Telling Everyone

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The air was tense. Aggressively tense. The atmosphere felt uncomfortable to the extent that you were even having a hard time breathing, your palms sweating as you sat stiffly in the fancy chair your parents had set up.

Rosinante had had the amazing idea of trying, yet again, to have a good relationship with your parents. It was clear that their distrust and dislike for the blonde hadn't vanished into thin air, the negativity staying in their minds instead. So, knowing that your parents hated him, Rosinante decided to have lunch together, this time leaving Sengoku away from the reunion, so that he could suck up to them and break the news about your future child. Their future grandchild.

Of course, the family meeting started off awkwardly, your mother searching through land and sea for whatever aspect that would make Rosinante appear as a bad match to you. However, as much bullshit your mother threw under both your noses, Rosinante was determined. He was going to leave that place being at least accepted by your mother. He just needed to know there was some kind of progress.

At least that was what he repeated himself for the first thirty minutes. Then, his determination broke down into nervousness and fear.

"Pregnant?" Spat your father, eyes drilling into your skull with disappointment.

How could his little girl, whom he had raised so carefully, get knocked up? Of course, he didn't see you for the accomplished woman you were becoming, but he saw you as a young and naive child instead. It wasn't his fault, though, parents do usually have a hard time understanding the moment when their children turn into grownups.

Rosinante's patience had been slowly worn out by your parents' comments, his heavily buried nerves bubbling right up the more he talked to your family. It came to such a point that, in an attempt to change the subject, he spat it out. The news you had wanted to delicately deliver to your parents after they decided to accept their future son in law had been spat in the least graceful way possible.

You groaned, holding your head in both your hands as you looked down at your plate. You knew this wasn't going to work out. You knew how dumb Rosi's plan was.

So why did you let him do it?

You simply couldn't say no to that face.

Damn him and his blonde beauty.

"But you're just a child!" He growled, slamming his fist onto the table.

You weren't, though, he just really wanted to believe that. He didn't want to let you go just yet, much less to a blonde and clumsy giant.

Rosinante looked pleadingly into your eyes, his sight blurry from the nerves as he thought of how much he had fucked up. He didn't want to make you mad or anything, it just came out of his mouth.

"I'm not-"

"We're going to talk about this in private, young lady. First you get arrested and now you get knocked up?"

The way he said those last words made your stomach churn with unease. It felt as if he was disgusted by the idea of you bearing a child, but you had set your mind to keep it. Both you and Rosinante wanted it and your stubborn father would just have to accept that. Still, you couldn't deny the fact that the way he was reacting to the news hurt.

Your boyfriend noticed the shift in your mood, his hand snaking down to intertwine his fingers with yours.

You smiled up at him, silently thanking him for his support.

"I suppose you have the intention of getting married? I will not accept you raising this child outside of marriage." He said angrily, his cheeks flushing red and his nostrils flaring. "Won't you say something, (Y/N)?" He growled after noticing how you weren't saying anything.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now