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You smiled dreamily as Rosinante pushed you down on top of your bed, the weight of his body feeling perfectly comforting after what had felt like a hurricane of negative emotions and horrible choices. He whispered into your ears how perfect you were, how beautiful and how much he had missed you.

This felt like paradise.

His scent invaded your lungs in a way that turned your body into jelly, your fingers shakily holding onto Rosinante's broad and shirtless shoulders in search for support, for something that would confirm you that this was actually happening.

And it was happening. This wasn't another of your depressingly hopeful dreams of being intimate with your ex partner. This was real.

"You're so fucking perfect." He said, his lips trailing down your cheeks and then eating up your neck, sucking and bruising the sensitive skin.

Your head was spinning.

Was this healthy? You had no idea. Right after he drove you to your apartment things just happened. He kissed you, grabbed you and asked for your permission to enter your place together with you. There was absolutely no hesitation shown as you nodded your head aggressively, the lack of air from his kisses been too much to allow you to be vocal.

How could you have said no? You wanted exactly what he wanted, and with a passion. In the midst of kisses you had ended up half naked in your bed, the man desperately groping at your every curve and his lips tracing every single inch of your skin. He wanted your all and he wanted it now.

"Fuck- Rosinante!" You moaned, hiding in the crook of his neck as he slammed his hips against yours in need.

"(Y/N)." He groaned, grabbing your cheeks and pulling you up to look at him, his hips pressing even harder against you as his throbbing bulge grew bigger. "I love you." He said honestly, his eyes staring into yours deeply with the hope that you weren't going to throw him out the window.

Your lips quivered nervously.

"I love you too." You replied, your shy and embarrassed voice sending the officer to the edge.

After that, no more words were spoken. You thought you didn't need to, too engulfed in the heat and passion of the moment to think about what you were doing.

First mistake.

He kissed you, touched you and pleasured you for the remainder of the night. You rode him, bit him and made him feel special, your bodies connecting in every single possible way as you lewdly released the pent up tension of knowing how wrong it had been to break up.

Second mistake.

Your sweaty and exhausted bodies shared what felt like a magical night, souls and bodies sensitive and stimulated to their best potential. Physically, it felt amazing, and the way your ex boyfriend was treating you gave you hopes of a better tomorrow. You were sure this meant you were going to start over.

He wouldn't just fuck you and leave, now, would he?

Neither him nor you thought he'd ever hurt you in such a way.

But he did.

The night ended and you quickly fell asleep in his strong arms, the warmth radiating from his naked body reassuring you everything was going to be alright. You felt safe. Rosinante's lips rested on the top of your head, enjoying the blissful feeling of your warmth and scent. You were perfect. You were his.

He wore the stupidest grin on his lips as he traced your curves softly with his fingers, causing casual shivers and goosebumps to appear on your unconscious body. He slowly hugged you even closer, tangling his legs with yours and feeling his heart rejoice with the feeling of being back with you.

It felt surreal, but the happiness didn't last long. Your breathing had completely evened out, following a slow and serene pattern as he continued to stare at your body and face.

What had he just done?

He had made a huge effort to leave your life and to push you out of his. He loved you so much, yes, but he was still convinced that you weren't meant to be. That he wasn't enough to make you happy.

That same second, his eyes opened wide in realization. If he didn't leave now he'd be caught up in that same awful circular loop in which he had found himself before breaking up with you. He wouldn't be happy, and you wouldn't be happy.

He needed to leave. Now.

Panic flowed into his body, his eyes watering slightly as he looked at your peaceful body. There was a small smile on your lips, that honest one he hadn't seen in more than a month.

You accommodated yourself in your sleep as he began to push you away softly, a small whine leaving your lips as you hugged him closer to you. His heart shrunk inside his chest at your action, hands itching to touch your skin again and never let go.

For a moment, he doubted himself. What if he wasn't as bad as a boyfriend as he thought he was? What if you didn't really mind how unavailable he was most of the time because of his work?

But the images came in to flood his mind. The times you had cried for him, the times you tried to smile through, but your puffy and reddened eyes would tell on you, the disappointment you tried to hide whenever he had to stand you up.

He was right. He didn't deserve someone as caring and understanding as you. And you deserved someone much better than him. A simple cop.

With a heavy chest, he slowly turned your body away from him, a painful knot forming right inside of his neck. You shivered as the coldness of the air hit your now unprotected body, your brows unconsciously furrowing in uncomfortableness as you kept sleeping.

"Rosi..." You said, voice sluggish and confused.

Hearing you was like a dagger stabbing his heart, your sweet voice almost making him crawl into bed to hold you tight, but he knew better than that.

Knowing you used to talk in your sleep, he remained quiet, eyes making sure you were still fast asleep as he sneakily got his uniform from the floor and, with one final look, he walked out of your apartment, leaving you alone, cold and hurt.

He felt awful. The minute he reached the patrol he broke down in tears, desperate sobs hurting his lungs as he felt as if he was getting a panic attack. He felt his entire body ache with the thought of leaving you like that. You were sensitive and sweet and he knew that the minute you woke up alone your heart would get broken once again.

Influenced by his cowardliness, he opened up his phone and blocked you on every platform. That way, you wouldn't be able to reach him through social media or through your phone. He couldn't take a confrontation form you, and he hadn't been brave enough to talk things with you. This would set the message straight and clear.

Pressing his forehead against the steering wheel, he waited until he calmed down, a whole new state of disgust taking over his mind.

He disgusted himself.

He had taken advantage of your vulnerable state and fucked you.

You had just been mugged and he had used you for sex.

You had been injured with a knife in the middle of the street and he, instead of fulfilling his role of ensuring your safety, used you for sex.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now