Night Adventure

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Stepping outside the club's doors, your body was washed over with a wave of tranquility. The air outside was much less heavy and hot than how it was in the inside. In a comforting way.

"Sorry about that." You smiled sheepishly, getting close to Rosinante.

He gave you a look you couldn't quite understand and then sighed, taking your hand in his and kissing your temple sweetly.

"He's just worried. I understand." He said, beginning to walk in the direction of the parking lot.

How can a man be this sweet?!

"Still, he had no business being that rude." You grumbled.

"Don't worry about it." He chuckled as he took out the keys to, what you assumed, was his car. A black Audi parked next to its pink equal blinked and beeped open.

Who the fuck has a pink car?

"I didn't notice barbie was in the club." You joked, hoping that your completely-uncalled-for meanness would go unnoticed by the blonde and he'd simply laugh with you. You were a little drunk and had lost part of your mental filter that would've stopped you from saying that out loud in this context.

He laughed with you, squeezing your hand softly. That was his brother's car, but he couldn't help but love the fact that you naturally made fun of the man without even noticing. He thought it was refreshing to finally find a woman that, instead of being head over heels for his brother and fraudulently praising everything about him, would share his same emotions of dislike. Still, you had yet to find out about how much money Doflamingo had, but Rosinante had a feeling that you wouldn't really care. You didn't seem like a kiss ass gold digger.

"That's my brothers car." He said simply.


Once again you had insulted his brother. Right in front of him.


Cringing internally, you began to think of an, at the very least decent, apology that wouldn't make you seem as much of an ass in front of him. You really felt like a horrible date right now. He saw right through you and got ahead of you.

"Oh, don't worry about it." He laughed. "I hate that ugly thing. It's ridiculous."

"B-but still, I keep being rude to your family. I really need to keep my mouth shut" You said nervously.

"Don't say that. Anything that comes out of your lips has value."

You blushed, now feeling even more stupid than before. He was such a sweet guy and you kept finding ways of potentially offending him. Although, to him, it was the exact contrary. Whenever you took a shot against his brother it felt as if you were validating his opinion. Every single person he had interacted with that knew his brother would talk wonders about the older man and he knew they were bullshitting. He hated it.

He opened up the passenger door for you with a handsome smirk, waiting for you to be fully seated before closing the door and sitting down himself. The car was drenched in Rosinante's masculine scent, and it was making you and your horny hormones crazy.

"Sooo where are we going?" You chirped, buckling your seatbelt and fiddling with your hands nervously in your lap as you stared at the man innocently.

There was something about first dates that made you nervous, and, once you ignored the fact that it was in the middle of the night and that it happened by luck, this was beginning to seem a lot like one.

He chuckled at you, finding your adorable innocence amusing. If he pushed the fact that he was a good man that didn't intend to do you any harm away, you were in potential danger. A boozed up young woman, barely strong enough to hold up on her own in case of having to face physical confrontation, getting into the car of a stranger was dangerous, just like your friend had pointed out. Yet here you were, happily and excitedly ready for whatever it was that awaited for you together with this man.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now