Love - End

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"Yes, Rosi?"

Rosinante smiled, his heart beating excitedly at the small surprise he had for you and your future child.

"Where are you?

He had just arrived from work, where he revealed the news of you two getting married to his co-workers, and had an amazing surprise for you. Well, it wasn't exactly from him, but he was far too excited to give credits to the right person.

His father overheard the conversation of Rosinante's announcement to his closest friends and proceeded to give your fiancé the scolding of a life time as he was offended by the fact that Rosinante was out there telling nobodies instead of himself, as he had said. He didn't really mean to call his subordinates that, but it came out in the midst of his surprisingly justified anger.

After what felt like a couple of long lived hours, Sengoku went back to being his happy self and confessed to his son of a present he had been thinking about for a long time. A present he had thought for when both of you got married and one he was sure both of you would love.

Now, Rosinante was minutes away from sharing this present with you.

"In the toilet." You whined, the baby having been pressing on your bladder for the whole day. You practically lived on the toilet at this point.

Rosinante chuckled, opening the door to your bathroom with an adorable and excited smile adorning his handsome face.

You looked up at him, Law mimicking your movements as your beautiful eyes softened the minute they landed on your man. How you had lived for so many years without knowing him you didn't know. At this point in life, you had become addicted to him. If he weren't in your life you were sure you'd cease to exist.

"What's got you smiling like that?" You chuckled, his happy smile having been spread over to you, and thanking him as he helped you off the toilet.

"I have some very good news." He said, kissing your cheek. "Well, more of like a really really good proposal."

"Proposal?" You asked in confusion, drying your now clean hands on the hand towel hanging right by the sink.

He nodded happily, one of his hands going to cup your tummy and his other one patting Law's head.

He was being a good boy and taking care of you 24/7. He was a great dog.

"I was talking to my coworkers about how we finally got engaged." He said happily, his heart swelling with joy at the fact that he could finally and confidently say those words. "And my father overheard, so-"

"Sengoku heard?" You asked disappointedly. "You promised we were going to tell him together!" You pouted, hugging him.

You may have been upset over his dumb slip up, but you still needed your cuddles. Plus, he smelled great and you needed to absorb some of that amazing Rosinante scent.

"Sorry Crim." He kissed the top of your head, guiding you out of the bathroom and out to the living room. "I didn't realized he was already inside his office."

"It's ok." You smiled, nuzzling further into his body.

He just smells so good~

"Well, we talked after that. Of course he locked me inside his office to verbally whoop my ass." Both of you chuckled. "But once he calmed down he told me about an idea he had. A gift for us."

"That's so sweet of him." You said warmly.

Over the past months Sengoku had been all over you and his son. Not in a strange way, of course, the man was simply too excited about being closer and closer to becoming a grandparent. Because of this, he helped you through errands and visited you and your boyfriend very often. He was an extremely sweet man and you were glad he was going to become your father in law and the grandfather of your child.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now