The Dog and The Prince

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"Who's the most adorable little ball of fluff~?" You cooed, bringing Law up to your eyes so that you could tease the dog and nuzzle your nose against his wet one. Law looked as grumpy as he was when you first saw him, black eyes staring daggers at you while you moved him around thinking he was a puppy plushie instead of an actual puppy.

"I've got the bags." Said Rosinante sarcastically, struggling with the weight of the dog food and other dog accessories as he balanced them on his hands. He finally dropped them off in your kitchen counter with a sigh, face turning back to stare at your swooned way of interacting with the dog.

Chuckling at his own comment, he looked at you happily, adoring how beautiful and pure you looked while holding the grumpy puppy.

"So what now?" He asked, getting closer to you and hugging your waist from behind, cheek resting on the side of your head so that he could look at the dog comfortably.

"I don't know." You mumbled, slowly moving the dog closer to Rosinante's face.

Law immediately showed his fangs off at the man, this time growling at him in warning.

"I should put him on the floor." You pouted, not wanting to part ways from him yet.

Rosinante chuckled nervously, staring at Law in caution and afraid that he might receive one of his strong bites. In spite of your positive attitude, he didn't trust the small creature as much as you did. Emotionally traumatized dogs were hard to care for.

"You think he's hungry?" You asked.

Turning around in Rosinante's arms so that you could comfortably stare at him, your stomach fluttering at the sight of his handsome face. It brought you back to what Zoro had said, he really could pass as a Prince Charming. He came from a former line of a royal family, and the man was blonde and beautiful. Tall, maybe not so gracious, but still prince-like.

"What are you thinking?" He smirked, staring at your love struck face.

"N-nothing." You replied, too embarrassed to admit you were picturing the man dressed as a prince.

"I think we should give him some food, yes." He finally said, replying to your last question.

You nodded with a smile, kissing his cheek and peeling yourself off his chest. He stood rigid, smiling goofily and raising his hand up to touch the cheek in which you had kissed him. On the other side, you took the bag of food which Law was already used to and the one of a higher quality, mixing both foods in the brand new little black dog feeding bowl.

Law sniffed at the food, paw raising up to poke at it and then looked at you grumpily.

"What is it? It's the food you always eat." You smiled at the dog nervously.

Rosinante sat down on a chair, stifling his laughter with his hand as he watched you comically interact with the dog with a strangely strong personality. It was as if he understood everything going around him, even human speech, and as if he actually enjoyed making you look stupid.

"Come on! Try it!" You chirped, but the dog kept staring at you grumpily. "Perhaps you're not hungry?" You asked him, to what the dog replied with an angry huff. "Alright. Let me bring you some water then."

Rosinante lifted his brow at you, not saying a word while you got the second black bowl from the bag and filled it ip with fresh water, your task being interrupted by a crunchy sound. The puppy was finally eating.

"Hey! He's actually eating." You said to Rosinante in excitement.

Turning around with a victorious smile, your happiness was stomped as you saw the dog wasn't exactly eating his food, but had actually climbed up to your kitchen counter and managed to knock down a box of cereal, him eating the little pieces of food that had fallen down.

"NO." You squeaked, dropping the bowl down the sink and quickly picking the dog up, away from the sweetened and toxic chemicals.

At this point, Rosinante couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, chuckling loudly at you and covering his face in embarrassment. You pouted, staring at him in feigned disbelief, knowing that you definitely did look ridiculous and not really caring about Rosinante seeing you this way. It was kind of fun.

"I'm sorry!" He gasped. "I shouldn't laugh, it's just that Law is for sure to be a handful. You look so cute together, fighting each other like real mother and child." He justified, not making you feel any better about him laughing, but making you feel flustered instead.

He called me cute~

You poked Law's nose as a way of showing him that those cereals were a no no, like how one does when training a ferret. He huffed and sneezed, staring at you angrily once you plopped him back down to the ground, next to his actual food and now with a fresh bowl of water. Stopping in your tracks, you began to search for the possible way Law could have climbed up to your counter, frowning confusedly.

"He climbed through that stool." Said Rosinante, pointing at a black stool that had different levels in which one could rest their feet, coincidentally large enough for a small puppy to climb through.

"That little daredevil." You mumbled, moving the stool away from any places that could be reached using the little feet resters.

Rosinante smiled, finding much too amusement in your dismay.

"Come here." He laughed, extending his hand out for you to grab.

Smiling widely, you basically jumped in your steps as you approached the blonde, taking his hand and letting him drag you closer to him.

"You look beautiful today." He purred, getting you to stand between his two legs so that he could hug you closer against him.

Your cheeks were flushed from your time and hardwork with Law and with Rosinante's constant flirting. Your eyes were shining brightly as happiness took over your body. To Rosinante, you were a glowing goddess, but, to yourself, you were sweaty and gross from spending so much time with animals.

"So, did you finally decide to adopt a dog?" The way he was treating you made you nervous, so you tried to not-so-subtly change the subject to distract your thoughts away from Rosinante's touch and amber eyes. He stared at you in admiration and, although it made you feel amazing, it also made you feel very flustered.

"I like you so much." He breathed out, closing the space between the two with a slow, romantic kiss.


HI. Anyone else depressed about Attack on Titan manga's ending yet incredibly hyped because of One Piece's last chapter? BECAUSE ME TOO! No spoilers, but Zoro is goattt!!

Hope you're all doing well!

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now