An Apropriate Date

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You remained speechless for a couple of seconds as you admired the view, Rosinante waiting tensely by your side to see if you had actually liked his surprise or if you hated it.

"It's beautiful." You gasped, looking back at Rosinante in surprise. "How did you-?"

He sighed in relief.

"Some friends from the restaurant helped me set this all up." He smiled excitedly. "The idea was mine though!" He said with pride.

Everything looked very elegant, which made sense of why he asked you to dress accordingly, and the view of your small dinner table was taken straight out of a fairytale. The sun was setting above the lake, beautiful reddish hues dancing with the clouds and making the evening even more romantic.

The warm colours reflected on your face and Rosinante couldn't stop his urge from admiring you, his eyes fixated on how gorgeous you were, specially now that there was a charming smile on your lips.

Your gaze slowly drifted away from the landscape, neck craning up to look at your handsome boyfriend with love and surprise. You couldn't believe he had done this much for your first date. It was beautiful.

Taking his hand in yours, you walked closer to him so that your chest was pressed against him and your head could rest calmly in between his shoulder and chest.

"It's amazing." You said softly. "I'm actually speechless." You chuckled softly, closing your eye and sighing into his warmth.

He hugged your waist and kissed the top of your head, gently guiding you to your seat and opening up the little basket he had brought.

"I couldn't really get restaurant quality food." He said nervously as he took a couple of aluminum pans from the basket and placed one on each plate. "But it's still from a pretty good place." He smiled, hoping you didn't mind the fact that you had to eat takeout food.

"Come on! You know I love takeout." You smiled reassuringly, taking the lid out and putting the contents down on the meticulously placed plate. This table looked way too perfect for it to have been Rosi the one to set the plates. He was too clumsy.

He blushed, continuing to talk to you as you guys usually did before breaking up. It really felt as if you had finally left your troubles behind, your relationship and time together going back to how easygoing and worry less it had been in the beginning. There was nothing nor anyone putting any pressure onto the relationship. It was perfect.

You asked him about how the case with his brother had ended and he was finally able to tell you the whole story. They had been watching him for a very long time and, during those two weeks you hadn't seen each other, his father allowed Rosinante to come back to work as the policemen decided to raid Doflamingo's base and capture him. The mission had gone downhill as the police was cornered, but Rosinante managed to turn things around as he quickly thought of a way to distract the family's boss, his own brother, to give more time for backup to get there and finish the mission. The reason Sengoku got mad was because he was simply being a protective father, Rosinante assured you.

As you enjoyed your food and one exquisite bottle of wine with your partner, you flirted, held hands and toyed with his pants under the table in an innocently erotic way. As much as you wanted to hold back your sexual demons, they were too hungry. You didn't have enough will power to ignore the fact that you needed this man naked and under your body. Naked.

At the same time, it still wasn't the biggest of your worries. Your conversations were fun and you felt way too happy of being there with him. If it either did or did not end up with sex, you'd be ok with that knowing that dinner had been such a success.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now