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The world around you stopped, Law's desperate and sad whimpering going completely unnoticed by both of your broken souls. You stared into Rosinante's golden eyes with pain and sadness.

No. This wasn't what was supposed to happen.

You shook your head, taking in a shaky breath and swallowing down the knot that had blocked your speech.

"What are you talking about?" You asked quietly, tears already falling down your reddened cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." He choked out, his eyes glossy with welled up tears.

His chest felt tight in such a way that it made it hard to breathe, the man feeling his head and body warm up as if he was having a fever. He was sweating and everything was twisted around him. He was so tired, and now, he was heartbroken.


"We don't work out." He said, taking a few steps closer to you. Maybe he'd get to feel your warmth one last time.

"Rosinante-" You sobbed. "Why would you say that?" You squeaked, lips quivering as you tried to hold back your tears and sobs. "It's been six months and I..." You didn't know what to say. Every thought and attempt to save this relationship had suddenly fleet your head. You just wanted him to know how much you loved him, how desperate you were for him. This relationship was definitely worth some work, but he just wanted to quit once and for all.

"No, (Y/N). I mean, look at you! Look at this." He whispered. "You've been crying all night, haven't you?" He asked.

You didn't reply, shaking your head as you dried some fresh tears threatening to fall.

"Yes you have. Your eyes and face are completely swollen." He said with a worried frown.

He wasn't angry at you, though. He was angry at himself. Angry because he had allowed this relationship to reach this point, even when he had already seen it coming.

Slowly, he approached your form and delicately grabbed your cheek. His fingertips brushed that soft and delicate skin he had come to love so much, a jolt of electricity running down your bodies at the same time as he pressed his forehead against yours desperately.

He didn't want this. He wanted to kiss you, take you to bed and cuddle with you forever, but he was a man of duty, and he was wrongly convinced that this was what he had to do.

"I just- I can't do this anymore, (Y/N)." He whispered hoarsely, opening his eyes and staring right into yours with desperation.

"But Rosi..." You sobbed, your hand reaching out to the back of his head in attempts to soothe him only for him to push it back down.

"I don't- I don't-" He stuttered, trying to get words out of him faster. He wanted to tell you how he felt. How he thought this relationship was destined to fail, how much of a sucky boyfriend he was convinced he had been to you. Maybe if he had gotten those words out you would've been able to help him through this. Through and out of this rough patch, but he wasn't able to get the words out. Everything felt blurry, confusing, and exhausting. He had no idea of how to communicate his issues to you and that was the very ruin for this relationship.

This was already beginning to shape up as the worst breakup he had ever had.

"What?" You asked. "You don't love me?" You sobbed, pushing his hand away and taking a step back.

Law stared at the scene unfold in front of him, his small beady eyes staring at the two with solace. He didn't like this one bit.

"Is that why you stopped kissing me?" You asked sadly. "Of course it is." You said, staring into his tear-filled eyes. "You suddenly stopped caring. I should've seen this coming."

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now