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Ten minutes after Zoro's text, his loud knocks resounded through your minuscule apartment. They were as obnoxious as ever, a characteristic that allowed you to understand that it was indeed him at the door and not some random person.

Happy to have some company, you skip over to the door to greet your friend only for your smile to drop instantly. He looked like shit.

"Zoro?" You whispered.

He had bags under his eyes, jaw tight and clenched as if he was holding something to himself. Either rage, amusement, sadness, he was hiding something by distracting himself as he forced his jaw to clench tightly.

"I-" He couldn't continue, a knot in his throat as he kept his eye fixated on you.

Just then, you notice his reddened and very slightly puffy eyes.

"Oh my god." You gasp worriedly, embracing the much bigger man in your arms as it finally hits you.

Whatever happened to him had him crying like a baby, and he probably needed you to help him soothe this aching feelings. Your mother hen instincts kicked in immediately as you guided him quickly to your couch. Zoro clutched onto your form and cried softly against your neck, the man having tried his hardest to contain it but exploding the moment your arms took him in.

You were one of the people he trusted most in his life, so he wasn't embarrassed to cry in front of you whenever he needed to. In spite of his very masculine and closed off attitude, he could always open up to you easily.

You waited for a couple of minutes for him to get it out, rubbing soothing circles on his back and massaging his scalp sweetly. It was as if Zoro was your child. You wouldn't be able to rest until you knew what happened and who did this to him. Although you had a pretty good idea of what could have happened, you needed him to confirm this to you before you went around ripping some bitch's ugly blue hair off.

"Zoro?" You asked sweetly once his hold on you had softened a little, his puffy face still hidden inside your hair.

"Sorry." He mumbled, his body slumping forward between your body and the couch, in a way that he now laid on his stomach and squished between you and the cushions.

"Don't be." You said in a concerned tone. "You want to talk about it?"

He nods, not saying another word.

With a huff, you put all of your weight and strength into lifting him back up, letting his body rest in a more normal and comfortable seated position.

"Was it Tashigi?"

He huffs in disbelief, eyes widening and looking away from you.

So yes.

"Why are you always right?" He mumbles sadly.

The way those words leave his lips breaks your heart. What does he even mean? It hurts that he's so upset over whatever that bitch did to him. He's a strong man, and he probably got himself hooked up on that Tashigi girl far too easily.

Kind of like you had with Rosinante.

With a groan, he scooted closer to you, grabbing you delicately and hugging you as if you were his own little safety blanket. You didn't mind the closeness. You were a touchy and cuddly person, specially with those whom you loved, so him manhandling you like this in search of comfort didn't upset you at all. Not saying anything, you waited for him to continue.

"I just-" He let out an exasperated sigh, laying his chin on the top of your head. You took the chance to listen to his heartbeat, your head being pressed against his chest by himself. It was irregular. He was stressed and sad, possibly even lonely. "It's over with her." He finally begins. "She was just using me for sex." He grumbled.

The Cop (Donquixote Rosinante X Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now