a date tonight." He sighed, being too much of a wuss to just go along and say it already.

You stare at him in surprise. For a moment there you hoped he would finally tell you those three magical words you had waited for for so long, but they didn't come. You shouldn't have let it get to you, much less let it show on your face, but Rosinante noticed the slight tinge of disappointment in your eyes. It broke him inside.

"I figured out it's been long since-"

You interrupted his nervous blabbering with a deep, slow and loving kiss. Your small hands grasped at his skin, his naked chest, his broad shoulders and his beautiful blonde hair.

"I love you Rosinante." You whispered after pulling away from him with a soft whine.

Gosh I never get tired of him.

His heart stopped right there, eyes widening and staring at you in surprise. You kept a nervous stare on him, your body frozen in place with his. You hadn't intended to say this, it just slipped out. Still, you didn't regret saying this at all.

"You don't have to answer right now." You sigh, eyes saddening and looking away from him.

Maybe it was too soon after all.

"W-wait!" He finally says after he is brought out of his trance by your body trying to wiggle its way away from his.

He had been surprised by your bluntness, and the situation you found yourselves in wasn't helping. You were completely naked, bodies tangled and pressed together as tightly as possible.

"Shit, (Y/N)." He says, staring at the ceiling with his characteristic goofy grin.

Oh my god he's going to make fun of me.

"D-don't-" You try to defend yourself, but he twirls you, your back now pressed against the mattress as he traps you under his weight.

"Don't what?" He asked sultrily, lips brushing your ear and sending a wave of electricity through your body.

"I- please don't make fun of me." You say nervously, voice quivering in embarrassment. "L-let's just forget about this, ok? I didn't say anything." Now you're on the verge of tears, a bit too embarrassed. Way too embarrassed. "Tonight. Yes, date. Let's do that."

You keep on clumsily trying to change the subject, your face beetroot red as you looked anywhere but into your lovers eyes.

"I love you." He says abruptly, hand grabbing you by your jaw and forcing your eyes into his. "So fucking much." He grunts, sending an aroused shiver down your spine.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now