Healing and Talking

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Against your better judgement, you kept Rosinante company for the next couple of days while he healed from his wounds. It hurt your heart to know that he was in physical pain, one that barely allowed him to move from his bed, so you took care of him. The way a good partner would.

Although his doctor specified that he needed two weeks of full rest from work, it only took Rosinante a week to get back up and about. You assumed his abnormally quick healing was due to him being a monster or something. He did have some weird an freakishly strong genetics. He just laughed it off and took advantage of the extra days of "vacation" to keep you company.

Today, Rosinante and you decided it was an appropriate time for him to go on a walk. He needed to get back on moving around like usual given that his work required his physical abilities. It was kind of like a physical therapy, only it was just walking through the streets and you were the one taking care of him. A university student. Of course, you walked with him as you held his hand and laughed together like two stupid and love-struck teenagers. Still, you couldn't shake the worry off your mind of that conversation you had yet to have.

"Would you like to come to my apartment next?" You smiled, looking up at him lovingly. Changing environments would help him in his healing process, and you secretly wanted to spend some time with both him and Law. Like the old times.

He nodded, smiling back at you goofily as he was swooned with the proposition. He had tried to move forward with your relationship at your rhythm, just like you had agreed to that first day you had come see him, and he was lucky to see you weren't going necessarily slow. In reality, as much as he was willing to wait for you to be alright, he just wanted to put things behind him and continue right were you left off. However, and you thought the exact same thing, he wouldn't be able to do that until you guys had the talk. You both had to open up about how you felt and what happened during the breakup, specially Rosinante given that he was the most "out of character".

"(Y/N)." He said, stopping in his tracks with a small worried frown. "A-actually, I think we should talk."

Oh no.

"Talk?" You asked confusedly, turning around to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"About what happened." He said nervously. "I just- I feel guilty. I feel like, even though we've been together for this days, we can't really be ourselves until we figure out what-"

"I agree!" You cut him off quickly, your stomach contents swirling nervously as you feared things would go downhill.

No! They won't. I won't let it happen again.

"Let's go then." You nodded.

The walk to your apartment felt tense. There was this fear within each other that instead of making everything better, it was going to get worse. That one of you wasn't going to understand, or maybe one of you was going to decide they had had enough.

It took only a couple of minutes for you to be sitting down together on your living room couch. Law, that little betraying bastard, immediately seemed to cling to Rosinante, the dog licking and jumping on top of your ex.

"Ok." He said, his heart hurting inside his chest from how fast his heartbeat was. "F-first of all-" he stuttered, swallowing down a nervous lump that had formed inside his throat before continuing. "(Y/N), I want you to know I am in love with you." He said honestly. "I love you so much and, although I tried, I don't think I'll ever stop."

You blushed, your whole body feeling warm with the idea. He had said it before, small "I love you"s that, although for him they were packed with meaning, you couldn't really figure out. Your trust in him had been lowered after what had happened, and for a good reason, so hearing him say it like this felt like a confirmation. This was real.

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