Together in Bed

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As his finger finally touched the place that had anxiously been waiting for him for what had already been a half hour of teasing, kissing and groping, your body felt like it was about to pass out.

He smirked as he saw you roll your eyes in pleasure, his one finger slowly entering you and feeling every single twitch of your muscles. Your womanhood tried to close upon him, flesh squeezing together in attempts of giving you a feeling of being full, but nothing. One finger wasn't enough.

Whimpering, you lifted your hips upwards, moaning when he reached even further inside you and curled his hand. That way, he reached a spot that had you seeing stars.

"Oh god!" You moaned. "Rosi, please!"

"Patience Princess." He said in his deep and rough voice. It drove you crazy. Scratch that.

Everything about him was driving you crazy.

He inserted a second finger, beginning to slowly yet harshly pump in and out of your cunt, juices flowing out of your most sensitive area as you were finally beginning to taste the satisfaction of an orgasm.

Your walls began to desperately clench around him, so he finally added a fourth finger, a small scream leaving your lips at the pressure applied inside of you. You repeatedly called his name, hands desperately grabbing onto his broad shoulders as he looked for your lips and kissed you passionately, pace inside you quickening until you finally reached your release.

He praised you sweetly, mumbling words of love and admiration into your ear while you rode your orgasm and recovered your breath.

"Rosi! Please just-"

"Not yet." He interrupted you, unhooking your bra, throwing it blindly at the floor and slowly slipping your underwear down your legs and throwing it the same way he had thrown your bra. "There's one final thing I've got to do first Crim." He finally said, amber eyes glistening from the light that seeped through his window in the dark.

Your body tingled nervously, finally understanding what he meant as he made his way down to your cunt, finger testing your lips and seeing how you were still sensitive and recovering from your finger-induced orgasm. With a happy smile, he ran his tongue through you, licking your juices off and finally getting a taste of you.

The simple smell of your arousal had already gotten him lightheaded, but, after tasting you, he was back in the game, your core's flavor working on him like a turn on switch. His tongue worked wonders on you, making you writhe and arch your back violently as you could do nothing but moan his name pleadingly.

If you tried to move your hands, he'd pin them back down on the back of your head, his lips leaving your area in the middle of his actions as punishment. When you began to buck your hips to meet his rhythm, he quickly stopped you by applying more pressure inside you and making you melt.

You were at his total mercy.

After only a couple of minutes of his administrations, you already felt another orgasm coming, but there was a problem. You were completely naked while the man hadn't even had the decency to take his clothes off.

Taking in a deep breath and gathering enough courage, you turned him around, pinning the man under you as you sat on top of his stomach. His eyes widened in shock, bulge throbbing in need as he saw you take control.

"Sorry Rosi." You grinned, quickly and very skillfully undressing him. "It's my turn."

Finishing off by pulling his underwear far away from the bed, you hovered over him and moaned into his ear while you stroked his shaft with your wetness. A desperate growl left his throat, the man not giving you a warning as he grabbed your hips harshly and slammed you down on him.

"Fuck~!" You said, finally feeling the satisfaction of being filled up to the brink by his huge manhood.

It felt a thousand times better than how you had imagined, the tears of pleasure and arousal coming back into your eyes as your hands gripped onto his muscles tightly. You had planned on riding him until making him cum, but your body couldn't move.

"Rosinante." You moaned. "This is amaz-" An erotic gasp interrupted your words as he turned you around, rapidly beginning to set a pace as he entered and exited you swiftly. First slowly, his lips eating your neck and ears up while you adjusted to him.

Then, it got even hotter.

He bended your knees and put you in such a position that let him reach as deep as possible, his tip practically reaching all the way up to your womb.

No words could leave your lips now, mind and body becoming a mush as you moved instinctively to accompany Rosinante's movements. Soon, he had you squealing, squirming, panting and sweaty as you once again called his name desperately, your walls closing in on him once you arrived to your high.

Simultaneously, Rosinante came together with you, spilling inside of you with a mixture of satisfied groans and grunts, the noises working like music to your ears.

"Shit (/N)." He said in satisfaction, plopping down next to you and quickly opening his arms so that you could cuddle to him, a chance you didn't miss. "That was amazing." He said, a wide smile on his lips as he leaned in to kiss you passionately.

Gosh my heart!

Nodding, you giggled, gathering just enough energy to climb on top of him and hide your face in the crook of his neck.

"I did not expect that." You mumbled in embarrassment.

"Expect what?" He asked with a chuckle as he traced circles on your naked back.

"Rosi, I hate that I'm saying this right now, but this has been the best I've ever had." You said happily, peeling your face off his neck to stare at his reaction.

There was a wide smile beaming back at you.

Mine too. He thought, but decided against saying it out loud.

"You're so beautiful. And amazing." He mumbled, hiding his face into your hair as he pulled you back down towards him.

There was a strong scent of sex lingering in the air and it was motivating him into suggesting a round two, but he was also very tired.

There was a pause as the two of you took the situation in. Your skin was sweaty and covered in sex, but neither of you could care less. This felt like paradise. Your bodies were pressed together as close as possible, breathing pattern completely coordinated as your chests rose up in sync. This was literally perfect. Blissfully perfect.

"Stay for the night." He said after a long pause.

"Mhm?" You asked, not sure if you heard him correctly.

"Please stay here for the night." He repeated, nose brushing against yours sweetly and sending a swarm of butterflies down to your stomach.

"A-are you sure?" You asked nervously, knowing men didn't usually appreciate when their one night stands slept in their beds and woke up with them. Then again, this was much more than a simple one night stand, or so you wanted to believe.

"I'm asking you." He replied with a smile, eyes glinting happily at you.

Chuckling with him, you nodded, kissing his lips one final time before you plopped back down on the mattress with a happy sigh. Biting your lip to contain your excitement, you snuggled against the sexy naked man that laid by your side, hands sliding around his upper waist so that you could drag yourself close to him.

With a satisfied hum, you let your lips travel back to his skin, depositing small and adoring kisses as you traced his muscles.

Not able to hold back anymore, Rosinante picked you up, placed you on top of his once again hardened bulge, and initiated round two by kissing you as his fingers massaged your scalp lovingly.

I understand now. This man is the god of fucking sex.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now