"First" Date

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Following through with your "Slowly Moving Forward" plan, the time finally came for your second first date. As Rosinante suggested, you'd go on a first date to get things going and back to normal between the two of you, something to which you agreed to in the past but now regretted with your whole life.

This issue had been discussed before having the talk in which Rosinante explained how he felt towards you and your relationship throughout this past months. This issue had been discussed when you weren't sure if things were going to be alright, so you played it safe and told your ex you wanted to do things slowly.

Oh how stupid you had been.

Now that everything had been talked over and that all of the apologies had been said and accepted, you wanted anything but to go slowly. You just wanted this man to take you and kiss you and fuck you as amazingly as he did in the past.

However, you had said that you rather take things slowly.


Rosinante decided to make himself the one responsible of planning the date out for you, the man obviously trying to swoon you and impress you like he had actually done in the beginning stages of your relationship. His only clue was for you to dress up in a formal dress. You supposed he was planning to take you to a fancy restaurant, but he hadn't said anything about the date other than the dress code.

Now that all of the tough part was over, you felt like you were even happier than before. Rosinante made an oath to always be honest with you. He had also earned a promotion after his heroic acting during a police operation, which his father still referred to as reckless; hence he had more time to be with you. Everything was going great.

Except for the sex!

Exactly. Except for the sex. There wasn't any.

A knock on your door brought you out of your thoughts, an excited smile setting right onto your lips as you sprayed some makeup fixing spray onto your face and went to open the door to your dear officer.

"Princess (L/N), thy carriage has arrived." He said goofily as he bowed down in an attempt of an impersonation of a medieval escort.

You chuckled, looking at him with bright eyes as he gently took your hand in his and pressed his lips onto your skin, his eyes staring into yours lovingly.

"Rosinante!" You laughed, rolling your eyes jokingly at his adorable character with a small blush on your cheeks.

"Oh, Your Majesty! It's a pleasure for a common worker such as myself to be acknowledged by your elegance!" He joked, straightening up as he waited for your reply with a dumb smile.

"S-stop it!" You said in embarrassment, laughing with him as he finally broke out of character.

Can this man be any more perfect?!

"You look gorgeous, (Y/N)." He purred into your ear as he hugged you tightly against his form.

He was wearing a formal suit and he looked and smelled delicious. It was going to make it hard for you to keep it in your pants. Luckily, though, Rosinante was having this exact same thoughts.

"You look very handsome as well, Rosi." You smiled sweetly, blushing as he teased your lips with a kiss right by the side of your mouth.

"I brought you flowers!" He said happily as he quickly pulled away, his warm hand being replaced with the much colder air of the room as he sneaked a flower arrangement he had been hiding behind his back.

Your eyes shone lovingly. It was a gorgeous arrangement of lilies.

"They're beautiful!" You gasped. "Thank you so much." You sighed happily, kissing his cheek, letting your lips linger on his skin and then turning around to put them in an empty vase.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now