The Angry Doggo

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"(Y/N), Dear?" After waiting for you to finish up with the never-ending swarm of dogs, the poor woman grew slightly impatient, finally deciding to call your name so that you could meet the dog that was to become your own.

"Oh yes! Sorry! Let me just- hey~" You swooned as a new fluffy dog pressed his paws against you, distracting you from the real reason of why you had come here in the first place.

"Uh- (Y/N)?" Said Rosinante nervously, cowering away from you and the death glare you had no idea you were receiving.

"Right, right~" You chuckled, laugh halting once you saw the impatient look on the formerly extremely sweet woman.


"(Y/N), this is Law." The woman said, seeing you brush off the other dogs as you guided them to Rosinante, the poor gigantically tall man falling clumsily on his butt as he was attacked by the dogs.

In her hands, she held the wolfish little puppy you had seen before, eyes staring at you angrily. It really looked as if the dog was scowling at you. You felt a cold shiver run down your spine, suddenly fearing holding the not very sweet pup.

"Hey Law." You smiled, eyes trying to hold his cold gaze.

Even the other dogs had silenced down a little bit, most of them stopping their play time as they stared at you interact with the weirder dog. Rosinante stared at you too, amber eyes warming your heart up.

The dog made no sound, limiting himself to simply show off his fangs out to you as a threat. On impulse, Rita quickly lowered him to the ground, not wanting to be bitten herself. You jumped from her sudden movement, stating at her in confusion. To you, he was still just a puppy.

"Ah, sorry (Y/N). I've received more than a couple of those bites and they aren't as soft as your usual puppies'." She chuckled nervously, her eyes following the dog as he slowly went to hide into his labeled house. "As I said before, Law is very hard to work with. If you want, you can pick any of the others."

Not even turning back to look at the other dogs, you had already made your decision. You were going to take Law home.

"It's ok. I want him."

Obviously the poor puppy had been through a lot, and not anyone would be able to put up with what was obviously going to be a tough ride in getting this dog's confidence, but you were a hard headed woman. You wanted this dog and you wanted to make sure he'd be taken into a loving home with a patient owner. Yourself.

Rosinante's eyes glinted as he saw your determination, his admiration and attraction for you growing even more.

"What's his story?" You asked, sneakily going to the puppy's side and sitting so that you'd be closer to his level.

Sensing you beside him, the dog scoffed and turned to look at you, showing off his adorably small canines that, somehow, were incredibly sharp. Even though he was just a puppy he had a very heavy presence.

"Hey Law." You said, this time your voice being more calming.

"We don't really know his story, dear. He was found clutching onto the bodies of his diseased family."

Your heart broke.

"What happened to his family?" You asked, voice quivering as you already began to dread the answer.

"They were beaten to death next to a country house. Their poor bodies were destroyed when they were found down the streets. He received less damage and ended up being the only lucky one to survive." She replied sadly.

"That's horrible." You and Rosinante said at the same time, neither of you noticing the chorus you had created.

Rita smiled at you two, already shipping the couple.

"It is. He hasn't trusted any other living form ever since." She finished, going to Law's house and snatching a small white blanket with black spots. "This was with him when he was rescued, and I believe he has grown very attached to it."

Law ended your stare battle as he noticed his one and only treasured possession being snagged away from him, turning around and barking desperately at the woman. Your heart broke as you saw his weak and malnourished body squeal at the woman in such haste. He probably felt impotent against the human, being able to do nothing but bark at her so she'd return his little blanket.

Rosinante stood up and, after giving the dogs one final pat, approached you and hugged you from behind, letting you rest the back of your head against his wide and strong chest.

"Shall we buy the accessories then?" He smiled, laying his chin on the top of your head sweetly as his hands began to fiddle with yours.


He was being extremely sweet to you and was probably just as excited to help the little dog out.

"Right." Smiled Rita, leading the way back to the small house in which she worked at.

Rosinante winked at you and let go, following behind the woman after giving you a small smooch against the back of your head. Your chest fluttered and you suddenly felt light headed, a blush creeping up to your cheeks. Ever since this morning, after your walk and visit to the lake, he hadn't touched you once, so you had grown a scarcity and a neediness for his sweet touch.

Law stared at you as if you were a moron, and you could've sworn you saw him roll his eyes at you.

Get a partner and then we'll talk.

Grinning at him, you slowly bent down and snatched him off the ground, cooing at him the moment he rested firmly in your palms. Yes, he was that tiny. On the contrary to what Rita had made you think, the pup simply yawned, eyeing you weirdly and, instead of snapping at you and biting you with his sharp-ass teeth, he simply plopped down and began to fall asleep.

You smiled at him, glad to see him already drop his guard around you and clutching him onto your chest so that he'd stay warmed up, the puppy immediately snuggling closer towards your softer parts.

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