The Blood Bath

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Rosinante finally opened the door, a warm and nervous smile taking over his beautiful face as he stepped inside and made room for his father to squirm right in. Before even sparing your parents a glance, he looked for your form and found you adorably sitting down on a chair, which he had never even seen you use in the whole time you had been together, while you nervously fiddled with your hands.

"Rosi!" You smiled brightly, forgetting the context you found yourself in.

It had been two days since you last saw him, and, because of his job, you had hardly even had time to talk to him by the phone.

"Hi Cri- uh, (Y/N)." He stuttered, not wanting to call you as he usually did in front of your parents.

Ah shit! My parents.

"Mom! Dad! This is Rosinante." You scrambled up to your feet, gesturing at your boyfriend and then back at your parents.

"Mrs (L/N), Mr (L/N), it's a pleasure to finally meet you." He said nervously, internally hurraying himself at the high achievement of not stuttering at all during that sentence.

Your parents simply stared at him, taking their sweet time in analyzing the nervous blonde.

"And this is-" You began to introduce Rosinante's father, but he cut you off, the old man too excited about finally meeting you and your family.

"Sengoku! It really is so nice to finally meet you, (Y/N)." He said, a weird smile taking over his lips.

Is that the creepy smile Rosi was talking about?

"Rosinante has told me so much about you! You keep him distracted from work, but in a good way, you know?" His smile grew even more.

Rosinante looked at him with a blush, eyes widened in embarrassment as he not so subtly kicked his shin. This was a sign for his father that he was being weird again and, luckily for Rosinante, he got the message right away, the older police officer forcing his happy smile away from his lips in an instant.

You looked at your parents and recognized the snobby way they were looking at your, hopefully, future father in law. That look meant they were going to be little asses to him, so you decided to interrupt.

"It's a pleasure as well." You said elegantly, a little nervous about meeting the man that Rosinante looked up to and loved so much. "Please come in! Take a seat." You gestured at the free seats in front of your parents, who had yet to say anything.

As Sengoku moved out of the way, Rosinante smiled at you nervously and, with the intention of finally kissing your lips after spending a couple of excruciatingly long days away from each other, he came over to hug you. His lips searched for yours until, at the last second, he remembered your parents were watching him and he settled for your forehead.

With a frown, you looked up at the giant with a small disappointed pout. He shrugged his shoulders innocently, not wanting to give you an explanation with this public and sitting down next to where you had been sitting at.

"So! What do you do for a living?" Sengoku asked at your parents. He was clearly a very sociable person, and he was probably very excited to meet this people too, but, unluckily, your parents didn't share those same emotions.

"So (Y/N) tells us that you are both cops." Your father said, talking to him as if he was a whole social class below him.

I didn't say COP! Not cop! They don't like it when they-

"Yes!" He said cheerily, still not giving in to the bad energy and mood being put into the room by your parents. "Rosinante and I work together at the precinct." 

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now