Sadness and Doubt

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Rosinante couldn't keep his eyes off you for not even a second. The way you happily stood in place, the way your eyes stared proudly at your friends, and the way your dress was fitted to perfection around your body was all enough to send him to heaven, heart and stomach twisting inside his body at the image of your happiness.

He hadn't seen you during this entire two weeks and it had been killing him. This past days had been defined to him by the absence of your presence and some pretty intense late nights at work. It sucked. He missed you, and seeing you like this, yet not being able to go kiss you and bend you over a wall to fuck you was killing him.

He ached for you.

Soon enough, the wedding was finishing. With the bride kissing the groom and the beautiful bridesmaids squealing at the fact that their friends had finally got married, everyone was quick to make their way outside of the hall so that they could congratulate the couple properly.

Rosinante followed your form with his hungry eyes, stomach fluttering with the excitement of finally being able to touch you.

On the other hand, you had thought about it the whole ceremony. Although you couldn't shake the thought completely off your head, you were now mad at Zoro, not upset at Rosinante. Whatever stupid ideas he had put in your head needed to go, and you were trying your best to delete them in order for your reunion with Rosinante to go flawlessly. You just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend, why did your thoughts have to turn it into something twisted?

You were one of the first people to congratulate your friends. Hugging them tightly and wishing them the best. Soon enough, the area began to swarm with guests as you led yourself to a corner and anxiously waited for your significant other to appear, stomach squirming with nerves and heart now pounding against your ribcage.

Trapping you against the wall, Rosinante grabbed your waist gently and laid his free arm against the concrete, smiling at you handsomely and with excited eyes.

"I heard that one of the bridesmaids was single." He joked sexily, a thing that, under normal conditions, would've made your knees buck and your body drop to the ground. But this weren't normal conditions. As much as you wanted to keep his little skit going, you also wanted him to hug you and reassure you that he loved you and everything was going to be alright.

You felt a knot form in your throat as you, without saying a word, nuzzled tightly against your boyfriend, arms clutching onto him as if your life depended on it.

He frowned, snapping off his little act and immediately hugged you back, arms engulfing your form both protectively and comfortingly.

"(Y/N)?" He asked softly, lips kissing the top of your head.

He wanted to kiss your lips, but you were too busy hiding in the crook of his neck.

"I-I'm sorry." You whispered, voice broken. "I really missed you so much." You sniffled, a couple of tears having fallen off your eyes.

This wasn't all about missing him, though, but what missing him meant. First of all, there was what Zoro had said. It broke your heart to even consider the idea of your lover with another woman, specially if he had been lying to you about it. Secondly, there was the fact that your boyfriend was overworking himself and that he was being put through such an emotionally straining job. And, in the third place, it meant that you couldn't help and support him on his way. This sucked.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He chuckled as he didn't understand why you were clinging onto him so stubbornly. He let his fingers glide through your chin and lift it up, the action finally allowing him to see that you were crying a little and his heart breaking apart in the process of realization. "No, honey. Hey! It's ok." He sighed, hugging you back into his body. "What happened?" He asked worriedly.

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