Unpronounceable Words

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Law was a faster runner than Zoro, which meant Zoro wouldn't be able to catch up with the slick puppy until the dog decided to stop.

That wasn't good, it wasn't good at all.

It wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for destiny's desire to match you up with your one and only soulmate. From whatever angle anyone tried to look at it, the desire was there. Destiny was fixated with the idea that you two belonged with each other, and it wasn't going to stop its shenanigans until its desire was fulfilled.

"This damn dog." Grouched Zoro, halting his running with exalted huffs as he saw Law begin to slow down. "Hey!" He screeched in panic once he saw the dog carelessly jump in top of a uniformed man.

Uniformed man...

He snapped his eyes open in shock, feeling even more panic flow inside him as he tried to find a way out of this uncomfortable situation, but there wasn't any. You were right by the corner and Rosinante would obviously recognize the dog.

"Aah shit." He said, walking forward with his huge chest puffed up in what he thought was an intimidating pose.

Rosinante was assigned patrol duty today together with Hina, his closest friend in the force. His father had noticed that his son was too stressed, rendering him psychologically unavailable to work any of his more important cases. Naturally, the stubborn officer got upset, and he was now oozing with anger as he walked through the streets in an attempt to calm his head down.

It didn't work.

Hina remained in the car, having been herself the one to send the blonde on a stroll as she claimed to hate how tense her friend was making the environment, and stayed on alert in case any emergency was reported.

Now, the male officer did have his reasons to be angry, but in absolutely no way was he in the right to treat the people around him with such disdain. He was giving off such a scary and negative energy that pedestrians cowered away from him when walking past him in the streets.

All of this bad mood was due to two main reasons, the same two reasons that had been fucking up with his well-being for more than a couple of weeks already. The stress from work and the stress from your already ended relationship. He thought at least the former problem would get better once he finally broke up with you, but it only made him feel worse. That meant he was also performing like shit at work. Everything sucked.

However, none of this negativity meant anything to Law, the dog far too excited as he sensed Rosinante's scent on the streets to care. It was ridiculous how attached the animal had become to him, specially given the outcome of the relationship. Of course, he had absolutely no idea of how uncomfortable he was going to make you feel. He was just a dog, after all.

So, as he grumpily stomped through the streets in what no one but himself would call a calming stroll, Law barked joyously and jumped over your ex-boyfriend, knocking the man down on his butt and immediately licking the officer's face with the most pure and innocent love.

"LAW?!" He wondered out loud, grabbing the large dog and smiling at the feeling of Law being so happy to see him. It gave him a deja vu of whenever he came over to your place and Law would jump to greet him with an aggressively wagging tail.

However, this small spark of joy ended quickly as he realized he hadn't just came back from work to your place to spend his breaks with you. Instead, he was on the streets, pretending to work when in reality he was trying to get you out of his head.

You. His ex girlfriend. The love of his life. The woman who's heart he had torn apart.

And it got worse as he realized that the person chasing your dog wasn't you, but your best friend. It was fucking Zoro.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now