Half Year Anniversary

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Rosinante had been acting weird this past weeks. He seemed less energetic. His normally high and happy attitude was practically gone, making him act aloof and show clear signs of both physical and mental exhaustion.

Of course, it worried you a lot. He wasn't being himself and whenever you tried to talk to him about it he'd simply shut you out. He didn't want to talk to you nor anyone about his problems and it had you feeling worried to the point of talking to Sengoku about it, the man having noticed this as well, but having no idea of where this sudden change in attitude had come from.

You had guessed it had to do with that big case he was working on, so you decided to try some activities to take his mind off things. It was just like a little patch to the problem, though. A simple and small thing that would cover up the truth for a couple of days, yet not do anything to make things overall better. Still, it worked every time, so you kept doing it in spite of knowing that, in the long run, it would make no difference. This activities consisted on walking Law, going out for dinner or lunch, driving up to that lake where you had first gotten to know each other. Small dates.

Today, on the other hand, was a happy day. You finally got to quite a milestone in your relationship and, given the occasion, you hoped Rosinante would finally open up a little bit to you about what was going on through his jumbled head. You had already been six months together and, after talking it out with Rosinante some long time ago, back when things were just fine, he was actually excited to celebrate this half-anniversary.

"(Y/N)?" He asked as he came back to your room.

It had also been a long time since you had sex. A long time. Ever since this changes and overall bad mood, he never touched you again, Rosinante becoming much more reserved. He didn't flirt anymore, much less start or engage in any sexual activity and he even rejected you when you tried to heat things up. You missed that about him and it hurt, yes, but you kept telling yourself that this was all going to pass at some point. Things always get better eventually, and you were convinced that this had nothing to do with you, but it had to do with his work.

As much as you repeated it in your head, though, you were sure you'd eventually lose hope.

As you were feeling neglected by your boyfriend you began to lose sleep, a horrible and numb ache settling just over your heart form the lack of love. Doubts began to appear. Had he found another woman? Did he not love you anymore? Or was this all simply due to his job?

You always settled for the last option. It was what allowed you to keep moving forward with him.

"Yes?" You asked quietly, looking out the window with a numb expression on your face.

This had become routine. Even if he got time to spend with you it felt as if he wasn't really here. He barely talked, moved, much less do anything with you. It hurt.

"I'm going to work." He said heavily, his feet leading him next to you so that he could kiss you goodbye. A sad, quick, meaningless kiss.

This wasn't what he had planned on at all.

Long time ago, that day where he had met your parents, he felt a gear shift inside his head. That day, the pent up guilt of not feeling like he was enough for you was added to the pressure your parents had made on them wanting you to date Zoro and it finally led him to make the decision of putting an end to this relationship. He could see how much the relationship was damaging you, knowing you hated having to spend time away from him and knowing how sad and disappointed you felt when he had to stand you up for work. It made him feel terrible too.

That very same day he came home to you. Your smile, your excitement, your love, and he couldn't do it. He was trying to, but he couldn't do it, and it went on until today. At the same time, he couldn't continue acting natural with you. He felt guilty. Guilty of lying to you like this. Guilty of hiding his feelings from you and guilty because he knew the longer he took in ending things, the more he was hurting you. Hence, he became distant and grumpy. He wouldn't kiss you as much as he did when things were alright. He wouldn't touch you at all. He only talked, scraping through meaningless things that happened in his life and never engaging in passionate discussions like the ones you used to have. In the past.

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